Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (6): 883-902.DOI: 10.11983/CBB24089 cstr: 32102.14.CBB24089
• INVITED REVIEWS • Previous Articles Next Articles
Ziyang Wang, Shengxue Liu, Zhirui Yang, Feng Qin*()
Ziyang Wang, Shengxue Liu, Zhirui Yang, Feng Qin. Genetic Dissection of Drought Resistance in Maize[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2024, 59(6): 883-902.
Figure 1 Percentage of crop affected by drought out of all abiotic stress in China from 2012 to 2023 (data were obtained from China Statistical Abstract 2023)
Figure 2 Different ways of maize response to drought stress and potential approaches of genetic improvement of drought resistance P1: Donor parent with drought resistant genes; P2: The recurrent parent with excellent agronomic traits but drought resistance that needs improvement. All the genes are cloned from Zea mays. For simplicity, ‘Zm’ and ‘Zea mays’ are omitted in gene names. ABA: Abscisic acid; CK: Cytokinin; ET: Endothelin; GA: Gibberellin; JA: Jasmonic acid; ASI: Anthesis and silking interval; M1, M2: Molecular marker
抗旱基因 | 基因功能 | 参考文献 |
ABH4 | 编码脱落酸8'-羟化酶, 调控脱落酸的水平 | Blankenagel et al., |
ACS6 | 编码ACC合酶 | Young et al., |
ALDH22A1 | 编码醛脱氢酶 | Huang et al., |
ARGOS8 | 乙烯反应的负调控因子 | Shi et al., |
ASR1 | 调控支链氨基酸的生物合成 | Virlouvet et al., |
ALKBH10 | 编码m6A脱甲基酶 | Miao et al., |
bZIP4 | 促进侧根数量增加和主根伸长 | Ma et al., |
CIPK3 | 提高干旱胁迫下种子根的长度 | Li et al., |
cPGM2 | 编码磷酸葡萄糖变位酶, 参与糖代谢 | Wu et al., |
CPK4 | 参与钙信号转导及脱落酸介导的气孔关闭 | Jiang et al., |
DRESH8 | 产生siRNA, 调控干旱应答和种子大小基因的表达 | Sun et al., |
DRO1 | 根尖向重力性和根系构型 | Feng et al., |
EREB46 | 叶片表皮蜡质积累 | Yang et al., |
EXPA4 | 促进雌穂生长, 减小干旱诱导产生的散粉和吐丝时间间隔 | Liu et al., |
FAB1A | 编码1-磷脂酰肌醇-4-磷酸-5-激酶, 参与磷酸肌醇代谢 | Wu et al., |
GLK44 | 调控玉米的色氨酸合成 | Zhang et al., |
IRX15A | 负调控叶片的气孔密度 | Zhang et al., |
LRT | 抑制玉米侧根的起始和伸长 | Zhang et al., |
NAC111 | 调控气孔关闭, 提高水分利用效率 | Mao et al., |
NF-YA1 | 茉莉酸信号转导、组蛋白修饰和染色质重塑 | Yang et al., |
PP2C26 | 负调控脱落酸信号转导 | Lu et al., |
PP84 | 抑制气孔关闭 | Guo et al., |
PTF1 | 促进根系发育和脱落酸合成 | Li et al., |
PTPN | 编码新型核苷酸酶 | Zhang et al., |
RBOHC | 编码NADPH氧化酶 | Gao et al., |
RFP1 | 编码E3连接酶 | Xia et al., |
Rtn16 | 编码网状蛋白, 增强液泡H+-ATPase活性 | Tian et al., |
SKL1/2 | 减少干旱下活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)的积累 | Liu et al., |
SRL5 | 参与角质层蜡质结构的形成 | Pan et al., |
SRO1d | 提高气孔的ROS含量, 促进气孔关闭 | Gao et al., |
TIFY16 | 与茉莉酸信号途径的MYC2互作 | Zhang et al., |
TIP1 | 编码S-酰基转移酶, 促进根毛伸长 | Zhang et al., |
VPP1 | 编码质膜H+-ATPase, 促进根系发育 | Wang et al., |
WRKY106 | 增强抗氧化相关酶活性, 降低ROS含量 | Wang et al., |
WRKY40 | 增强抗氧化相关酶活性, 降低ROS含量 | Wang et al., |
WRKY79 | 促进脱落酸的生物合成 | Gulzar et al., |
Xerico1 | 调控脱落酸的代谢稳态 | Brugière et al., |
Table 1 Drought-resistant genes identified in maize and the main functions
抗旱基因 | 基因功能 | 参考文献 |
ABH4 | 编码脱落酸8'-羟化酶, 调控脱落酸的水平 | Blankenagel et al., |
ACS6 | 编码ACC合酶 | Young et al., |
ALDH22A1 | 编码醛脱氢酶 | Huang et al., |
ARGOS8 | 乙烯反应的负调控因子 | Shi et al., |
ASR1 | 调控支链氨基酸的生物合成 | Virlouvet et al., |
ALKBH10 | 编码m6A脱甲基酶 | Miao et al., |
bZIP4 | 促进侧根数量增加和主根伸长 | Ma et al., |
CIPK3 | 提高干旱胁迫下种子根的长度 | Li et al., |
cPGM2 | 编码磷酸葡萄糖变位酶, 参与糖代谢 | Wu et al., |
CPK4 | 参与钙信号转导及脱落酸介导的气孔关闭 | Jiang et al., |
DRESH8 | 产生siRNA, 调控干旱应答和种子大小基因的表达 | Sun et al., |
DRO1 | 根尖向重力性和根系构型 | Feng et al., |
EREB46 | 叶片表皮蜡质积累 | Yang et al., |
EXPA4 | 促进雌穂生长, 减小干旱诱导产生的散粉和吐丝时间间隔 | Liu et al., |
FAB1A | 编码1-磷脂酰肌醇-4-磷酸-5-激酶, 参与磷酸肌醇代谢 | Wu et al., |
GLK44 | 调控玉米的色氨酸合成 | Zhang et al., |
IRX15A | 负调控叶片的气孔密度 | Zhang et al., |
LRT | 抑制玉米侧根的起始和伸长 | Zhang et al., |
NAC111 | 调控气孔关闭, 提高水分利用效率 | Mao et al., |
NF-YA1 | 茉莉酸信号转导、组蛋白修饰和染色质重塑 | Yang et al., |
PP2C26 | 负调控脱落酸信号转导 | Lu et al., |
PP84 | 抑制气孔关闭 | Guo et al., |
PTF1 | 促进根系发育和脱落酸合成 | Li et al., |
PTPN | 编码新型核苷酸酶 | Zhang et al., |
RBOHC | 编码NADPH氧化酶 | Gao et al., |
RFP1 | 编码E3连接酶 | Xia et al., |
Rtn16 | 编码网状蛋白, 增强液泡H+-ATPase活性 | Tian et al., |
SKL1/2 | 减少干旱下活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS)的积累 | Liu et al., |
SRL5 | 参与角质层蜡质结构的形成 | Pan et al., |
SRO1d | 提高气孔的ROS含量, 促进气孔关闭 | Gao et al., |
TIFY16 | 与茉莉酸信号途径的MYC2互作 | Zhang et al., |
TIP1 | 编码S-酰基转移酶, 促进根毛伸长 | Zhang et al., |
VPP1 | 编码质膜H+-ATPase, 促进根系发育 | Wang et al., |
WRKY106 | 增强抗氧化相关酶活性, 降低ROS含量 | Wang et al., |
WRKY40 | 增强抗氧化相关酶活性, 降低ROS含量 | Wang et al., |
WRKY79 | 促进脱落酸的生物合成 | Gulzar et al., |
Xerico1 | 调控脱落酸的代谢稳态 | Brugière et al., |
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