Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2014, Vol. 49 ›› Issue (3): 306-312.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2014.00306

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Genetic Variation in the Starch Pasting Properties of Different Sorghum Cultivars

Fuping Zhou*, Qingshan Liu, Xiaojuan Zhang, Yizhong Zhang, Qiang Shao, Chunlai Zhang   

  1. Sorghum Institute of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinzhong 030600, China
  • Received:2013-07-05 Revised:2013-08-27 Online:2014-05-01 Published:2014-06-03
  • Contact: Fuping Zhou

Abstract: To further understand the inheritance of sorghum quality characteristics, we measured 14 sorghum breeding lines for amylose content and parameters for starch pasting properties by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and starch rapid visco analyzer (RVA). We also examined the genetic variation in these characteristics and their mutual relationships. Amylose content varied greatly among sorghum lines, from 0.29%–29.45%. Pasting properties differed. In general, low-amylose-content sorghum had higher To, Tp, Tc and ΔH values and high-amylose-content sorghum had relatively lower To, Tp, Tc, and ΔH values. RVA profile differences among different lines were mainly manifested in various viscosity characteristics. RVA profiles of low-amylose-content sorghum showed higher peak viscosity (PV) and maximum setback, whereas high-amylose-content sorghum showed lower PV. Amylose content and swelling power were correlated, and the value of other characteristics were significant. We found a negative correlation between PV and final viscosity (FV), consistence, gelatinization time, and pasting temperature. Correlations between PV, breakdown and setback were positive. Selection based on the combination of amylose content and determination of RVA profiles will help improve selection accuracy. This method can provide a theoretical basis for breeding improvement.

Key words: sorghum, starch, pasting property, differential scanning calorimetry, rapid visco analyzer