Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2022, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (5): 588-595.DOI: 10.11983/CBB22114
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Wei Heping1,†, Lu Tao2,†, Jia Qiwei2, Deng Fei3, Zhu Hao3, Qi Zehua1, Wang Yuxi1, Ye Hanfei2, Yin Wenjing2, Fang Yuan2, Mu Dan1,*(), Rao Yuchun2,*(
Mu Dan,Rao Yuchun
About author:
ryc@zjnu.cnWei Heping, Lu Tao, Jia Qiwei, Deng Fei, Zhu Hao, Qi Zehua, Wang Yuxi, Ye Hanfei, Yin Wenjing, Fang Yuan, Mu Dan, Rao Yuchun. QTL Mapping of Candidate Genes for Heading Date in Rice[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2022, 57(5): 588-595.
Primer name | Forward primer (5′-3′) | Reverse primer (5′-3′) |
Table 1 qRT-PCR primer sequences
Primer name | Forward primer (5′-3′) | Reverse primer (5′-3′) |
QTL | Chromosome | Physical distance (bp) | Position of support (cM) | Likelihood of odd (LOD) |
qhd-1 | 1 | 25257953-25481977 | 108.27-109.23 | 3.75 |
qhd-3 | 3 | 13767411-14882947 | 54.53-63.79 | 3.82 |
qhd-4 | 3 | 15628988-15779451 | 66.72-67.64 | 3.09 |
qhd-5 | 3 | 17197291-17357469 | 73.72-74.40 | 3.33 |
qhd-6 | 3 | 28536151-33494350 | 122.32-143.58 | 4.87 |
qhd-7 | 4 | 2572479-3906500 | 11.02-16.74 | 3.17 |
qhd-8 | 4 | 31066905-34944379 | 133.17-149.79 | 5.75 |
qhd-9 | 5 | 26262798-26850392 | 112.58-115.10 | 3.14 |
qhd-10 | 6 | 4227455-4659759 | 18.12-19.97 | 3.97 |
qhd-11 | 8 | 3480879-4936569 | 18.12-19.97 | 5.06 |
qhd-12 | 12 | 26219257-27272729 | 112.39-116.97 | 3.98 |
Table 2 Analysis of QTL for heading date in rice
QTL | Chromosome | Physical distance (bp) | Position of support (cM) | Likelihood of odd (LOD) |
qhd-1 | 1 | 25257953-25481977 | 108.27-109.23 | 3.75 |
qhd-3 | 3 | 13767411-14882947 | 54.53-63.79 | 3.82 |
qhd-4 | 3 | 15628988-15779451 | 66.72-67.64 | 3.09 |
qhd-5 | 3 | 17197291-17357469 | 73.72-74.40 | 3.33 |
qhd-6 | 3 | 28536151-33494350 | 122.32-143.58 | 4.87 |
qhd-7 | 4 | 2572479-3906500 | 11.02-16.74 | 3.17 |
qhd-8 | 4 | 31066905-34944379 | 133.17-149.79 | 5.75 |
qhd-9 | 5 | 26262798-26850392 | 112.58-115.10 | 3.14 |
qhd-10 | 6 | 4227455-4659759 | 18.12-19.97 | 3.97 |
qhd-11 | 8 | 3480879-4936569 | 18.12-19.97 | 5.06 |
qhd-12 | 12 | 26219257-27272729 | 112.39-116.97 | 3.98 |
Chromosome | Gene name | Function |
3 | LOC_Os03g50310 | Regulation of rice blast resistance through salicylic acid and ethylene signaling pathways, mediating heading stage |
3 | LOC_Os03g55389 | Delaying flowering time by inhibiting the expression of FT-like genes |
3 | LOC_Os03g57940 | Negative regulation of gibberellin signaling by phosphorylating the DELLA protein SLR1 |
3 | LOC_Os03g03070 | Involved in the regulation of adventitious root formation in rice by regulating auxin transport |
4 | LOC_Os04g55510 | Mediates ubiquitination to degrade Hd1 through a 26S proteasome-mediated pathway |
8 | LOC_Os08g07740 | Controlling the yield, plant height and heading date of rice |
8 | LOC_Os08g01420 | Induction of rice heading by inhibiting Ghd7 |
8 | LOC_Os08g01670 | Regulation of pectin methyl esterification levels |
Table 3 The function of candidate genes
Chromosome | Gene name | Function |
3 | LOC_Os03g50310 | Regulation of rice blast resistance through salicylic acid and ethylene signaling pathways, mediating heading stage |
3 | LOC_Os03g55389 | Delaying flowering time by inhibiting the expression of FT-like genes |
3 | LOC_Os03g57940 | Negative regulation of gibberellin signaling by phosphorylating the DELLA protein SLR1 |
3 | LOC_Os03g03070 | Involved in the regulation of adventitious root formation in rice by regulating auxin transport |
4 | LOC_Os04g55510 | Mediates ubiquitination to degrade Hd1 through a 26S proteasome-mediated pathway |
8 | LOC_Os08g07740 | Controlling the yield, plant height and heading date of rice |
8 | LOC_Os08g01420 | Induction of rice heading by inhibiting Ghd7 |
8 | LOC_Os08g01670 | Regulation of pectin methyl esterification levels |
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