植物学报 ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (6): 861-865.DOI: 10.11983/CBB23149
* E-mail: dingzhaojun@sdu.edu.cn
Xiangpei Kong, Mengyue Zhang, Zhaojun Ding*()
* E-mail: dingzhaojun@sdu.edu.cn
摘要: 生长素在植物生长发育过程中发挥重要作用, 其信号转导机制一直是植物学领域关注的热点。前期研究表明, ABP1-TMK分子模块参与胞外生长素信号感受, 但ABP1作为生长素受体备受争议。近期, 福建农林大学徐通达团队和杨贞标团队鉴定到ABL蛋白作为生长素结合蛋白参与胞外生长素信号感受。与传统的功能冗余不同, ABL和ABP1通过蛋白结构的相似性实现功能补偿效应, 进而与TMK在细胞膜上形成复合体, 作为胞外生长素的共受体介导生长素信号驱动的快速反应。该研究深入解析了胞外生长素信号感受的重要机制, 是生长素研究领域的重大突破。
孔祥培, 张蒙悦, 丁兆军. 柳暗花明:胞外生长素信号感受的新突破. 植物学报, 2023, 58(6): 861-865.
Xiangpei Kong, Mengyue Zhang, Zhaojun Ding. There Is a Way Out-new Breakthroughs in Extracellular Auxin Sensing. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2023, 58(6): 861-865.
图1 ABLs/ABP1和TMKs作为胞外生长素共受体介导生长素信号驱动的快速反应模型 定位于质外体的ABLs和ABP1蛋白结合生长素之后, 与TMK形成共受体复合体, 进而促进TMK磷酸化, 激活的TMK直接磷酸化一系列下游蛋白, 调控植物生长发育。ABL/ABP1-TMK介导的胞外生长素信号转导途径通过磷酸化非典型的IAA32/34与TIR1/AFBs介导的胞内生长素信号转导途径相互作用, 调控植物特定的发育过程。
Figure 1 A model of ABLs/ABP1 and TMKs acting as co-receptors of apoplastic auxin to mediate auxin driven rapid response After binding to auxin, the apoplast-localized ABLs/ABP1 form a co-receptor complex with TMK, which further promotes the phosphorylation of TMK, and the activated TMK kinase domain directly phosphorylates a series of effectors that regulate many developmental processes. The ABL/ABP1-TMK-mediated extracellular auxin signal interacts with TIR1/AFBs mediated intracellular auxin signal transduction pathway to regulate specific developmental processes by phosphorylating non-canonical IAA32/34.
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