植物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (5): 726-737.DOI: 10.11983/CBB24010 cstr: 32102.14.CBB24010
陈婷欣1, 符敏3, 李娜2, 杨蕾蕾2, 李凌飞2,*(), 钟春梅1,*(
Tingxin Chen1, Min Fu3, Na Li2, Leilei Yang2, Lingfei Li2,*(), Chunmei Zhong1,*(
Lingfei Li, Chunmei Zhong
摘要: DNA甲基化是重要的表观遗传修饰之一, 参与调控植物基因组稳定性、发育及胁迫响应等过程。DNA甲基转移酶是DNA甲基化的关键酶。为了解铁甲秋海棠(Begonia masoniana) DNA甲基转移酶的功能, 采用生物信息学方法从铁甲秋海棠基因组中鉴定出5个编码DNA甲基转移酶的基因。根据序列特征将其分为CMT、MET和DRM三类。不同类别成员的基因序列长度和内含子数量存在明显差异, 但同类成员的基因结构和保守结构域具有高度保守性。这些蛋白均定位于细胞核, 且基因启动子含有大量的光响应、MYB结合及植物激素响应等元件。激素响应模式分析表明, CMT3类在GA、SA和NAA处理下基因表达显著降低, CMT2类在MeJA和NAA处理下基因表达显著降低, 而MET类和DRM类分别在GA和ABA处理下基因表达显著升高。此外, 组织特异性分析发现, 叶片中BmaCMT2-5和BmaDRM2-2的表达量明显高于其它组织器官, 且这2个酶的编码基因与BmaMET1-15在叶片红色部分的表达高于绿叶部分, 推测这3个DNA甲基转移酶可能在叶斑形成过程中发挥重要作用。
陈婷欣, 符敏, 李娜, 杨蕾蕾, 李凌飞, 钟春梅. 铁甲秋海棠DNA甲基转移酶全基因组鉴定及表达分析(长英文摘要). 植物学报, 2024, 59(5): 726-737.
Tingxin Chen, Min Fu, Na Li, Leilei Yang, Lingfei Li, Chunmei Zhong. Identification and Expression Analysis of DNA Methyltransferase in Begonia masoniana . Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2024, 59(5): 726-737.
Gene name | Gene ID | Primer sequence (5′-3′) | |
表1 铁甲秋海棠DNA甲基转移酶qRT-PCR引物
Table 1 DNA methyltransferase qRT-PCR primers for Begonia masoniana
Gene name | Gene ID | Primer sequence (5′-3′) | |
图1 拟南芥(At)、甘蓝型油菜(Bna)、水稻(Os)和铁甲秋海棠(Bma) DNA甲基转移酶系统发育树(A)与蛋白结构域分布图(B) 采用MEGA7, 邻接法。Bootstrap值为1 000。数字表示自展值。CMT: 染色质甲基化酶; MET: 甲基转移酶; DNMT: 从头DNA甲基转移酶; DRM: 结构域重排甲基化酶; aa: 氨基酸
Figure 1 DNA methyltransferase phylogenetic tree (A) and protein domain map (B) of Arabidopsis thaliana (At), Brassica napus (Bna), Oryza sativa (Os) and Begonia masoniana (Bma) Using the Neighbor-joining method in MEGA 7 software. The value of bootstrap is 1 000. Numbers indicate bootstrap values. CMT: Chromomethylases; MET: Methyltransferase; DNMT: de novo DNA methyltransferase; DRM: Domains rearranged methylase; aa: Amino acid
Gene name | CDS (bp) | Protein | Chr. | N-glycosyl-sites | Subcellular localization | ||
Amino acid (aa) | pI | Molecular weight (Da) | |||||
BmaCMT2-5 | 2547 | 848 | 6.3013 | 97206.68 | Chr.5 | 4 | Nucleus |
BmaCMT3-11 | 2892 | 963 | 6.0700 | 109079.09 | Chr.11 | 4 | Nucleus |
BmaCMT3-14 | 2511 | 836 | 4.7815 | 94618.65 | Chr.14 | 4 | Nucleus |
BmaMET1-15 | 3645 | 1214 | 6.3066 | 136797.74 | Chr.15 | 6 | Nucleus |
BmaDRM2-2 | 1773 | 590 | 4.8922 | 66506.45 | Chr.2 | 2 | Nucleus |
表2 铁甲秋海棠DNA甲基转移酶基本理化性质分析
Table 2 Analysis on the physical and chemical properties of DNA methyltransferase in Begonia masoniana
Gene name | CDS (bp) | Protein | Chr. | N-glycosyl-sites | Subcellular localization | ||
Amino acid (aa) | pI | Molecular weight (Da) | |||||
BmaCMT2-5 | 2547 | 848 | 6.3013 | 97206.68 | Chr.5 | 4 | Nucleus |
BmaCMT3-11 | 2892 | 963 | 6.0700 | 109079.09 | Chr.11 | 4 | Nucleus |
BmaCMT3-14 | 2511 | 836 | 4.7815 | 94618.65 | Chr.14 | 4 | Nucleus |
BmaMET1-15 | 3645 | 1214 | 6.3066 | 136797.74 | Chr.15 | 6 | Nucleus |
BmaDRM2-2 | 1773 | 590 | 4.8922 | 66506.45 | Chr.2 | 2 | Nucleus |
图2 铁甲秋海棠(Bma) DNA甲基转移酶基因结构(A)和保守基序分布图(B) CDS同表2。
Figure 2 Gene structure of DNA methyltransferase (A) and distribution map of conserved motif (B) of Begonia masoniana CDS is the same as shown in Table 2.
图3 铁甲秋海棠DNA甲基转移酶基因启动子序列顺式元件数量(A)和分布(B) MeJA: 茉莉酸甲酯
Figure 3 Number (A) and distribution (B) of cis-elements in DNA methyltransferase gene promoter sequence of Begonia masoniana MeJA: Methyl jasmonate
图4 铁甲秋海棠DNA甲基转移酶基因在不同组织器官中的相对表达量 ACT7为内参基因, 基因相对表达量为平均值±标准差。DNA甲基转移酶在不同组织中的最小表达量视为“1”。不同小写字母表示各处理间差异显著(P<0.05)。
Figure 4 Relative expression levels of DNA methyltransferase genes in different tissues and organs of Begonia masoniana ACT7 was the internal reference gene and the relative gene expression was means±SD. The minimum expression of DNA methyltransferase in different tissues is regarded as “1”. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among different treatments (P<0.05).
图5 铁甲秋海棠DNA甲基转移酶基因在GA、ABA、SA、MeJA和NAA处理(6小时)下的相对表达量 将对照组的相对表达量视为“1”。GA: 赤霉素; ABA: 脱落酸; SA: 水杨酸; MeJA: 茉莉酸甲酯; NAA: 萘乙酸。*表示处理组与对照组差异显著(P<0.05); **表示处理组与对照组差异极显著(P<0.01)。
Figure 5 Relative expression levels of DNA methyltransferase genes in Begonia masoniana treated with GA, ABA, SA, MeJA and NAA (6 h) The relative expression of control is regarded as “1”. GA: Gibberellin; ABA: Abscisic acid; SA: Salicylic acid; MeJA: Methyl jasmonate; NAA: 1-naphthalene acetic acid. * indicate that the difference between treatment group and control group is significant (P<0.05); ** indicate that the difference between treatment group and control group is extremely significant (P<0.01).
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