植物学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (1): 62-76.DOI: 10.11983/CBB22172
所属专题: 杂粮生物学专辑 (2023年58卷1期)
刘佳佳, 张大众, 张渊博, 张楚楚, 周佳玥, 熊亚红, 卓振生, 饶煜健, 冯佰利*()
*E-mail: fengbaili@nwafu.edu.cn
Jiajia Liu, Dazhong Zhang, Yuanbo Zhang, Chuchu Zhang, Jiayue Zhou, Yahong Xiong, Zhensheng Zhuo, Yujian Rao, Baili Feng*()
*E-mail: fengbaili@nwafu.edu.cn
摘要: 提高糜子(Panicum miliaceum)镉耐受性与低积累能力对镉污染地区糜子的安全生产具有重要意义。该研究以镉耐受和镉敏感糜子品种为材料, 通过苗期水培和全生育期盆栽试验, 分析不同形态硒和四价碲对镉胁迫下糜子生长、根系形态、镉吸收转运和籽粒矿质营养含量的影响。结果表明, 外源添加硒和碲能缓解镉毒害, 其中有机硒缓解效果较好。与单独镉处理相比, 硒和碲能够促进根系直径增加并抑制镉吸收, 最高可使根系镉含量降低33%。此外, 硒和碲能够增加细胞壁和液泡中镉的占比, 提高镉耐受性。叶面喷施硒提高了糜子籽粒中锌、锰和钼等矿质营养元素含量。无机四价硒能更有效地抑制镉从营养器官向籽粒的转运, 在5 mg·kg-1镉处理下, 可使镉敏感和镉耐受品种籽粒镉含量分别降低11.3%和20.3%。综上, 外源添加硒能够显著提高糜子镉耐受性并减少籽粒镉积累。研究结果可为镉污染地区糜子的安全生产提供参考。
刘佳佳, 张大众, 张渊博, 张楚楚, 周佳玥, 熊亚红, 卓振生, 饶煜健, 冯佰利. 硒和碲对缓解糜子镉毒害及减少籽粒镉积累的调控效应. 植物学报, 2023, 58(1): 62-76.
Jiajia Liu, Dazhong Zhang, Yuanbo Zhang, Chuchu Zhang, Jiayue Zhou, Yahong Xiong, Zhensheng Zhuo, Yujian Rao, Baili Feng. Regulatory Effects of Selenium and Tellurium on Alleviating Cadmium Toxicity and Reducing Grain Cadmium Accumulation in Broomcorn Millet (Panicum miliaceum). Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2023, 58(1): 62-76.
Treatment | Abbreviation |
Control | CK |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2 | Cd |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 Na2SeO3 | SeIV |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 SeMet | SeMet |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 Na2TeO3 | Te |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 Na2SeO3+ 5 μmol?L-1 Na2TeO3 | SeIV+Te |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 SeMet+ 5 μmol?L-1 Na2TeO3 | SeMet+Te |
表1 试验设计
Table 1 Experimental design
Treatment | Abbreviation |
Control | CK |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2 | Cd |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 Na2SeO3 | SeIV |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 SeMet | SeMet |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 Na2TeO3 | Te |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 Na2SeO3+ 5 μmol?L-1 Na2TeO3 | SeIV+Te |
15 μmol?L-1 CdCl2+5 μmol?L-1 SeMet+ 5 μmol?L-1 Na2TeO3 | SeMet+Te |
图1 Se和Te对Cd胁迫下Cd敏感(VS)和Cd耐受(VT)糜子品种生长参数的影响 (A) 生长情况(bar=10 cm); (B) 株高和最大根长; (C) 地上部和根系生物量; (D) Cd耐受指数。CK、Cd、SeIV、SeMet、Te、SeIV+Te和SeMet+Te同表1。不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。
Figure 1 Effects of Se and Te on growth parameters of Cd-sensitive (VS) and Cd-tolerant (VT) broomcorn millet varieties under Cd stress (A) Growth (bar=10 cm); (B) Plant height and maximum root length; (C) Shoot and root biomass; (D) Cd tolerance index. CK, Cd, SeIV, SeMet, Te, SeIV+Te, and SeMet+Te are the same as shown in Table 1. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among differerent treatments (P<0.05).
图2 Se和Te对Cd胁迫下Cd敏感(VS)和Cd耐受(VT)糜子品种根系性状的影响 (A) Cd敏感品种(VS)根系扫描图(bars=5 cm); (B) Cd耐受品种(VT)根系扫描图(bars=5 cm); (C) 总根长; (D) 根系表面积; (E) 根系体积; (F) 根系直径。CK、Cd、SeIV、SeMet、Te、SeIV+Te和SeMet+Te同表1。不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。
Figure 2 Effects of Se and Te on root traits of Cd-sensitive (VS) and Cd-tolerant (VT) broomcorn millet varieties under Cd stress (A) Root scanned picture of Cd-sensitive variety (VS) (bars=5 cm); (B) Root scanned picture of Cd-tolerant variety (VT) (bars=5 cm); (C) Total root length; (D) Root surface area; (E) Root volume; (F) Root diameter. CK, Cd, SeIV, SeMet, Te, SeIV+Te, and SeMet+Te are the same as shown in Table 1. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments (P<0.05).
图3 Se和Te对Cd胁迫下Cd敏感(VS)和Cd耐受(VT)糜子品种生理指标的影响 (A) 超氧阴离子(O2-.)含量; (B) 过氧化氢(H2O2)含量; (C) 还原型谷胱甘肽(GSH)含量; (D) 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性; (E) 过氧化物酶(POD)活性; (F) 丙二醛(MDA)含量。CK、Cd、SeIV、SeMet、Te、SeIV+Te和SeMet+Te含义同表1。不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。
Figure 3 Effects of Se and Te on physiological indexes of Cd-sensitive (VS) and Cd-tolerant (VT) broomcorn millet varieties under Cd stress (A) Superoxide anion (O2-.) content; (B) Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) content; (C) Reduced glutathione (GSH) content; (D) Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity; (E) Peroxidase (POD) activity; (F) Malondialdehyde (MDA) content. CK, Cd, SeIV, SeMet, Te, SeIV+Te, and SeMet+Te are the same as shown in Table 1. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments (P<0.05).
图4 Se和Te对Cd胁迫下Cd敏感(VS)和Cd耐受(VT)糜子品种幼苗Cd吸收转运和亚细胞分布的影响 (A) Cd含量; (B) Cd转运系数; (C) 地上部(S)和根部(R)细胞壁组分(Fcw)、细胞器组分(Fco)和细胞质组分(Fs) Cd占比。CK、Cd、SeIV、SeMet、Te、SeIV+Te和SeMet+Te含义同表1。不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。
Figure 4 Effects of Se and Te on Cd uptake and translocation and Cd subcellular distribution in seedlings of Cd-sensitive (VS) and Cd-tolerant (VT) broomcorn millet varieties under Cd stress (A) Cd content; (B) Cd translocation factor; (C) Cd percentage in cell wall fraction (Fcw), organelle fraction (Fco) and solubility fraction (Fs) of shoot (S) and root (R). CK, Cd, SeIV, SeMet, Te, SeIV+Te, and SeMet+Te are the same as shown in Table 1. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments (P<0.05).
图5 Se对Cd胁迫下成熟期Cd敏感(VS)和Cd耐受(VT)糜子品种各器官Cd含量的影响 -5、-50和-100分别表示5、50和100 mg·kg-1 Cd处理。CK、SeIV15、SeIV30、SeMet15和SeMet30分别表示0、15 mg?L-1 Na2SeO3、30 mg?L-1 Na2SeO3、15 mg?L-1硒代蛋氨酸和30 mg?L-1硒代蛋氨酸处理。不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。
Figure 5 Effects of Se on Cd content of various organs of Cd-sensitive (VS) and Cd-tolerant (VT) broomcorn millet varieties at maturity under Cd stress -5, -50, and -100 indicate 5, 50, and 100 mg·kg-1 Cd treatments, respectively. CK, SeIV15, SeIV30, SeMet15, and SeMet30 represented the 0, 15 mg?L-1 Na2SeO3, 30 mg?L-1 Na2SeO3, 15 mg?L-1 selenomethionine, and 30 mg?L-1 selenomethionine treatments, respectively. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments (P<0.05).
图6 Se对Cd胁迫下Cd敏感(VS)和Cd耐受(VT)糜子品种根到地上部各器官和各器官到籽粒Cd转运系数的影响 -5、-50、-100、CK、SeIV15、SeIV30、SeMet15和SeMet30同图5。不同颜色表示Cd转运系数在不同处理间存在差异, 颜色越红表示转运系数越大, 颜色越蓝表示转运系数越小。
Figure 6 Effect of Se on Cd translocation factor from root to shoot and from each organ to grains of Cd-sensitive (VS) and Cd-tolerant (VT) broomcorn millet varieties under Cd stress -5, -50, -100, CK, SeIV15, SeIV30, SeMet15, and SeMet30 are the same as shown in Figure 5. Different colors indicate that Cd translocation factor is different among treatments. The redder the color is, the greater Cd translocation factor is, and the bluer the color is, the smaller Cd translocation factor is.
图7 Se对Cd胁迫下Cd敏感(VS)和Cd耐受(VT)糜子品种籽粒中矿质元素含量的影响 (A) 钙含量; (B) 镁含量; (C) 铁含量; (D) 锌含量; (E) 锰含量; (F) 铜含量; (G) 钼含量; (H) 硒含量。-0、-5、-50和-100分别表示0、5、50和100 mg·kg-1 Cd处理。CK、SeIV15、SeIV30、SeMet15和SeMet30的含义同图5。不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。
Figure 7 Effect of Se on mineral element content in the grains of Cd-sensitive (VS) and Cd-tolerant (VT) broomcorn millet varieties under Cd stress (A) Calcium content; (B) Magnesium content; (C) Iron content; (D) Zinc content; (E) Manganese content; (F) Copper content; (G) Molybdenum content; (H) Selenium content. -0, -5, -50, and -100 indicate 0, 5, 50, and 100 mg·kg-1 Cd treatments, respectively. CK, SeIV15, SeIV30, SeMet15, and SeMet30 are the same as shown in Figure 5. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among treatments (P<0.05).
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