植物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (3): 383-396.DOI: 10.11983/CBB24013 cstr: 32102.14.CBB24013
杜锦瑜1,2,3,4, 孙震2,3,4, 苏彦龙2,3,4, 王贺萍2,3,4, 刘亚玲5, 吴振映2,3,4, 何峰2,3,4,*(), 赵彦1,*(
), 付春祥2,3,4,*(
E-mail: 基金资助:
Jinyu Du1,2,3,4, Zhen Sun2,3,4, Yanlong Su2,3,4, Heping Wang2,3,4, Yaling Liu5, Zhenying Wu2,3,4, Feng He2,3,4,*(), Yan Zhao1,*(
), Chunxiang Fu2,3,4,*(
E-mail: 摘要: 蒙古冰草(即沙芦草(Agropyron mongolicum))是我国北方代表性的多年生牧草之一, 具有较强的耐寒和耐旱能力。在植物中, 咖啡酸氧甲基转移酶基因(COMT)是参与木质素和褪黑素生物合成的关键基因, 在调节植物生长、品质和抗逆性中发挥重要作用。通过分析蒙古冰草全长转录组数据, 从蒙古冰草中克隆了COMT候选基因AmCOMT1。该基因在茎秆和根等木质素含量高的组织中高表达, 且其表达受多种非生物胁迫诱导。在拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)野生型(Col-0)和突变体(omt1-2)中过表达AmCOMT1, 显著促进了转基因拟南芥的木质素合成, 使突变体的木质素单体和组分恢复至野生型水平, 同时Col-0/35S:AmCOMT1中木质素总量提高11%。此外, AmCOMT1过表达显著提高了Col-0/35S:AmCOMT1转基因拟南芥的褪黑素含量。在盐胁迫条件下, 该株系平均根长相比野生型拟南芥提高20.3%, 表现出更强的抗逆性。综上,蒙古冰草AmCOMT1基因在木质素和褪黑素合成中发挥关键作用, 可提高转基因拟南芥的抗逆性, 在蒙古冰草等单子叶牧草遗传改良方面具有重要应用潜力。
杜锦瑜, 孙震, 苏彦龙, 王贺萍, 刘亚玲, 吴振映, 何峰, 赵彦, 付春祥. 蒙古冰草咖啡酸氧甲基转移酶基因AmCOMT1的鉴定及功能分析. 植物学报, 2024, 59(3): 383-396.
Jinyu Du, Zhen Sun, Yanlong Su, Heping Wang, Yaling Liu, Zhenying Wu, Feng He, Yan Zhao, Chunxiang Fu. Identification and Functional Analysis of an Agropyron mongolicum Caffeic Acid 3-O-methyltransferase Gene AmCOMT1. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2024, 59(3): 383-396.
Purpose | Primer name | Sequence (5′-3′) |
Positive detection | M13F | ACTGGCCGTCGTTTTAC |
Identification of Arabidopsis mutant | LP | TCCGGTTTGCAAGTATTTGAC |
表1 本研究使用的引物
Table 1 Primers used in this study
Purpose | Primer name | Sequence (5′-3′) |
Positive detection | M13F | ACTGGCCGTCGTTTTAC |
Identification of Arabidopsis mutant | LP | TCCGGTTTGCAAGTATTTGAC |
图1 不同物种中COMT蛋白的系统进化树分析 通过NCBI数据库获得不同物种来源的COMT蛋白和拟南芥CCoAOMT序列, 与本实验克隆到的AmCOMT1序列经MEGA软件进行比对后通过邻接法(Neighbor-Joining, NJ)构建系统进化树(Bootstrap=1 000)
Figure 1 Phylogenetic tree of COMT proteins in different species COMT protein sequences from different species and CCoAOMT sequence from Arabidopsis were obtained from NCBI database, and the phylogenetic tree (Bootstrap=1 000) was constructed by Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method with MEGA with AmCOMT1.
图3 AmCOMT1在蒙古冰草不同组织及不同胁迫诱导下的表达情况 (A) 蒙古冰草不同组织中AmCOMT1的表达(R: 根; S: 茎; LB: 叶片; LS: 叶鞘; I: 幼穗); (B), (C) 50和150 mmol·L-1 NaCl处理下AmCOMT1的表达; (D), (E) 75和150 mmol·L-1甘露醇处理下AmCOMT1的表达。柱状图中的不同小写字母表示根据ANOVA分析结果(n=3)数据间存在显著性差异(P<0.05), NS表示差异不显著, ** P<0.01。
Figure 3 Expression of AmCOMT1 in different tissue of Agropyron mongolicum and under different treatments (A) The expression of AmCOMT1 in different tissues of A. mongolicum (R: Root; S: Stem; LB: Leaf blade; LS: Leaf sheath; I: Inflorescence); (B), (C) The expression of AmCOMT1 under 50 and 150 mmol·L-1 NaCl treatments; (D), (E) The expression of AmCOMT1 under 75 and 150 mmol·L-1 mannitol treatments. Different lowercase letters in the bar chart indicate significant differences (P<0.05) among the data according to the results of ANOVA analysis (n=3), NS indicate not significant, ** P<0.01.
图4 转基因拟南芥的表型和木质素染色分析 (A), (B) 转基因拟南芥中AmCOMT1的表达水平; (C) 转基因拟南芥在培养箱中生长8周后与Col-0及omt1-2的生长状态比较(bar=3.5 cm); (D), (E) 转基因拟南芥茎切片的间苯三酚染色(D)和Mäule染色结果(E) (bars=100 μm)。
Figure 4 Phenotypic and lignin staining analysis of transgenic Arabidopsis (A), (B) Expression level of AmCOMT1 in transgenic Arabidopsis; (C) 8-week-old transgenic Arabidopsis plants comparing with Col-0 and omt1-2; (D), (E) Lignin staining of stem cross section of different Arabidopsis lines with phloroglucinol staining method (D) and Mäule staining method (E) (bars=100 μm).
图5 过表达AmCOMT1对拟南芥Col-0和omt1-2突变体木质素含量(A)、组分(B)和S/G比例(C)的影响 柱状图中的不同小写字母表示根据ANOVA分析结果(n=3)数据间存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。
Figure 5 Effects of AmCOMT1 overexpression on lignin content (A), composition (B), and S/G ratio (C) of Arabidopsis Col-0 and omt1-2 Different lowercase letters in the bar chart indicate significant differences (P<0.05) among the data according to the results of ANOVA analysis (n=3).
图6 过表达AmCOMT1对转基因拟南芥褪黑素合成和耐盐性的影响 (A) 拟南芥不同株系中的褪黑素含量; (B), (C) 盐胁迫处理后拟南芥不同株系的根长统计和生长表型(bars=1 cm)。柱状图中的不同小写字母表示根据ANOVA分析结果(n=3)数据间存在显著性差异(P<0.05)。
Figure 6 Overexpression of AmCOMT1 improved melatonin synthesis and salt tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis (A) Melatonin content in different Arabidopsis lines; (B), (C) Root length and growth phenotype of different Arabidopsis lines growing on plates after NaCl treatment (bars=1 cm). Different lowercase letters in the bar chart indicate significant differences (P<0.05) among the data according to the results of ANOVA analysis (n=3).
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