Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (6): 1007-1023.DOI: 10.11983/CBB24104  cstr: 32102.14.CBB24104

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Research Progress on Heat Stress Impact on Maize Growth and Heat-Tolerant Maize Screening in China

Hengyu Yan, Zhaoxia Li, Yubin Li*()   

  1. Qingdao Agriculture University, Qingdao 266109, China
  • Received:2024-07-15 Accepted:2024-10-30 Online:2024-11-10 Published:2024-10-31
  • Contact: *E-mail:

Abstract: Climate change-induced global average temperature rise poses a severe threat to food production, in which maize, one of the three major global staple crops, is particularly susceptible to high temperatures. High temperatures significantly impact maize at various stages of its growth and development, especially during the reproductive growth stage, which can drastically reduce maize yields. Here we summarize the effects of high temperatures on maize at different growth stages, including germination, seedling, late vegetative growth, flowering, and grain-filling stages. We also review the main molecular mechanisms by which maize responds to heat stress, including heat shock and unfolded protein responses. Furthermore, we summarize the latest advances in heat-tolerant maize breeding in China. A batch of heat-tolerant hybrids and inbred lines have been identified through artificial high-temperature treatments and open field trials under natural high-temperature. In addition, we proposed important future research strategies in developing heat-tolerance maize, including new technological methods such as phenomics, genome-wide association studies, and genomic selection-based breeding, combined with intelligent agricultural management measures. We aim to cultivate maize varieties with high heat tolerance to cope with the high-temperature challenges brought about by climate change, thereby ensuring global food security.

Key words: maize, heat stress, growth and development, heat response, heat tolerance/susceptibility