Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (6): 912-931.DOI: 10.11983/CBB24127 cstr: 32102.14.CBB24127
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Juan Yang1,2,†, Yuelei Zhao3,†, Xiaoyuan Chen2, Baobao Wang3,*(), Haiyang Wang1,*(
About author:
†These authors contributed equally to this paper
Juan Yang, Yuelei Zhao, Xiaoyuan Chen, Baobao Wang, Haiyang Wang. Regulation Mechanism and Breeding Application of Flowering Time in Maize[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2024, 59(6): 912-931.
性状 | 幼龄叶 | 成年叶 |
叶片形状 | 窄、短 | 宽、长 |
表皮蜡质 | 有 | 无 |
表皮毛 | 无 | 有 |
叶片泡状细胞 | 无 | 有 |
叶片中脉 | 无 | 有 |
角质层厚度 | 1 μm | 3 μm |
甲苯胺蓝染色 | 红紫色 | 蓝绿色 |
Table 1 Traits during the juvenile-to-adult vegetative transition in maize
性状 | 幼龄叶 | 成年叶 |
叶片形状 | 窄、短 | 宽、长 |
表皮蜡质 | 有 | 无 |
表皮毛 | 无 | 有 |
叶片泡状细胞 | 无 | 有 |
叶片中脉 | 无 | 有 |
角质层厚度 | 1 μm | 3 μm |
甲苯胺蓝染色 | 红紫色 | 蓝绿色 |
Figure 1 Typical traits during the vegetative phase change and floral transition in maize (Moose and Sisco, 1994; Foerster et al., 2015) LLEW: Last leaf with epicuticular wax; SAM: Shoot apical meristem; IM: Inflorescence meristem; V4: The 4th leaf stage; V5: The 5th leaf stage. Red and blue boxes indicate the typical characteristics of vegetative phase change (bars=100 μm) and floral transition (bars=100 μm), respectively.
Figure 2 Morphological changes of early maize tassel and ear development (A) Maize (inbred line B73) is a monoecious plant with separate male and female flowers (bar=30 cm); (B) The process of tassel development in maize (bars=100 μm); (C) The process of ear development in maize (bars=100 μm). SAM: Shoot apical meristem; IM: Inflorescence meristem; BM: Branch meristem; SPM: Spikelet-paired meristem; SM: Spikelet meristem; FM: Floret meristem; AM: Axillary meristem. V3-V9 indicate the 3rd to 9th leaf stages.
数量性状基因座 | 基因号 | 亲本 | 性状 | 染色体定位 | 贡献率(%) | 参考文献 |
QTL1 | Zm00001d007886 (ZmEMD2) | B73, Mo17 | LLEW | 2 | 38.0 | Foerster et al., |
QTL2 | Zm00001d046621 (Gl15) | B73, Mo17 | LLEW | 9 | 47.0 | Foerster et al., |
qVT9-1 | Zm00001d046621 (Gl15) | maize, teosinte | LLEW | 9 | 52.0 | Xu et al., |
Table 2 The details of the vegetative phase change quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in maize
数量性状基因座 | 基因号 | 亲本 | 性状 | 染色体定位 | 贡献率(%) | 参考文献 |
QTL1 | Zm00001d007886 (ZmEMD2) | B73, Mo17 | LLEW | 2 | 38.0 | Foerster et al., |
QTL2 | Zm00001d046621 (Gl15) | B73, Mo17 | LLEW | 9 | 47.0 | Foerster et al., |
qVT9-1 | Zm00001d046621 (Gl15) | maize, teosinte | LLEW | 9 | 52.0 | Xu et al., |
Figure 3 The regulatory model of the vegetative phase change in maize Solid arrows and T-lines represent activation and repression, respectively. The dotted T-lines represent the repression to be verified. GA and JA indicate gibberellin and jasmonic acid, respectively. Bars=100 μm.
数量性状基因座 | 基因号 | 亲本 | 性状 | 染色体定位 | 贡献率(%) | 参考文献 |
Vegetative to generative transition 1 (Vgt1) | Zm00001d010987 (ZmRap2.7) | B73, Mo17; N28, C22-4 | DPS | 8 | 31.00 | Beavis et al., Salvi et al., |
Vgt2/qDTA8 | Zm00001d010752 (ZCN8) | W22, 8759 | DTA | 8 | Guo et al., | |
qDTA3-2 | Zm00001d042315 (ZmMADS69) | W22, 8759 | DTA | 3 | Liang et al., | |
qLB7-1 | Zm00001d022613 (dlf1) | W22, 8759 | LB | 7 | Sun et al., | |
Oft10/qDTA10 | Zm00001d024909 (ZmCCT/ZmCCT10) | F7, OGD; CML228, CML277, Ki11 | DPS | 10 | 15.60 | Hung et al., |
qDTA9 | Zm00001d000176 (ZmCCT9) | maize, teosinte | DTA | 9 | Huang et al., | |
qLN10 | Zm00001d026252 (ZmWRKY14) | H127R, Chang7-2 | LN | 10 | 17.01 | Li et al., |
qDPS10-2 | Zm00001d024230 (ZmNF-YA2) | HZ4, CML288 | DPS | 10 | 20.40 | Su et al., |
qPR9 | Zm00001d045735 (ZmCONZ1) | B73, TIL11 | DTA, LN | 9 | Wu et al., | |
qFT3_218 | Zm00001d044232 (ZmELF3.1) | NAM, RILs | DTS, DTA | 3 | Zhao et al., |
Table 3 The details of the floral transition quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in maize
数量性状基因座 | 基因号 | 亲本 | 性状 | 染色体定位 | 贡献率(%) | 参考文献 |
Vegetative to generative transition 1 (Vgt1) | Zm00001d010987 (ZmRap2.7) | B73, Mo17; N28, C22-4 | DPS | 8 | 31.00 | Beavis et al., Salvi et al., |
Vgt2/qDTA8 | Zm00001d010752 (ZCN8) | W22, 8759 | DTA | 8 | Guo et al., | |
qDTA3-2 | Zm00001d042315 (ZmMADS69) | W22, 8759 | DTA | 3 | Liang et al., | |
qLB7-1 | Zm00001d022613 (dlf1) | W22, 8759 | LB | 7 | Sun et al., | |
Oft10/qDTA10 | Zm00001d024909 (ZmCCT/ZmCCT10) | F7, OGD; CML228, CML277, Ki11 | DPS | 10 | 15.60 | Hung et al., |
qDTA9 | Zm00001d000176 (ZmCCT9) | maize, teosinte | DTA | 9 | Huang et al., | |
qLN10 | Zm00001d026252 (ZmWRKY14) | H127R, Chang7-2 | LN | 10 | 17.01 | Li et al., |
qDPS10-2 | Zm00001d024230 (ZmNF-YA2) | HZ4, CML288 | DPS | 10 | 20.40 | Su et al., |
qPR9 | Zm00001d045735 (ZmCONZ1) | B73, TIL11 | DTA, LN | 9 | Wu et al., | |
qFT3_218 | Zm00001d044232 (ZmELF3.1) | NAM, RILs | DTS, DTA | 3 | Zhao et al., |
Figure 4 The regulatory model of the floral transition in maize (revised from Dong et al., 2012) Solid arrows and T-lines represent activation and repression, respectively. The dotted arrows and T-lines represent the activation and repression to be verified, respectively. CK: Cytokinin; GA: Gibberellin; SAM: Shoot apical meristem; IM: Inflorescence meristem. Bars=100 μm
Figure 5 Schematic diagram of functional natural variation of key flowering genes in maize (Salvi et al., 2007; Yang et al., 2013; Huang et al., 2018; Guo et al., 2018; Wu et al., 2023; Zhao et al., 2023; Li et al., 2023c; Chen et al., 2024)
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