植物学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (5): 606-619.DOI: 10.11983/CBB19053
Chun Zhou1,Ran Jiao1,Ping Hu2,Han Lin1,Juan Hu1,Na Xu1,Xianmei Wu2,Yuchun Rao1,*(),Yuexing Wang2,*(
Yuchun Rao,Yuexing Wang
摘要: 衰老是植物发育末期自主发生且不可逆的适应性反应, 叶片早衰相关分子机制研究对水稻(Oryza sativa)遗传改良以及抗衰老品种培育有重要意义。LS-es1是通过EMS诱变粳稻品种TP309获得的稳定遗传的早衰突变体。对LS-es1及其野生型的表型观察和生理生化分析表明, LS-es1叶片中积累了大量活性氧且细胞死亡更多, 同时LS-es1与产量相关的农艺性状均显著下降, 这也验证了LS-es1早衰的特征。对LS-es1及其野生型幼苗进行外源激素处理, 结果表明LS-es1对水杨酸(SA)、脱落酸(ABA)和茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)更敏感。用图位克隆方法将LS-es1基因定位在水稻第7号染色体长臂46.2 kb区间内, 该区间共包括8个开放阅读框(ORF)。对该区间内的基因进行生物信息学分析, 结果发现Os07g0275300和Os07g0276000两个候选功能基因与早衰途径相关, 并且这2个基因的表达量在野生型和突变体中差异较大。研究结果为进一步克隆LS-es1基因并深入研究其生物学功能奠定了基础。
周纯,焦然,胡萍,林晗,胡娟,徐娜,吴先美,饶玉春,王跃星. 水稻早衰突变体LS-es1的基因定位及候选基因分析. 植物学报, 2019, 54(5): 606-619.
Chun Zhou,Ran Jiao,Ping Hu,Han Lin,Juan Hu,Na Xu,Xianmei Wu,Yuchun Rao,Yuexing Wang. Gene Mapping and Candidate Gene Analysis of Rice Early Senescence Mutant LS-es1. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2019, 54(5): 606-619.
Primer name | Forward primer (5'-3') | Reverse primer (5'-3') |
表1 基因定位及qRT-PCR所用引物序列
Table 1 Primers used for gene mapping and qRT-PCR
Primer name | Forward primer (5'-3') | Reverse primer (5'-3') |
图1 水稻野生型(WT) TP309和突变体LS-es1的表型特征 (A) 苗期表型; (B) 分蘖期表型; (C) 成熟期表型。Bars=6 cm
Figure 1 Phenotypes of rice wild type (WT) TP309 and mu- tant LS-es1 (A) Phenotypes at seedling stage; (B) Phenotypes at tillering stage; (C) Phenotypes at maturity stage. Bars=6 cm
Agronomic traits | TP309 | LS-es1 |
Effective number of panicle | 13.40±5.41 | 8.20±0.84 |
Flag leaf length (cm) | 39.46±8.16 | 35.68±4.08 |
Secondary branch number | 29.80±6.87 | 18.00±4.47* |
Tiller number | 16.40±5.46 | 11.40±2.70 |
Filled grain number per panicle | 169.60±8.08 | 125.60±24.83** |
Seed-setting rate (%) | 81.01±6.98 | 64.76±17.23 |
表2 水稻野生型TP309和突变体LS-es1的农艺性状比较
Table 2 The comparison of agronomic traits between rice wild type TP309 and mutant LS-es1
Agronomic traits | TP309 | LS-es1 |
Effective number of panicle | 13.40±5.41 | 8.20±0.84 |
Flag leaf length (cm) | 39.46±8.16 | 35.68±4.08 |
Secondary branch number | 29.80±6.87 | 18.00±4.47* |
Tiller number | 16.40±5.46 | 11.40±2.70 |
Filled grain number per panicle | 169.60±8.08 | 125.60±24.83** |
Seed-setting rate (%) | 81.01±6.98 | 64.76±17.23 |
图2 水稻野生型(WT) TP309和突变体LS-es1的农艺性状比较 (A) 穗长; (B) 株高; (C) 一次枝梗数; (D) 千粒重。*和**分别表示TP309与LS-es1在0.05和0.01水平上差异显著。
Figure 2 The comparison of agronomic traits between rice wild type (WT) TP309 and mutant LS-es1 (A) Panicle length; (B) Plant height; (C) Primary branch number; (D) 1000-grain weight. * and ** indicate significant differences between TP309 and LS-es1 at 0.05 and 0.01 level, respectively.
图3 水稻野生型(WT) TP309和突变体LS-es1的叶片组织细胞化学分析 (A) 野生型和突变体叶片的DAB染色(Bar=2 cm); (B) 野生型和突变体叶片的NBT染色(Bar=2 cm); (C), (E) 野生型TP309叶片Tunel检测(Bars=100 μm); (D), (F) 突变体LS-es1叶片Tunel检测(Bars=100 μm)
Figure 3 Histochemical analysis of rice wild type (WT) TP309 and mutant LS-es1 leaves DAB staining of wild-type and LS-es1 leaves (Bar=2 cm);(B) NBT staining of wild-type and LS-es1 leaves (Bar=2 cm); (C), (E) Tunel detection of wild-type leaves (Bars=100 μm); (D), (F) Tunel detection of LS-es1 leaves (Bars=100 μm).
图4 抽穗期水稻突变体LS-es1及其野生型(WT)叶片的过氧化氢酶(CAT) (A)、过氧化物酶(POD) (B)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD) (C)活性以及丙二醛(MDA) (D)和过氧化氢(H2O2) (E)含量 *和**分别表示TP309与LS-es1在0.05和0.01水平上差异显著。
Figure 4 Catalase (CAT) (A), peroxisome (POD) (B), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) (C) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) (D) and H2O2 (E) contents of LS-es1 and wild type (WT) at heading stage of rice * and ** indicate significant differences between TP309 and LS-es1 at 0.05 and 0.01 level, respectively.
Net photosynthetic rate | Stomatal conductance | Intercellular CO2 concentration | Transpiration rate | SPAD | |
TP309 | 9.4±0.961 | 0.110±0.01 | 263±3 | 4.63±0.289 | 40.633±1.206 |
LS-es1 | 2.225±1.407** | 0.0403±0.007** | 312.5±10.606** | 2.3±0.283** | 27.65±2.333** |
表3 水稻野生型TP309和突变体LS-es1的叶绿素相对含量(SPAD值)和光合速率比较
Table 3 The comparison of SPAD value and photosynthetic rate between rice TP309 and LS-es1
Net photosynthetic rate | Stomatal conductance | Intercellular CO2 concentration | Transpiration rate | SPAD | |
TP309 | 9.4±0.961 | 0.110±0.01 | 263±3 | 4.63±0.289 | 40.633±1.206 |
LS-es1 | 2.225±1.407** | 0.0403±0.007** | 312.5±10.606** | 2.3±0.283** | 27.65±2.333** |
图5 水稻野生型(WT) TP309和突变体LS-es1叶片的透射电镜(TEM)观察 (A) TP309叶片细胞, 6000X; (B) TP309叶片细胞, 25000X; (C) TP309叶片细胞, 40000X; (D) LS-es1叶片细胞, 6000X; (E) LS-es1叶片细胞, 25000X; (F) LS-es1叶片细胞, 40000X。N: 细胞核; C: 叶绿体; Thy: 类囊体; S: 淀粉颗粒; Og: 嗜锇小体。Bars=1 μm
Figure 5 Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analysis of chloroplast in rice wild type (WT) TP309 and mutant LS-es1 (A) TP309 leaf cells in 6000X; (B) TP309 leaf cells in 25000X; (C) TP309 leaf cells in 40000X; (D) LS-es1 leaf cells in 6000X; (E) LS-es1 leaf cells in 25000X; (F) LS-es1 leaf cells in 40000X. N: Cell nucleus; C: Chloroplast; Thy: Thylakoid; S: Starch granule; Og: Eosinophil. Bars=1 μm
图6 水稻野生型TP309和突变体LS-es1籽粒的扫描电镜(SEM)观察 (A), (B) TP309籽粒; (C), (D) LS-es1籽粒。(A), (C) Bars=1 mm; (B), (D) Bars=100 μm
Figure 6 Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of seeds in rice wild type TP309 and mutant LS-es1 (A), (B) TP309 seed; (C), (D) LS-es1 seed. (A), (C) Bars=1 mm; (B), (D) Bars=100 μm
图7 外源激素处理对水稻野生型(WT) TP309和突变体LS-es1幼苗生长的抑制作用 (A) 水杨酸(SA)处理(上), 脱落酸(ABA)处理(中), 茉莉酸甲酯(MeJA)处理(下) (Bars=2 cm); (B) 激素处理后芽长的比较; (C) 激素处理后根长的比较。** 表示TP309与LS-es1在0.01水平上差异显著。
Figure 7 Inhibition of exogenous hormone treatment on the growth of seedlings in rice wild type (WT) TP309 and mutant LS-es1 (A) Salicylic acid (SA) (top), abscisic acid (ABA) (middle), methyl jasmonate (MeJA) (bottom) (Bars=2 cm); (B) Comparison of shoot length of TP309 and LS-es1 seedlings treated with hormones; (C) Comparison of root length of TP309 and LS-es1 seedlings treated with hormones. ** indicate significant differences at 0.01 level between TP309 and LS-es1.
Hybrid combination (male/female) | F1 pheno- type | Namber of F2 normal phenotype | Namber of F2 mutant phenotype | Number of F2 population | χ2 (3:1) |
LS-es1/TN1 | Normal | 1381 | 471 | 1852 | 0.1842 |
LS-es1/ZF802 | Normal | 526 | 178 | 704 | 0.0303 |
表4 水稻早衰突变体LS-es1的遗传分析
Table 4 Genetic analysis of rice early senescence phenotypes of LS-es1
Hybrid combination (male/female) | F1 pheno- type | Namber of F2 normal phenotype | Namber of F2 mutant phenotype | Number of F2 population | χ2 (3:1) |
LS-es1/TN1 | Normal | 1381 | 471 | 1852 | 0.1842 |
LS-es1/ZF802 | Normal | 526 | 178 | 704 | 0.0303 |
图9 水稻早衰突变体LS-es1候选基因及衰老相关基因的表达量 ** 表示TP309和LS-es1在0.01水平上差异显著。
Figure 9 Expression of LS-es1 candidate genes and senescence-related genes in rice ** indicate significant differences at 0.01 level.
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