植物学报 ›› 2020, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (3): 369-381.DOI: 10.11983/CBB19150

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  1. 1中国农业大学农学院, 北京 100193
    2西北工业大学生态环境学院, 西安 710012
    3四川农业大学生态农业研究所, 成都 611130
  • 收稿日期:2019-08-09 接受日期:2019-12-31 出版日期:2020-05-01 发布日期:2020-07-06
  • 通讯作者: 舒凯,谭伟明
  • 基金资助:

Thoughts and Applications of Chemical Biology in Phytohormonal Research

Jiahui Xu1,2,Yujia Dai2,3,Xiaofeng Luo2,3,Kai Shu2,*(),Weiming Tan1,*()   

  1. 1College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
    2College of Ecological and Environmental, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710012, China
    3Institute of Ecological Agriculture, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu 611130, China
  • Received:2019-08-09 Accepted:2019-12-31 Online:2020-05-01 Published:2020-07-06
  • Contact: Kai Shu,Weiming Tan

摘要: 植物激素是植物生长发育过程中必不可少的重要调节物质, 它们直接或间接参与调控从种子萌发到成熟的各个发育阶段以及对生物/非生物胁迫的响应。随着利用小分子化合物探究生物体生理代谢分子机制的不断发展, 植物生物学与化学之间一个新的前沿交叉学科——化学生物学随之诞生, 并在短时间内取得了重要进展。化学生物学的思路与方法在植物激素研究领域中起到了不可替代的作用, 尤其是在激素合成及信号转导研究领域。该文概述了主要植物激素的小分子类似物及其在植物生长发育和生物/非生物胁迫响应等方面的作用机制, 并讨论了激素类似物在实际生产中的应用潜力及未来的研究方向。

关键词: 植物激素, 化学生物学, 激素类似物, 分子功能, 发育

Abstract: Phytohormones are important regulatory substances for plant growth, directly or indirectly functioning in various developmental stages, from seed germination to maturity, as well as numerous biotic/abiotic stresses response. With the continuous improvement of small molecular compounds used to explore the molecular mechanisms of physiology and metabolism, chemical biology, a new frontier interdisciplinary discipline between plant biology and chemistry, was coined, and the important progresses have been achieved in a short time in the past several years. It has been revealed that the ideas and methods of chemical biology play an irreplaceable role in the research of plant hormones, especially in the area of plant signal transduction. This review summarizes the published small molecular analogs of major plant hormones, and outlines the mechanisms of how these small molecular analogs function in plant growth and development, and in response to biotic/abiotic stresses. Finally, the potential applications of these analogs in agricultural practice and future research directions were discussed.

Key words: phytohormones, chemical biology, hormone analogue, molecular function, development