Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (5): 720-732.DOI: 10.11983/CBB22202
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Cai Shuyu(), Liu Jianxin, Wang Guofu, Wu Liyuan, Song Jiangping
Cai Shuyu, Liu Jianxin, Wang Guofu, Wu Liyuan, Song Jiangping. Regulatory Mechanism of Melatonin on Tomato Seed Germination Under Cd2+ Stress[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2023, 58(5): 720-732.
Figure1 Effect of cadmium concentrations on seed germination and seedling growth of tomato (A) Germination phenotypes of tomato seeds 3 days after germination(bars=1 cm); (B) Germination rate of tomato seeds 3 days after germination; (C) Phenotypes of tomato seedlings 5 days after germination (bar=1 cm); (D) Seedling length of tomato 5 days after germination. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments (P<0.05).
Figure 2 Effects of melatonin (MT) on tomato seed germination under Cd2+ stress (A) Germination phenotypes of seeds 3 days after germination(bars=1 cm); (B) Germination rate; (C) Phenotypes of tomato seedlings 5 days after germination (bar=1 cm); (D) Seedling length. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments (P<0.05).
Figure 3 Effects of melatonin (MT) treatment on endogenous melatonin metabolism during tomato seed germination under Cd2+ stress (A) MT content; (B) Tryptophan decarboxylase (TDC) activity; (C) Tryptamine-5-hydroxylase (T5H) activity; (D) 5-serotonin-N-acetyltransferae (SNAT) activity; (E) N-acetyl-5-serotonin-methyltransferase (ASMT) activity; (F) Caffeicacid-O-me- thyltransferase (COMT) activity. Different lowercase letters and * indicate significant differences among different treatments (P<0.05). Control, Cd2+, and Cd2+/MT are the same as shown in Figure 2.
Treatment | Cd2+ content in underground parts (mg·kg-1 DW) | Cd2+ content in above-ground parts (mg·kg-1 DW) | ||
3 d | 5 d | 3 d | 5d | |
Control | 0.074±0.004 c | 0.098±0.012 c | 0.034±0.005 b | 0.047±0.003 c |
Cd2+ | 0.138±0.011 a | 0.176±0.009 a | 0.041±0.006 a | 0.068±0.004 a |
Cd2+/MT | 0.097±0.007 b | 0.126±0.007 b | 0.042±0.005 a | 0.054±0.007 b |
Table 1 Cd2+ accumulation of tomato seeds during germination under Cd2+ stress
Treatment | Cd2+ content in underground parts (mg·kg-1 DW) | Cd2+ content in above-ground parts (mg·kg-1 DW) | ||
3 d | 5 d | 3 d | 5d | |
Control | 0.074±0.004 c | 0.098±0.012 c | 0.034±0.005 b | 0.047±0.003 c |
Cd2+ | 0.138±0.011 a | 0.176±0.009 a | 0.041±0.006 a | 0.068±0.004 a |
Cd2+/MT | 0.097±0.007 b | 0.126±0.007 b | 0.042±0.005 a | 0.054±0.007 b |
Figure 4 Effects of melatonin (MT) on the gene expression of Cd2+ uptake, transport and chelating metabolic enzymes in tomato seed germination under Cd2+ stress Control, Cd2+, and Cd2+/MT are the same as shown in Figure 2.
Treatment | H2O2 (μmol·g-1 FW) | O2-. (μmol·g-1 FW) | MDA (μmol·g-1 FW) |
Control | 13.24±0.714 c | 2.43±0.154 b | 6.26±0.514 c |
Cd2+ | 25.37±1.325 a | 4.79±0.328 a | 10.13±0.758 a |
Cd2+/MT | 20.13±1.628 b | 4.13±0.376 a | 8.24±0.811 b |
Table 2 Effects of melatonin (MT) on the accumulation of H2O2, O2-. and malonaldehyde (MDA) in tomato seed germination under Cd2+ stress
Treatment | H2O2 (μmol·g-1 FW) | O2-. (μmol·g-1 FW) | MDA (μmol·g-1 FW) |
Control | 13.24±0.714 c | 2.43±0.154 b | 6.26±0.514 c |
Cd2+ | 25.37±1.325 a | 4.79±0.328 a | 10.13±0.758 a |
Cd2+/MT | 20.13±1.628 b | 4.13±0.376 a | 8.24±0.811 b |
Treatment | SOD (U·g-1 FW) | POD (U·g-1 FW) | CAT (U·g-1 FW) | APX (U·g-1 FW) | ALDH (U·g-1 FW) |
Control | 2.13±0.175 b | 0.105±0.078 b | 3.57±0.295 c | 0.274±0.037 c | 1.37±0.116 c |
Cd2+ | 2.74±0.213 a | 0.157±0.024 a | 4.19±0.182 b | 0.357±0.042 b | 2.17±0.133 b |
Cd2+/MT | 2.63±0.146 a | 0.142±0.021 a | 5.12±0.411 a | 0.408±0.026 a | 2.58±0.179 a |
Table 3 Effects of melatonin (MT) on antioxidant enzyme activities during tomato seed germination under Cd2+ stress
Treatment | SOD (U·g-1 FW) | POD (U·g-1 FW) | CAT (U·g-1 FW) | APX (U·g-1 FW) | ALDH (U·g-1 FW) |
Control | 2.13±0.175 b | 0.105±0.078 b | 3.57±0.295 c | 0.274±0.037 c | 1.37±0.116 c |
Cd2+ | 2.74±0.213 a | 0.157±0.024 a | 4.19±0.182 b | 0.357±0.042 b | 2.17±0.133 b |
Cd2+/MT | 2.63±0.146 a | 0.142±0.021 a | 5.12±0.411 a | 0.408±0.026 a | 2.58±0.179 a |
Figure 5 Effects of melatonin (MT) on the expression of antioxidant enzyme genes in tomato seed germination under Cd2+ stress Control, Cd2+, and Cd2+/MT are the same as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 6 Effects of melatonin (MT) on gibberellin acid (GA) metabolism during tomato seed germination under Cd2+stress (A) GA content; (B) GA-3-oxidase (GA3ox) activity; (C) GA-20-oxidase (GA20ox) activity; (D) GA-2-oxidase (GA2ox) activity. Different lowercase letters and * indicate significant differences at 0.05 level. Control, Cd2+, and Cd2+/MT are the same as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 7 Effects of melatonin (MT) on abscisic acid (ABA) metabolism during tomato seed germination under Cd2+stress (A) Abscisic acid content; (B) 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED) activity; (C) Zeaxanthin epoxidase (ZEP) activity; (D) ABA-aldehyde oxidase (AAO) activity; (E) ABA-8-hydroxylase (ABA8ox) activity. Different lowercase letters and * indicate significant differences at 0.05 level. Control, Cd2+, and Cd2+/MT are the same as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 8 Effects of melatonin (MT) on gene expression of gibberellin (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA) metabolism Control, Cd2+, and Cd2+/MT are the same as shown in Figure 2.
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