Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (4): 585-599.DOI: 10.11983/CBB23145  cstr: 32102.14.CBB23145

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Heterologous Expression of Suaeda aralocaspica SaPEPC2 Gene Improves Drought Resistance and Photosynthesis in Transgenic Tobacco

Xingxin Liao,, Yi Niu,, Xingwu Duo, Akeyedeli Jumahazi, Marhaba Abdukuyum, Rizwangul Hufur, Haiyan Lan, Jing Cao*()   

  1. National Demonstration Center for Experimental Biology Education, Xinjiang Key Laboratory of Biological Resources and Genetic Engineering, College of Life Sciences and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830017, China
  • Received:2023-10-29 Accepted:2024-05-27 Online:2024-07-10 Published:2024-07-10
  • Contact: Jing Cao
  • About author:First author contact: These authors contributed equally to this paper

Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is a key enzyme for C4 photosynthesis that help plants to resist adversity under abiotic stress. Suaeda aralocaspica, an annual halophyte, has gradually developed a single-cell C4 photosynthetic pathway by compartmentalizing a chlorenchyma cell into distal and proximal ends to delineate and form the four-carbon (C4) and three-carbon (C3) cycles through long term of evolution. This unique biochemical compartmentation pattern holds promise for introducing “C4-like microcirculation” into C3 plants without establishing Kranz anatomy.

RATIONALE: The PEPC gene act as an essential component of C4 photosynthesis, but few studies have reported on the PEPC gene in single cell C4-pathway species. To reveal the impact of the SaPEPC2 gene from S. aralocaspica on the photosynthetic performance and drought resistance of C3 plants, we evaluated the drought resistance function and photosynthetic performance of transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) overexpressing the SaPEPC2 gene driven by its own promoter (ProSaPEPC2::SaPEPC2) through physiological measurements and gene expression analysis methods.

RESULTS: Our findings demonstrated that overexpressing the SaPEPC2 gene in tobacco improved leaf water retention, maintained chlorophyll stability, promoted the accumulation of osmotic adjustment substance, enhanced antioxidant enzyme activities, reduced ROS levels, mitigated the extent of membrane damage, upregulated the expression of drought-related and endogenous photosynthesis genes, and increased PEPC enzyme activity and net photosynthetic rate.

CONCLUSION: In conclusion, overexpressing the SaPEPC2 gene likely facilitates the formation of a “C4-like microcircula-
tion” pathway in tobacco. These results may provide the theoretical foundation for the potential utilization of the single-cell C4 pathway PEPC genes from S. aralocaspica to breed high light-efficiency and stress-resistant crop varieties.

Overexpression of SaPEPC2 in tobacco results in stronger drought resistance and higher photosynthesis efficiency compared to non-transgenic plants.

Key words: single-cell C4 plant, Suaeda aralocaspica, PEPC, drought resistance, photosynthesis