植物学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (4): 486-496.DOI: 10.11983/CBB18139
Yegeng Fan1,Lihang Qiu1,Xing Huang1,Huiwen Zhou1,Chongkun Gan2,Yangrui Li1,Rongzhong Yang1,Jianming Wu1,*(),Rongfa Chen1,*(
Jianming Wu,Rongfa Chen
摘要: 以甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum)优良品种桂糖42号(GT42)为研究材料, 分别于未伸长期(9-10叶龄以前) (Ls1)、伸长初期(12-13叶龄) (Ls2)和伸长盛期(15-16叶龄) (Ls3)取甘蔗第2片真叶(自顶部起)对应的节间组织, 测定其赤霉素(GA)、生长素(IAA)、油菜素甾醇(BR)、细胞分裂素(CTK)、乙烯(ETH)和脱落酸(ABA)的含量, 并通过实时荧光定量PCR (qRT-PCR)分析赤霉素合成途径关键基因GA20氧化酶基因(GA20-Oxidase1)、赤霉素受体基因(GID1)和DELLA蛋白编码基因(GAI)的差异表达。结果表明, 在甘蔗伸长期间, GA和IAA含量呈现上升趋势, CTK和ABA含量呈下降趋势, ETH含量先上升后下降, BR含量则变化不明显; GA20-Oxidase1和GID1的表达呈上升趋势, 而GAI的表达则呈下降趋势, 这与相关植物激素的变化基本一致。综上, 甘蔗节间伸长过程主要与GA和IAA相关, 其次为CTK和ABA, 而ETH受到IAA的调控影响节间伸长; 植物激素间通过相互作用调控GA20-Oxidase1、GID1和GAI的表达, 影响GA含量和GA的信号转导过程, 进而影响甘蔗节间的伸长。该研究揭示了甘蔗节间伸长过程中赤霉素生物合成途径和信号转导关键基因的差异表达及植物激素含量的动态变化规律。
范业赓,丘立杭,黄杏,周慧文,甘崇琨,李杨瑞,杨荣仲,吴建明,陈荣发. 甘蔗节间伸长过程赤霉素生物合成关键基因的表达及相关植物激素动态变化. 植物学报, 2019, 54(4): 486-496.
Yegeng Fan,Lihang Qiu,Xing Huang,Huiwen Zhou,Chongkun Gan,Yangrui Li,Rongzhong Yang,Jianming Wu,Rongfa Chen. Expression Analysis of Key Genes in Gibberellin Biosynthesis and Related Phytohormonal Dynamics During Sugarcane Internode Elongation. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2019, 54(4): 486-496.
Genes | Sequences of primers (5'-3') | Tm (°C) | Product length (bp) |
GA20-Oxidase1 | F: CCGTCGTGGACTACTTCG | 54.0 | 205 |
表1 实时荧光定量PCR引物序列
Table 1 Primers for real-time quantitative PCR
Genes | Sequences of primers (5'-3') | Tm (°C) | Product length (bp) |
GA20-Oxidase1 | F: CCGTCGTGGACTACTTCG | 54.0 | 205 |
Period | Plant height (cm) | Elongation rate (cm·d-1) | Internode number | Average internode length (cm) |
Ls1 | 39.38±1.10 | 0.44±0.01 | 4±1 | 6.09±0.28 |
Ls2 | 68.37±1.25** | 0.97±0.07** | 7±1** | 8.05±0.18** |
Ls3 | 147.13±0.85** | 2.63±0.06** | 12±1** | 11.43±0.07** |
表2 不同时期甘蔗的伸长情况(平均值±标准差)
Table 2 The elongation of sugarcane at different stages (means±SD)
Period | Plant height (cm) | Elongation rate (cm·d-1) | Internode number | Average internode length (cm) |
Ls1 | 39.38±1.10 | 0.44±0.01 | 4±1 | 6.09±0.28 |
Ls2 | 68.37±1.25** | 0.97±0.07** | 7±1** | 8.05±0.18** |
Ls3 | 147.13±0.85** | 2.63±0.06** | 12±1** | 11.43±0.07** |
图1 不同时期甘蔗节间生长的差异 (A) 未伸长期(Ls1)甘蔗株高; (B) 伸长初期(Ls2)甘蔗株高; (C) 伸长盛期(Ls3)甘蔗株高。Bars=10 cm
Figure 1 Changes of sugarcane elongation at different stages (A) The sugarcane plant height of non-elongation stage (Ls1); (B) The sugarcane plant height of early elongation stage (Ls2); (C) The sugarcane plant height of elongation stage (Ls3). Bars=10 cm
图2 不同伸长时期甘蔗节间植物激素含量变化 (A) 生长素(IAA); (B) 油菜素甾醇(BR); (C) 细胞分裂素(CTK); (D) 脱落酸(ABA); (E) 乙烯(ETH)。不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05), 不同大写字母表示差异极显著(P<0.01)。Ls1-Ls3同表2。
Figure 2 Changes of endogenous hormone contents in sugarcane internode during different elongation stages (A) Indole acetic acid (IAA); (B) Brassinosteroids (BR); (C) Cytokinin (CTK); (D) Abscisic acid (ABA); (E) Ethylene (ETH). The different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05), and the different capital letters indicate extremely significant differences (P<0.01). Ls1-Ls3 see Table 2.
图3 甘蔗节间伸长过程中赤霉素含量变化及其合成途径关键基因的差异表达 (A) 赤霉素(GA)含量; (B) GA20-Oxidase1的表达量; (C) GID1的表达量; (D) GAI的表达量。不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05), 不同大写字母表示差异极显著(P<0.01)。Ls1-Ls3同表2。
Figure 3 The changes of gibberellin content and genes differential expression of synthetic pathways during sugarcane internode elongation (A) The content of gibberellic acid (GA); (B) The expression level of GA20-Oxidase1; (C) The expression level of GID1; (D) The expression level of GAI. The different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05), and the different capital letters indicate extremely significant differences (P<0.01). Ls1-Ls3 see Table 2.
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