植物学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (2): 199-213.DOI: 10.11983/CBB22129

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王琪1, 吴允哲2,*(), 刘学英2, 孙丽莉1, 廖红1, 傅向东1,2,*()   

  1. 1福建农林大学根系生物学研究中心, 福州 350002
    2中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所, 植物细胞与染色体工程国家重点实验室, 北京 100101
  • 收稿日期:2022-06-22 接受日期:2022-10-24 出版日期:2023-03-01 发布日期:2023-03-15
  • 通讯作者: *E-mail: wuyunzhe@genetics.ac.cn;xdfu@genetics.ac.cn
  • 基金资助:

The Rice Receptor-like Kinases Function as Key Regulators of Plant Development and Adaptation to the Environment

Qi Wang1, Yunzhe Wu2,*(), Xueying Liu2, Lili Sun1, Hong Liao1, Xiangdong Fu1,2,*()   

  1. 1Root Biology Center, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
    2State Key Laboratory of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
  • Received:2022-06-22 Accepted:2022-10-24 Online:2023-03-01 Published:2023-03-15
  • Contact: *E-mail: wuyunzhe@genetics.ac.cn;xdfu@genetics.ac.cn

摘要: 类受体激酶(RLKs)是一类数量庞大的跨膜蛋白激酶家族, 在植物细胞之间以及细胞与环境的信号交流中发挥重要作用。RLKs的胞外区能特异识别并结合胞外信号和环境刺激因子, 并通过与共受体互作将信号传递至细胞内, 从而参与调控植物生长发育及环境适应性。目前已发现水稻(Oryza sativa)基因组至少含有1 131个RLKs成员, 接近于拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)中RLKs数目的2倍。根据胞外区的基序和结构域特征, 水稻RLKs被划分为20多个亚家族。近年来, 虽然有一些RLKs胞外区的配体和激酶区的作用蛋白被相继报道, 但大多数水稻RLKs的生物学功能仍不明确。该文详细总结了近年来有关水稻RLKs结构和功能的重要研究进展, 并展望了RLKs未来的研究方向, 旨在为深入揭示RLKs的功能以及绿色高产水稻分子设计育种奠定理论基础。

关键词: 水稻, 类受体激酶, 生长发育, 环境适应, 设计育种

Abstract: Receptor-like kinases (RLKs) are a large family of transmembrane protein kinases, which play an important role in the regulation of cell communication and signal transduction under different environmental conditions. The extracellular region of RLKs can sense and transmit extracellular and environmental signals that mediate by the specific binding of ligands, which in turn initiates a series of downstream signaling pathways through the interaction with its co-receptors, thus regulating plant growth, development, and environmental adaptation. The rice (Oryza sativa) genome contains at least 1 131 RLKs, nearly twice the number found in Arabidopsis thaliana. RLKs are further divided into more than 20 subfamilies based on the characteristic motifs and structural domains of their extracellular regions. Although ligands and interacting proteins of some RLKs have been identified, the biological functions of most RLKs remain unclear in rice. In this review, we summarize current advances in understanding the mechanisms of RLKs-mediated signaling pathways and their contributions to plant growth and environmental adaptations in rice. The progress in understanding of RLKs and function roles in regulating plant growth, development and their adaptations to environments will facilitate breeding strategies for future sustainable agriculture and a new Green Revolution.

Key words: rice, receptor-like kinases, growth and development, environmental adaptation, breeding by design