植物学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (5): 661-670.DOI: 10.11983/CBB17141
曾引伟, 曹玉曼, 沙煦旸, 李淑霞, 杨培志, 呼天明, 刘金隆*()
Zeng Yinwei, Cao Yuman, Sha Xuyang, Li Shuxia, Yang Peizhi, Hu Tianming, Liu Jinlong*()
Liu Jinlong
About author:
These authors contributed equally to this paper
摘要: 实时观测根瘤及根系形态对于豆科植物研究具有重要意义, 但目前还缺乏一个便于观测根系、高效结瘤、适宜生长且经济实用的豆科植物培养体系。以蒺藜苜蓿(Medicago truncatula)为植物材料, 建立了一种可实时观测根瘤及根系形态的纸袋水培法, 并与其它常用方法进行对比。结果表明, 依赖于石英砂等固体介质栽培蒺藜苜蓿对根瘤和根系形态的实时观测造成障碍, 而水培和喷雾培养等方法的根瘤菌接种效率不高, 且不便观测侧根发育情况。采用纸袋水培法探讨了褪黑素对蒺藜苜蓿根系发育的影响, 发现褪黑素具有降低根瘤形成效率、抑制侧根伸长、增加侧根数目以及增大侧根与主根之间夹角等作用。因此, 纸袋水培法能够高效接种根瘤菌且为实时无损伤观测根瘤及根系形态提供了可能, 是一种适用于豆科植物简单有效的培养方法。
曾引伟, 曹玉曼, 沙煦旸, 李淑霞, 杨培志, 呼天明, 刘金隆. 一种简单有效的非损伤观测根瘤和根系形态的方法. 植物学报, 2018, 53(5): 661-670.
Zeng Yinwei, Cao Yuman, Sha Xuyang, Li Shuxia, Yang Peizhi, Hu Tianming, Liu Jinlong. An Observation Method of Nodule and Root Morphology without Damage in Real-time. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2018, 53(5): 661-670.
图1 纸袋水培法示意图(右侧为对应实物图)(A) 种子发芽; (B) 水培育苗; (C) 纸袋水培装置
Figure 1 Diagram of paper-based Ziplock bag hydroponics system (right side is the picture of the actual object)(A) Seed germination; (B) Water culture seedlings; (C) Paper-based Ziplock bag hydroponics device
Treatment | Number of nodule per plant | Lateral root length (cm) | Number of lateral root per plant | Angle of lateral root with primary root (°) | Secondary lateral root |
Control | 70.7±2.5 | 4.1±0.2 | 86.3±4.2 | 52.3±2.1 | YES |
Melatonin (50 μmol·mL-1) | 21.3±1.5*** | 1.7±0.2*** | 143.3±7.1*** | 85.7±3.1*** | NO |
表1 褪黑素(50 μmol∙mL-1)处理对蒺藜苜蓿侧根发育及根瘤接种效果的影响(平均值±标准差, n=12)
Table 1 Effects of melatonin (50 μmol·mL-1) treatment on lateral root development and the inoculation of nodules in Medicago truncatula (means±SD, n=12)
Treatment | Number of nodule per plant | Lateral root length (cm) | Number of lateral root per plant | Angle of lateral root with primary root (°) | Secondary lateral root |
Control | 70.7±2.5 | 4.1±0.2 | 86.3±4.2 | 52.3±2.1 | YES |
Melatonin (50 μmol·mL-1) | 21.3±1.5*** | 1.7±0.2*** | 143.3±7.1*** | 85.7±3.1*** | NO |
图2 不同培养方式对蒺藜苜蓿接种根瘤及根系形态的影响(A)-(C) 沙培法, (A) 沙培装置; (B) 根系及接种根瘤情况; (C) 掉落的根系; (D)-(F) 水培法, (D) 水培整体; (E) 根系形态; (F) E图中的局部根系及根瘤放大; (G)-(I) 喷雾培养法, (G) 喷雾培养装置; (H) 根系形态; (I) H图中的局部根系及根瘤放大; (J)-(M) 纸袋水培法, (J) 地上部分(左侧为R108, 右侧是A17); (K) 根系形态; (L) 地上部分及根系, (M) L图中的局部根系及根瘤放大。红色箭头为根瘤, 绿色箭头为石英砂; 除J和K图中蒺藜苜蓿为7周龄, 其余均为6周龄。
Figure 2 Effects of different culture methods on inoculation of nodules and root morphology of Medicago truncatula(A)-(C) Sand culture method, (A) Sand culture device; (B) Root morphology and nodules; (C) The lost roots; (D)-(F) Hydroponics, (D) Hydroponics; (E) Root morphology; (F) The enlarged image of local roots and nodules of Figure E; (G)-(I) Aeroponics, (G) Aeroponics device; (H) Root morphology; (I) The enlarged image of local roots and nodules of Figure H; (J)-(M) Paper-based Ziplock bag hydroponics method, (J) Above-ground parts of M. truncatula (the left side is R108, the right is A17); (K) Root morphology; (L) The whole plants of M. truncatula; (M) The enlarged image of local roots and nodules of Figure L. Red arrows for the nodules, green arrows for the quartz sand; The M. truncatula is 6 weeks old except Figure J and K which is 7 weeks old.
图3 不同培养方式对蒺藜苜蓿根瘤数目的影响(平均值±标准差, n=12)不同小写字母表示不同方法之间差异显著(P<0.05)。
Figure 3 Effects of different culture methods on the number of inoculated nodules in Medicago truncatula (means±SD, n=12)Different lowercase letters represent significant difference among different methods (P<0.05).
图4 蒺藜苜蓿水培(单株)根瘤数目(A) 整株情况; (B) 接瘤局部根系
Figure 4 The number of inoculated nodules of Medicago truncatula by hydroponics (single plant)(A) The whole plant; (B) The local roots with nodules
图5 褪黑素(50 μmol·mL-1)不同处理时间对蒺藜苜蓿侧根生长及根瘤形成的影响(n=12)(A) 侧根生长的动态变化; (B) 根瘤的形成。* P<0.05水平差异显著; ** P<0.01水平差异非常显著; *** P<0.001水平差异极显著。
Figure 5 Effects of melatonin (50 μmol·mL-1) on nodule formation and lateral root development of Medicago truncatula(A) Dynamic changes of lateral root growth; (B) The formation of nodules. * Represent significant differences at P<0.05; ** Represent highly significant differences at P<0.01; *** Represent extremely significant differences at P<0.001.
图6 褪黑素(50 μmol?mL–1)对蒺藜苜蓿(6周龄)根系的影响(A) 对照; (B) 褪黑素处理; (C) 主根、侧根、二级侧根和根瘤; (D) 主侧根夹角
Figure 6 Effect of melatonin (50 μmol?mL–1) on the root system of Medicago truncatula (6 weeks old)(A) Control; (B) Melatonin treatment; (C) Primary root, lateral root, secondary lateral root and nodules; (D) Angle of lateral root with primary root
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