Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2018, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (4): 509-518.DOI: 10.11983/CBB17115
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Chen Keyi, Li Zhaona, Cheng Minmin, Zhao Yanghui, Zhou Mingbing, Yang Haiyun*()
Yang Haiyun
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These authors contributed equally to this paper
Chen Keyi, Li Zhaona, Cheng Minmin, Zhao Yanghui, Zhou Mingbing, Yang Haiyun. Chloroplast Ultrastructure and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics of Three Cultivars of Pseudosasa japonica[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2018, 53(4): 509-518.
Photosynthetic pigments | GL | SA | SG | VL |
Chla (mg·g-1 FW) | 27.19±1.17 a | 0.34±0.17 c | 25.39±2.41 a | 17.09±0.52 b |
Chlb (mg·g-1 FW) | 8.66±0.33 a | 0.16±0.07 c | 8.27±0.69 a | 5.70±0.17 b |
Car (mg·g-1 FW) | 4.89±0.28 a | 0.32±0.08 c | 5.52±0.55 a | 4.07±0.13 b |
Chla/b | 3.14±0.02 a | 1.99±0.09 b | 3.07±0.03 a | 3.00±0.00 a |
Chla+b (mg·g-1 FW) | 35.86±1.51 a | 0.51±0.25 c | 33.66±3.11 a | 22.79±0.70 b |
Table 1 Photosynthetic pigments content and relative ratio of different cultivars of Pseudosasa japonica leaves (means±SE)
Photosynthetic pigments | GL | SA | SG | VL |
Chla (mg·g-1 FW) | 27.19±1.17 a | 0.34±0.17 c | 25.39±2.41 a | 17.09±0.52 b |
Chlb (mg·g-1 FW) | 8.66±0.33 a | 0.16±0.07 c | 8.27±0.69 a | 5.70±0.17 b |
Car (mg·g-1 FW) | 4.89±0.28 a | 0.32±0.08 c | 5.52±0.55 a | 4.07±0.13 b |
Chla/b | 3.14±0.02 a | 1.99±0.09 b | 3.07±0.03 a | 3.00±0.00 a |
Chla+b (mg·g-1 FW) | 35.86±1.51 a | 0.51±0.25 c | 33.66±3.11 a | 22.79±0.70 b |
Figure 1 Three kinds of Pseudosasa japonica leavesSA+SG: Albino and green sector in leaf of P. japonica f. akebonosuji with strips; VL: Virescent leaf of P. japonica f. akebono. GL: Green leaf of P. japonica
Figure 2 Plate chloroplast ultrastructure of three cultivars of Pseudosasa japonica leaves(A) Mesophyll cells in white zones of zebra leaf of P. japonica f. akebonosuji; (B) Mesophyll cells in green zones of P. japonica f. akebonosuji; (C) Mesophyll cells in the leaf of P. japonica f. akebono; (D) Mesophyll cells in the leaf of P. japonica. G: Granum; Os: Osmiophile globule; S: Starch grain; Th: Thylakoid membranes
Figure 4 Activity parameters for unit reaction center of different cultivars of Pseudosasa japonica leavesVL, GL and SG see Table 1. ABS/RC: The amount of light absorbed by the unit reaction center; TRo/RC: The large amount of PSII; ETo/RC: The energy of the unit reaction center for electron transfer; DIo/RC: The heat dissipation of the unit reaction center; ABS/CSo: Absorption flux per unit area; TRo/CSo: Trapped energy flux per unit area; ETo/CSo: Electron transport flux per unit area; DIo/CSo: Dissipated energy flux perunit area; RC/CSo: Number of active reaction centers per unit area
GL | VL | SG | |
F0 | 0.40±0.01 b | 0.44±0.03 a | 0.39±0.04 ab |
Fm | 1.64±0.13 a | 1.35±0.16 a | 1.29±0.17 a |
Fv/Fm | 0.75±0.02 a | 0.67±0.02 b | 0.63±0.01 b |
Fv/F0 | 3.11±0.36 a | 2.01±0.19 b | 2.26±0.14 b |
Y(II) | 0.38±0.04 b | 0.27±0.03 a | 0.31±0.04 a |
NPQ | 1.27±0.12 b | 1.71±0.21 a | 1.47±0.18 ab |
qP | 0.77±0.05 a | 0.77±0.03 a | 0.79±0.04 a |
ETR | 23.00±2.94 a | 16.22±1.64 a | 19.00±2.83 a |
Table 2 Analysis of fluorescence parameters of different cultivars of Pseudosasa japonica leaves
GL | VL | SG | |
F0 | 0.40±0.01 b | 0.44±0.03 a | 0.39±0.04 ab |
Fm | 1.64±0.13 a | 1.35±0.16 a | 1.29±0.17 a |
Fv/Fm | 0.75±0.02 a | 0.67±0.02 b | 0.63±0.01 b |
Fv/F0 | 3.11±0.36 a | 2.01±0.19 b | 2.26±0.14 b |
Y(II) | 0.38±0.04 b | 0.27±0.03 a | 0.31±0.04 a |
NPQ | 1.27±0.12 b | 1.71±0.21 a | 1.47±0.18 ab |
qP | 0.77±0.05 a | 0.77±0.03 a | 0.79±0.04 a |
ETR | 23.00±2.94 a | 16.22±1.64 a | 19.00±2.83 a |
Figure 5 The change of fluorescence transients under different intensity and time of three cultivars of Pseudosasa japonica leaves under far-red light treatments(A1), (A2) The change of fluorescence transients (A1) and steady-state fluorescence (A2) of green sector in leaf with strips of P. japonica f. akebonosuji under different intensity and time of far-red light treatments; (B1), (B2) The change of fluorescence transients (B1) and steady-state fluorescence (B2) of the virescent leaves of P. japonica f. akebono under different intensity and time of far-red light treatments; (C1), (C2) The change of fluorescence transients (C1) and steady-state fluorescence (C2) of the green leaves of P. japonica under different intensity and time of far-red light treatments. SG, VL and GL see Table 1; Ft: Real-time fluorescence curve.
Figure 6 The change of steady-state fluorescence of 10-10 (intensity-time) of three cultivars of Pseudosasa japonica leaves under far-red light treatmentsSG, VL and GL see Table 1; Ft see Figure 5.
Figure 7 The change of F0′ (minimum fluorescence under the light) of three cultivars of Pseudosasa japonica leaves under different intensity of far-red light treatmentsSG, VL and GL see Table 1; Ft see Figure 5; FR: The intensity of far red light.
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