Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2018, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 477-486.DOI: 10.11983/CBB17112
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Wang Yunqian, Su Yanhong, Yang Rui, Li Xin, Li Jing, Zeng Qianchun*(), Luo Qiong*()
Zeng Qianchun,Luo Qiong
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These authors contributed equally to this paper
Wang Yunqian, Su Yanhong, Yang Rui, Li Xin, Li Jing, Zeng Qianchun, Luo Qiong. Rice Blast Resistance of Wild Rice in Yunnan[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2018, 53(4): 477-486.
Figure 1 Identification of blast resistance in Oryza meyeriana(A) Injection inoculation; (B) Spray inoculation; (C) Inoculated by blast strains ZB15 and Zhong-10-8-14, respectively
Figure 2 Amino acid sequence alignment of OmPid2 and orthologs in riceOmPid2: Oryza meyeriana; R-Pid2: Digu; S-pid2: Nipponbare. Signal peptide domain (21-52 amino acids), B-lectin domain (68-184 amino acids), PAN domain (355-436 amino acids) and Serine/threonine kinase (STK) domain (519-789 amino acids) are underlined. Arrow indicates the amino acid that distinguishes resistant and susceptible alleles of rice blast resistance gene Pid2.
Figure 3 Amino acid sequence alignment of OmPid3 and orthologs in riceOmPid3: Oryza meyeriana; R-Pid3: Digu; S-pid3: Nipponbare. Nucleotide-binding site (NBS) domain (158-445 amino acids) and Leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domain (563-923 amino acids) are underlined.
Figure 4 Characterisation of transgenic rice linesMolecular detection of transgenic rice lines with Hygromycin primer, OmPid2 gene-specific primer (A) and OmPid3 gene-specific primer (B); Blast resistance idetification of OmPid2 (C) and OmPid3 (D) overexpressing transgenic rice lines inoculated by blast strains; Overexpressing transgenic rice lines OmPid2 and OmPid3 (E) were inoculated by blast strains ZB15 and Zhong-10-8-14, respectively. HYG: Hygromycin; Di: The resistant rice variety Digu; N: Wild-type susceptible rice variety Nipponbare
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