植物学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (2): 185-193.DOI: 10.11983/CBB19013
所属专题: 逆境生物学专辑 (2019年54卷2期)
Lulu Li,Wenchao Yin,Mei Niu,Wenjing Meng,Xiaoxing Zhang,Hongning Tong()
Hongning Tong
摘要: 油菜素甾醇(BR)作为植物内源激素, 广泛参与植物的生长发育过程及逆境应答。虽然BR调控生长发育的分子机制目前已相对清楚, 但在水稻(Oryza sativa)中, BR在逆境反应中的功能还鲜有报道。该研究系统分析了BR在高盐胁迫过程中的作用, 表明盐胁迫和逆境激素脱落酸可抑制BR合成基因D2和D11的表达, 典型的BR缺陷突变体(如d2-2和d61-1)则表现出对盐胁迫敏感性增强。此外, 通过对BR核心转录因子OsBZR1的过表达株系进行分析, 发现BR可显著诱导OsBZR1的去磷酸化, 盐胁迫对OsBZR1蛋白的积累水平和磷酸化状态均有调控作用。转录组数据分析表明, BR处理前后差异表达基因中有38.4%同时受到盐胁迫调控, 其中91.5%受到BR和高盐一致调控, 并显著富集在应激反应过程中。研究结果表明, BR正调控水稻的耐盐性, 而盐胁迫通过抑制BR合成来限制水稻的生长。
栗露露,殷文超,牛梅,孟文静,张晓星,童红宁. 油菜素甾醇调控水稻盐胁迫应答的作用研究. 植物学报, 2019, 54(2): 185-193.
Lulu Li,Wenchao Yin,Mei Niu,Wenjing Meng,Xiaoxing Zhang,Hongning Tong. Functional Analysis of Brassinosteroids in Salt Stress Responses in Rice. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2019, 54(2): 185-193.
图1 不同时间高盐和ABA处理对水稻BR合成基因表达的影响(A) 盐处理后D2基因的表达; (B) 盐处理后D11基因的表达; (C) ABA处理后D2基因的表达; (D) ABA处理后D11基因的表达。* P< 0.05; *** P<0.001
Figure 1 Time-course expression of BR synthetic genes in rice following salt or ABA treatment(A) D2 expression after NaCl treatment; (B) D11 expression after NaCl treatment; (C) D2 expression after ABA treatment; (D) D11 expression after ABA treatment. * P<0.05; *** P<0.001
图2 盐胁迫下水稻BR缺陷突变体及其野生型的存活率(A) 盐处理后d2-2突变体及其野生型的生长情况; (B) 盐处理后d2-2突变体及其野生型的存活率统计; (C) 盐处理后d61-1突变体及其野生型的生长情况; (D) 盐处理后d61-1突变体及其野生型的存活率统计。** P<0.01
Figure 2 Survival rate of rice BR defective mutants and the wild type under salt stress(A) Growth status of d2-2 mutant and the wild type after salt treatment; (B) Statistic data of the survival rate of d2-2 and the wild type after salt treatment; (C) Growth status of d61-1 mutant and the wild type after salt treatment; (D) Statistic data of the survival rate of d61-1 and the wild type after salt treatment. ** P<0.01
图3 不同时间BR和盐处理对水稻OsBZR1蛋白的影响(A) BR处理对OsBZR1蛋白的影响; (B) 盐处理对OsBZR1蛋白的影响
Figure 3 Effects of BR and salt stress on OsBZR1 proteins in rice(A) Effect of BR treatment on OsBZR1 proteins; (B) Effect of salt treatment on OsBZR1 proteins
图4 BR、ABA和盐处理后水稻差异基因共调控分析(A) BR和ABA与盐差异调控基因的共调控分析; (B) BR上调(BR-UP)和下调(BR-DN)以及NaCl上调(NaCl-UP)和下调(NaCl-DN)基因的共调控分析。图中显示差异基因的分布及数目。
Figure 4 Co-regulation analyses of BR-, ABA- and NaCl-regulated genes of rice(A) Co-regulated gene numbers between BR-, ABA- and NaCl-regulated different expression genes (DEGs); (B) Co-regulation analyses among BR-upregulated (BR-UP), BR-downregulated (BR-DN), NaCl-upregulated (NaCl-UP) and NaCl-downregulated (NaCl-DN) genes. Distribution of the gene numbers was indicated.
图5 水稻189个BR和盐共调控基因的聚类分析(A) 生物学途径聚类分析; (B) 生物学途径、细胞组分及分子功能的聚类分析
Figure 5 Gene Ontology analyses of the 189 BR-NaCl co-regulated genes of rice(A) GO analyses in term of the biological process; (B) GO analyses in terms of biological process, cellular component, and molecular function
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