植物学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (1): 22-33.DOI: 10.11983/CBB22180
所属专题: 杂粮生物学专辑 (2023年58卷1期)
*E-mail: fengbaili@nwafu.edu.cn
Qinghua Yang, Honglu Wang, Baili Feng*()
*E-mail: fengbaili@nwafu.edu.cn
摘要: 糜子(Panicum miliaceum)生育期短、水分利用率高、耐盐碱、耐虫害, 是种植业结构调整中的重要作物。糜子富含淀粉、蛋白质、必需氨基酸、不饱和脂肪酸、维生素(烟酸、B族维生素和叶酸等)、矿物质(磷、钙、锌和铁)、膳食纤维和酚类物质等, 是麸质过敏人群的理想食物(无谷蛋白食物)。此外, 糜子还具有降血糖、消炎及预防心脑血管疾病等功效。因此, 作为环境友好型和营养保健型谷物, 糜子可成为未来我国应对隐性饥饿的智慧食物。该文从糜子外观、营养和加工品质的角度, 总结糜子品质研究进展, 旨在为糜子品质研究及加工利用提供参考。
杨清华, 王洪露, 冯佰利. 糜子品质研究进展与展望. 植物学报, 2023, 58(1): 22-33.
Qinghua Yang, Honglu Wang, Baili Feng. Progress and Prospect of Research on the Quality of Broomcorn Millet. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2023, 58(1): 22-33.
图1 糜子形态 (A) 大田中的糜子; (B) 糜子穗子及籽粒形态(bar=5 cm)
Figure 1 Broomcorn millet morphology (A) Broomcorn millet in the field; (B) Panicle and grain morphology of broomcorn millet (bar=5 cm)
图3 带壳糜子(A)及脱壳糜子籽粒的透光率(光学显微镜下) (B)和剖面(体视显微镜下) (C) (Yang et al., 2018) 1-5为粳性糜子品种, 6-10为糯性糜子品种。Bars=2.5 mm
Figure 3 Shelled broomcorn millet (A), light transmittance (under the normal light microscope) (B) and transverse sections (under the stereo microscope) (C) of unshelled broomcorn millet 1-5 indicate non-waxy broomcorn millet; 6-10 indicate waxy broomcorn millet. Bars=2.5 mm
图6 扫描电镜下蒸煮过程中粳糯糜子籽粒剖面形态(Yang et al., 2018) N1-N3和W1-W3分别为3 000倍镜下未蒸煮、蒸煮15分钟和完全蒸煮后的粳(N1-N3)糯(W1-W3)性糜子籽粒横剖面; N4和W4分别为10 000倍镜下完全蒸煮后的粳(N4)糯(W4)性糜子籽粒横剖面。N1-N3, W1-W3: Bars=10 μm; N4, W4: Bars=2.5 μm
Figure 6 Micrographs of transverse sections of broomcorn millet during cooking process under the scanning electron microscope (Yang et al., 2018) N1-N3 and W1-W3 indicate raw grains, steamed grains for 15 min and steamed non-waxy (N1-N3) and waxy (W1-W3) broomcorn millet grains at 3000×, respectively; N4 and W4 indicate steamed non-waxy (N4) and waxy (W4) broomcorn millet at 10000×. N1-N3, W1-W3: Bars=10 μm; N4, W4: Bars=2.5 μm
图7 体视显微镜下不同蒸煮时间后糜子籽粒形态(A)和压片形态(B) (Yang et al., 2019a) N1-N6: 蒸煮0、5、10、15、20和25分钟后的粳性糜子; W1-W6: 蒸煮0、5、10、15、20和25分钟后的糯性糜子。Bars=5 mm
Figure 7 Morphology of broomcorn millet grains (A), and broomcorn millet grains pressed between two glass slides (B) at different cooking times under the stereo microscope (Yang et al., 2019a) N1-N6: Non-waxy broomcorn millet cooked for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 min, respectively; W1-W6: Waxy broomcorn millet cooked for 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 min, respectively. Bars=5 mm
图8 糜子特色食品 (A) 黄米馍馍; (B) 黄米油圈; (C) 黄米凉糕; (D) 离娘糕; (E) 糕鱼; (F) 炸麻花
Figure 8 Special food stuffs processed from broomcorn millet (A) Broomcorn millet bun; (B) Broomcorn millet doughnuts; (C) Glutinous broomcorn millet cake; (D) Divorce cake; (E) Cake fish; (F) Fry dough twists
图9 常见糜子产品(A) 黄米汤圆; (B) 黄米油糕; (C) 黄米年糕; (D) 石碾炒米; (E) 蒙古炒米; (F) 黄馍馍; (G) 酸粥
Figure 9 Common broomcorn millet products (A) Broomcorn millet dumpling; (B) Broomcorn millet oil cake; (C) Broomcorn millet cake; (D) Fried broomcorn millet with stone mills; (E) Mongolian fried broomcorn millet; (F) Broomcorn millet bun; (G) Suanzhou
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