Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (2): 291-301.DOI: 10.11983/CBB23143 cstr: 32102.14.CBB23143
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Jing Xia1,†, Yuchun Rao2,†, Danyun Cao1, Yi Wang1, Linxin Liu1, Yating Xu1, Wangshu Mou1,*(), Dawei Xue1,*(
* E-mail: About author:
† These authors contributed equally to this paper
Jing Xia, Yuchun Rao, Danyun Cao, Yi Wang, Linxin Liu, Yating Xu, Wangshu Mou, Dawei Xue. Research Progress on the Regulatory Mechanisms of OsACS and OsACO in Rice Ethylene Biosynthesis[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2024, 59(2): 291-301.
Figure 2 Phylogenetic tree of the ACC synthase (ACS) protein sequences of Oryza sativa (Os), Hordeum vulgare (Hv), Arabidopsis thaliana (At) and Solanum lycopersicum (Sl)
Figure 3 The structure of three types of ACS proteins in rice (refer to Lee and Yoon, 2018) CDPK: Calcium-dependent protein kinase; MAPK: Mitogen- activated protein kinase. ACS is the same as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 4 Sequence alignment of C-terminal amino acids of Type II ACSs from Oryza sativa (Os), Arabidopsis thaliana (At) and Solanum lycopersicum (Sl) The near invariant TOE motif sequence WVFRLSF/W are shown in red, while the possible conserved TOE motif in OsACS1 is marked with red box. ACS is the same as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 5 Phylogenetic tree for ACC oxidase (ACO) protein sequences of Oryza sativa (Os), Hordeum vulgare (Hv), Arabidopsis thaliana (At) and Solanum lycopersicum (Sl)
Figure 6 ACO protein sequence alignment of Oryza sativa (Os), Hordeum vulgare (Hv), Arabidopsis thaliana (At) and Solanum lycopersicum (Sl) ACO is the same as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 7 The structure of three types of ACO proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana (refer to Pattyn et al., 2021) Post-translational modifications at C63 include S-glutathionylation (SSG) and S-sulfhydration (SSH), while modifications at C168 involve S-nitrosylation (SNO). ACO is the same as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 8 AtACO2 and OsACOs protein sequence alignment The blue stars represent the two conserved cysteine residue sites (C63 and C168) in AtACO2, and red box indicates the conserved cysteine residues (C168) of the OsACOs.
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