植物学报 ›› 2021, Vol. 56 ›› Issue (1): 25-32.DOI: 10.11983/CBB20148
潘晨阳1, 叶涵斐1, 周维永3, 王盛1, 李梦佳1, 路梅1, 李三峰2, 朱旭东2, 王跃星2, 饶玉春1,*(), 戴高兴3,*(
Chenyang Pan1, Hanfei Ye1, Weiyong Zhou3, Sheng Wang1, Mengjia Li1, Mei Lu1, Sanfeng Li2, Xudong Zhu2, Yuexing Wang2, Yuchun Rao1,*(), Gaoxing Dai3,*(
Yuchun Rao,Gaoxing Dai
摘要: 水稻(Oryza sativa)是全世界重要的经济作物之一, 稻田镉(Cd)污染和镉积累问题严重威胁世界水稻的产量和品质以及人类健康, 如何降低水稻中镉积累已成为热点问题。以籼稻品种华占(HZ)为父本、粳稻品种热研2号(Nekken2)为母本, 连续自交多代后得到120个重组自交系群体, 对其镉积累进行检测和分析, 同时利用遗传图谱进行QTL作图。结果共检测到7个QTLs, 分别位于水稻第2、3、9和12号染色体上, 其中1个LOD值高达4.97。对这些QTL区间内与耐金属离子胁迫相关的候选基因进行定量分析, 发现LOC_Os02g50240、LOC_Os02g52780、LOC_Os09g31200、LOC_Os09g35030和LOC_Os09g37949这5个基因在双亲间的表达量差异显著, 结合亲本对不同金属离子的浓度积累数据, 推测LOC_ Os02g50240、LOC_Os09g31200及LOC_Os09g35030的高表达可能极大地提高了水稻对镉离子的吸收和胁迫耐受能力。通过QTL挖掘和分析, 发现这些基因与水稻籽粒的镉积累有关, 可能影响水稻耐镉胁迫的能力。研究结果为进一步筛选和培育耐镉胁迫的水稻品种创造了条件, 为阐明水稻镉积累的分子调控机制奠定了基础。
潘晨阳, 叶涵斐, 周维永, 王盛, 李梦佳, 路梅, 李三峰, 朱旭东, 王跃星, 饶玉春, 戴高兴. 水稻籽粒镉积累QTL定位及候选基因分析. 植物学报, 2021, 56(1): 25-32.
Chenyang Pan, Hanfei Ye, Weiyong Zhou, Sheng Wang, Mengjia Li, Mei Lu, Sanfeng Li, Xudong Zhu, Yuexing Wang, Yuchun Rao, Gaoxing Dai. QTL Mapping of Candidate Genes Involved in Cd Accumulation in Rice Grain. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2021, 56(1): 25-32.
Primer name | Sequence (5'-3') | Tm (°C) | Length (bp) |
LOC_Os02g50240-F-qrt | CTTCAAGGACCCATTCAGGA | 60.04 | 113 |
LOC_Os02g50240-R-qrt | TGAAGATCTTGGCAGCATTG | 59.95 | |
LOC_Os02g52780-F-qrt | GTTTTCAAAGGTGGGCTGAG | 59.71 | 148 |
LOC_Os02g52780-R-qrt | CCTCAGCTTCCAATTCCATC | 59.68 | |
LOC_Os09g31200-F-qrt | GCGACAAGAAGGATCAGGAG | 59.95 | 117 |
LOC_Os09g31200-R-qrt | AGAAGCAGTTCTGGCAGAGG | 59.75 | |
LOC_Os09g35030-F-qrt | GGATCAAGCAGGAGATGAGC | 59.92 | 135 |
LOC_Os09g35030-R-qrt | GCCTCGTCTCCCTGAACTT | 59.39 | |
LOC_Os09g37949-F-qrt | GGAAATCTGCCGATCAGTGT | 60.08 | 123 |
LOC_Os09g37949-R-qrt | GGGTCCTTCGATGGGTTTAT | 60.02 |
表1 qRT-PCR所用引物序列
Table 1 Primer sequences for qRT-PCR
Primer name | Sequence (5'-3') | Tm (°C) | Length (bp) |
LOC_Os02g50240-F-qrt | CTTCAAGGACCCATTCAGGA | 60.04 | 113 |
LOC_Os02g50240-R-qrt | TGAAGATCTTGGCAGCATTG | 59.95 | |
LOC_Os02g52780-F-qrt | GTTTTCAAAGGTGGGCTGAG | 59.71 | 148 |
LOC_Os02g52780-R-qrt | CCTCAGCTTCCAATTCCATC | 59.68 | |
LOC_Os09g31200-F-qrt | GCGACAAGAAGGATCAGGAG | 59.95 | 117 |
LOC_Os09g31200-R-qrt | AGAAGCAGTTCTGGCAGAGG | 59.75 | |
LOC_Os09g35030-F-qrt | GGATCAAGCAGGAGATGAGC | 59.92 | 135 |
LOC_Os09g35030-R-qrt | GCCTCGTCTCCCTGAACTT | 59.39 | |
LOC_Os09g37949-F-qrt | GGAAATCTGCCGATCAGTGT | 60.08 | 123 |
LOC_Os09g37949-R-qrt | GGGTCCTTCGATGGGTTTAT | 60.02 |
QTL | Chromosome | Physical distance (bp) | Position of support (cM) | Limit of detection |
qRCd-1 | 2 | 30302111-35902152 | 129.90-153.90 | 4.48 |
qRCd-2 | 3 | 5112031-5335542 | 21.91-22.87 | 2.51 |
qRCd-3 | 3 | 6338887-6654517 | 27.17-28.53 | 2.61 |
qRCd-4 | 9 | 13883217-15424344 | 59.51-66.12 | 4.32 |
qRCd-5 | 9 | 16779765-22230863 | 71.93-95.30 | 4.97 |
qRCd-6 | 9 | 22748818-22938953 | 97.52-98.33 | 2.60 |
qRCd-7 | 12 | 21976412-22336740 | 94.21-95.75 | 2.66 |
表2 水稻重组自交系(RIL)群体籽粒中镉含量的QTL分析
Table 2 QTL analysis of Cd contents in rice grains of the recombinant inbred line (RIL)
QTL | Chromosome | Physical distance (bp) | Position of support (cM) | Limit of detection |
qRCd-1 | 2 | 30302111-35902152 | 129.90-153.90 | 4.48 |
qRCd-2 | 3 | 5112031-5335542 | 21.91-22.87 | 2.51 |
qRCd-3 | 3 | 6338887-6654517 | 27.17-28.53 | 2.61 |
qRCd-4 | 9 | 13883217-15424344 | 59.51-66.12 | 4.32 |
qRCd-5 | 9 | 16779765-22230863 | 71.93-95.30 | 4.97 |
qRCd-6 | 9 | 22748818-22938953 | 97.52-98.33 | 2.60 |
qRCd-7 | 12 | 21976412-22336740 | 94.21-95.75 | 2.66 |
Chromosome | Gene | Function | Object |
2 | LOC_Os02g50240 | It participates in the regulation of various biological processes and stress response | Cytoplasmic glutamine synthetase |
2 | LOC_Os02g52780 | It regulates ABA-dependent stress-related gene expression to enhance the plant tolerance of drought and salt | Transcription factors bZIP |
9 | LOC_Os09g31200 | A major determinant of plant response to stress | Zinc finger protein |
9 | LOC_Os09g35030 | It specifically combines with drought response elements and controls many stress-induced genes | Transcription factors AP2/EREBP |
9 | LOC_Os09g37949 | It plays an important role in salt stress response | Receptor protein kinase |
表3 水稻镉积累候选基因的功能
Table 3 The function of candidate genes related to the accumulation of cadmium in rice
Chromosome | Gene | Function | Object |
2 | LOC_Os02g50240 | It participates in the regulation of various biological processes and stress response | Cytoplasmic glutamine synthetase |
2 | LOC_Os02g52780 | It regulates ABA-dependent stress-related gene expression to enhance the plant tolerance of drought and salt | Transcription factors bZIP |
9 | LOC_Os09g31200 | A major determinant of plant response to stress | Zinc finger protein |
9 | LOC_Os09g35030 | It specifically combines with drought response elements and controls many stress-induced genes | Transcription factors AP2/EREBP |
9 | LOC_Os09g37949 | It plays an important role in salt stress response | Receptor protein kinase |
图4 水稻镉积累候选基因表达量差异 ** 表示差异极显著(P<0.01)。
Figure 4 Differences in the expression level of candidate genes involved in cadmium accumulation in rice ** indicate extremely significant differences (P<0.01).
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