Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2018, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 502-508.DOI: 10.11983/CBB17097
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Zhou Zhi1,2,3, Zhang Yongli2, Wang Bianbian2, Gai Shujie1,2, Wang Ruozhong3, Lu Xiangyang3, Li Ruilian1,*()
Li Ruilian
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These authors contributed equally to this paper
Zhou Zhi, Zhang Yongli, Wang Bianbian, Gai Shujie, Wang Ruozhong, Lu Xiangyang, Li Ruilian. The Effects of Different Phosphor Excitation-type LED Lighting on the Growth and Development of Arabidopsis[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2018, 53(4): 502-508.
Spectrum | Day 3 (%) | Day 4 (%) | Day 5 (%) | Day 6 (%) | Day 7 (%) | Day 8 (%) |
CK (WET) | 23.90 | 60.78 | 82.33 | 89.26 | 90.42 | 91.73 |
T1 (RED(610)) | 25.39 | 65.39 | 89.41 | 90.21 | 90.31 | 92.26 |
T2 (R(610)4B1) | 25.13 | 62.09 | 89.52 | 90.36 | 92.33 | 95.05 |
T3 (R(610)2B1) | 26.67 | 65.52 | 90.74 | 91.74 | 94.25 | 95.63 |
T4 (R(610)4B5) | 24.90 | 64.37 | 85.26 | 92.36 | 94.31 | 93.45 |
T5 (BLUE(460)) | 23.85 | 62.37 | 80.26 | 89.63 | 91.42 | 90.39 |
Table 1 Effect of different light quality on the Arabidopsis seed germination rate
Spectrum | Day 3 (%) | Day 4 (%) | Day 5 (%) | Day 6 (%) | Day 7 (%) | Day 8 (%) |
CK (WET) | 23.90 | 60.78 | 82.33 | 89.26 | 90.42 | 91.73 |
T1 (RED(610)) | 25.39 | 65.39 | 89.41 | 90.21 | 90.31 | 92.26 |
T2 (R(610)4B1) | 25.13 | 62.09 | 89.52 | 90.36 | 92.33 | 95.05 |
T3 (R(610)2B1) | 26.67 | 65.52 | 90.74 | 91.74 | 94.25 | 95.63 |
T4 (R(610)4B5) | 24.90 | 64.37 | 85.26 | 92.36 | 94.31 | 93.45 |
T5 (BLUE(460)) | 23.85 | 62.37 | 80.26 | 89.63 | 91.42 | 90.39 |
Spectrum | Root length (cm) | Grass height (cm) | Chlorophyll content (SPAD) | Conductivity (S·m-1) |
CK (WET) | 3.27 cCD | 12.32 cdC | 25.19 bB | 38.91 aA |
T1 (RED(610)) | 3.00 cD | 11.34 dC | 23.32 cCD | 37.89 aA |
T2 (R(610)4B1) | 3.78 aAB | 15.48 aA | 26.69 aA | 39.78 aA |
T3 (R(610)2B1) | 3.67 bBC | 13.94 bB | 23.88 cC | 40.10 aA |
T4 (R(610)4B5) | 4.19 aA | 12.63 cBC | 22.43 dD | 40.50 aA |
T5 (BLUE(460)) | 3.02 cD | 12.22 cdC | 20.32 eE | 37.42 aA |
Table 2 The effects of different light quality index on the growth of Arabidopsis thaliana
Spectrum | Root length (cm) | Grass height (cm) | Chlorophyll content (SPAD) | Conductivity (S·m-1) |
CK (WET) | 3.27 cCD | 12.32 cdC | 25.19 bB | 38.91 aA |
T1 (RED(610)) | 3.00 cD | 11.34 dC | 23.32 cCD | 37.89 aA |
T2 (R(610)4B1) | 3.78 aAB | 15.48 aA | 26.69 aA | 39.78 aA |
T3 (R(610)2B1) | 3.67 bBC | 13.94 bB | 23.88 cC | 40.10 aA |
T4 (R(610)4B5) | 4.19 aA | 12.63 cBC | 22.43 dD | 40.50 aA |
T5 (BLUE(460)) | 3.02 cD | 12.22 cdC | 20.32 eE | 37.42 aA |
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