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Relationship Between Negative Air Ion Generation by Plants and Stomatal Characteristics Under Stimulation of Pulsed Electrical Field
Wu Renye, Sun Yuanfen, Zheng Jingui, Deng Chuanyuan, Ye Dapeng, Wang Qingshui
Chinese Bulletin of Botany    2017, 52 (6): 744-755.   DOI: 10.11983/CBB16242
Abstract   (1297 HTML17 PDF(pc) (641KB)(1142)  

Under normal conditions, the capacity of plants to generate negative air ions (NAIs) is very weak. However, stimulation of a pulsed electrical field can result in substantial improvement of the ability for NAI generation. We examined NAI generation in Stromanthe sanguinea, Calathea zebrina, and Hippeastrum rutilum in glass chambers under the natural state and under pulsed electrical field and light stimulation and analyzed the shape of stomata. We found variation in NAI generation by plants due to the different combined parameters of the pulsed electrical field. Each plant has its own optimal pulsed electrical field with a combination of parameters for efficient NAI generation: S. sanguinea with A3B3C3 (A3, U=1.5×104 V; B3, T=1.5 s; C3, τ =65 ms), C. zebrina with A3B4C1 (A3, U=1.5×104 V; B4, T=2.0 s; C1,τ =5 ms) and H. rutilum with A4B4C1 (A4, U=2.0×104 V; B4, T=2.0 s; C1, τ=5 ms). With the application of a pulsed electrical field to plants, the higher the voltage, the greater the capacity for NAI generation. With enhanced light intensity, the ability to generate NAI significantly increased with application of a pulsed electrical field. Without the pulsed electrical field, despite the slightly increased NAI concentration with increasing light intensity, NAI concentration did not differ (P>0.05). Finally, NAI generation was closely related to the characteristics of leaf stomata. Furthermore, a greater degree of stomatal opening and stomatal density was associated with stronger capacity to generate NAI.

Figure 2 The changes in negative air ions concentration over 24 h for plant varieties under normal condition
CK: P0 soil without plant; P0: Soil; P1-P10 see Table 1.
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由图2可知, 自然状态下10种植物在全天各时段释放负离子浓度的均值都很低。空白对照(CK)和盆土(P0)的负离子浓度在全天各时段的变化较为平稳。其中,空白对照全天的负离子浓度最小值为29 ion·cm-3, 最大值为38 ion·cm-3。从全天释放负离子浓度的最大值来看, 百合在14:00释放的负离子浓度值最大, 为94 ion·cm-3, 是空白对照负离子浓度最大值的2.5倍; 剑麻在23:00释放能力最小, 为35 ion·cm-3。以全天释放负离子浓度的均值分析, 绒叶肖竹芋释放负离子的浓度均值最大, 为81 ion·cm-3; 紫背竹芋位居第2, 数值为76 ion·cm-3; 朱顶红为75 ion·cm-3, 位列第3; 合果芋最小, 为46 ion·cm-3。尽管10种植物释放负离子浓度的均值间存在显著差异(P<0.5), 但各植物释放负离子浓度值的绝对差异非常小。从白天均值和夜间均值的分析结果可以看出, 除绒叶肖竹芋和虎耳草外, 其余植物释放负离子的浓度均值白天时段(7:00AM- 7:00PM)均高于夜间时段(7:00PM-7:00AM)(表3), 其中以大鳞巢蕨最为明显, 相对增幅为25%。
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