植物学报 ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (3): 414-421.DOI: 10.11983/CBB24029 cstr: 32102.14.CBB24029
左毅1,5, 刘红兵2, 杨志刚1,6, 李彬1,5, 向浩鑫1,4, 朱纯真1,4, 王雷1,3,4,5,*()
Yi Zuo1,5, Hongbing Liu2, Zhigang Yang1,6, Bin Li1,5, Haoxin Xiang1,4, Chunzhen Zhu1,4, Lei Wang1,3,4,5,*()
Lei Wang
摘要: 山桐子(Idesia polycarpa)是我国特有且极具开发潜力的油料树种, 果实含油率高且油品好。在苗期通过分子生物学手段对山桐子进行性别鉴定, 可有效降低种苗培养成本。在前期组装的染色体级别高质量山桐子基因组基础上, 进一步对山桐子雌雄群体进行全基因组重测序, 根据雌雄株系的特异性片段, 确定山桐子属于ZW/ZZ性别决定类型; 并根据3.365×107个SNPs, 结合性别表型进行全基因组关联分析, 找到控制性别的19号染色体, 并将性别决定区段定位到35 Mb附近; 针对显著性位点, 开发了性别共显性CAPS分子标记。该方法可在幼苗期快速、高效鉴定山桐子的性别, 极大地降低了山桐子育苗环节的生产成本, 也可在山桐子种质鉴定及分子标记辅助育种等方面为产业提供技术支撑。
左毅, 刘红兵, 杨志刚, 李彬, 向浩鑫, 朱纯真, 王雷. 基于全基因组关联分析筛选山桐子性别分子标记. 植物学报, 2024, 59(3): 414-421.
Yi Zuo, Hongbing Liu, Zhigang Yang, Bin Li, Haoxin Xiang, Chunzhen Zhu, Lei Wang. Identification of Sex Determination Molecular Marker Based on Genome-wide Association Study of Idesia polycarpa. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2024, 59(3): 414-421.
图1 山桐子性别决定类型 (A) 性别特异35 bp K-mers的分布图(MSK: 雄株特异K-mers; MBK: 雄株偏好性K-mers; FSK: 雌株特异K-mers; FBK: 雌株偏好性K-mers)。(B) 雌株与雄株之间特异性K-mers数量差异统计图。
Figure 1 The sex-determination system in Idesia polycarpa (A) Distribution of sex-specific K-mers (MSK: Male-specific K-mers; MBK: Male-biased K-mers; FSK: Female-specific K-mers; FBK: Female-biased K-mers.). (B) The histogram shows the quantitative differences between MSK and FSK.
图3 山桐子性别全基因组关联分析(GWAS)的曼哈顿图(A)和QQ图(B)Figure 3 Manhattan plot (A) and QQ plot (B) of sex phenotype in genome-wide association study (GWAS) 红色箭头指示显著的峰值。
The red arrow indicates the significant peak.
图4 雌雄群体在性别决定区间单核䒤酸多态性(SNPs)的杂合度统计分析Figure 4 Heterozygosity statistics of single nucleotide poly- morphisms (SNPs) in sex determination region between ma- le and female groups Homo: 纯合子; Heter: 杂合子
Homo: Homozygous; Heter: Heterozygous
图5 酶切扩增多态性序列(CAPS)分子标记和琼脂糖凝胶电泳鉴定山桐子性别 (A) 雄株与雌株之间的序列差异可被特定的限制性内切酶识别; (B) CAPS分子标记可通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳获得的带型区分雌雄株, 只有1条带型(375 bp)的是雄株, 有3条带型(375、195和180 bp)的是雌株。M: DNA分子标记。从上到下读600 bp到100 bp按梯度递减。
Figure 5 The cleaved amplified polymorphic sequences (CAPS) marker and agarose gel electrophoresis were applied for sex determination (A) The sequence difference can be recognized by specific restriction enzyme between male and female; (B) The fragment difference was determined by agarose gel electrophoresis. The unique band of 375 bp was associated with male, while the three bands (375 bp, 195 bp and 180 bp) were associated with female. M: DNA marker. The DNA ladder measures from 600 bp to 100 bp.
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