植物学报 ›› 2018, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 456-467.DOI: 10.11983/CBB17226
Wei Hua1,2, Wang Yan1,2, Liu Baohui3, Wang Lei1,2,*()
Wang Lei
About author:
These authors contributed equally to this paper
摘要: 作为植物细胞内部的授时机制, 生物钟系统主要包括信号输入、核心振荡器和信号输出3个主要部分。该系统通过感受外界光照和温度等环境因子的昼夜周期性变化动态, 协调植物生长发育、代谢与生理反应, 赋予植物对生存环境的适应性。植物生物钟系统的核心振荡器通过多层级调控复杂的下游信号转导网络来参与调节植物生长发育及对生物与非生物胁迫的适应性。该文概述了近年来生物钟核心振荡器及其调控植物生长发育过程诸方面的研究进展, 并初步提出了植物时间生物学研究领域一些亟待解决的科学问题, 以期为生物钟领域的研究成果在作物分子育种方面的利用提供理论借鉴。
魏华, 王岩, 刘宝辉, 王雷. 植物生物钟及其调控生长发育的研究进展. 植物学报, 2018, 53(4): 456-467.
Wei Hua, Wang Yan, Liu Baohui, Wang Lei. Deciphering the Underlying Mechanism of the Plant Circadian System and Its Regulation on Plant Growth and Development. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2018, 53(4): 456-467.
图1 生物钟调控拟南芥生长发育模型拟南芥生物钟系统主要包括输入途径、核心振荡器和输出途径三大部分。其中核心振荡器由多个相互联锁的转录翻译反馈环组成, 是生物钟系统的重要组成部分, 包括早循环、中心循环和晚循环, 它能够整合外界环境信号协调多种生理进程(虚线椭圆内部分)。核心振荡器接收传入的环境时间信号, 在细胞中产生内源性的昼夜节律, 并将时间信息传达到输出途径, 从而控制众多生命活动, 下胚轴伸长、病原体防御、生物和非生物胁迫响应、激素代谢和光周期调控的开花等。
Figure 1 A proposed model of circadian clock regulated growth and development in ArabidopsisIn higher plants, circadian clock is composed of three major parts, including input pathways, core oscillator and output pathways. The core oscillator is formed by interlocked feedback loops, such as morning loop, central loop and evening loop, indicated by the dotted oval in the figure. Circadian core oscillator regulates multiple outputs, such as hypocotyl elongation, pathogen defense, biotic and abiotic stress adaption, plant hormone signaling pathways and flowering time.
图2 生物钟调控水稻抽穗期模式水稻中OsELF3.1维持生物钟周期并参与调控水稻抽穗期。在长日照条件下, OsELF3.1是开花负调节因子, 作用于OsPRR73和Ghd7的上游, 通过抑制Hd3a和Ehd1调控开花; 在短日照条件下, OsELF3.1是开花正调节因子, 通过感受蓝光信号激活Ehd1的表达进而促进开花。OsPRR37和OsGI也参与维持生物钟周期, 具体调控对光周期的敏感性, 控制水稻抽穗期。
Figure 2 The proposed model for circadian clock regulating heading date in riceIn rice, OsELF3.1 is a key factor to maintain circadian rhythm and regulate heading date. In the long day condition, OsELF3.1 acts as a negative factor by repressing Hd3a and Ehd1 to regulate heading date, genetically works at the upstream of OsPRR73 and Ghd7, while in short day condition, OsELF3.1 can work as a positive regulator by sensing the blue light signaling to promote Ehd1 expression. OsPRR37 and OsGI are other essential components of rice circadian clock to regulate heading date in rice through photoperiod dependent pathway.
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