Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2016, Vol. 51 ›› Issue (1): 31-39.DOI: 10.11983/CBB15028

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The Effect of Phenol Concentration on Photosynthetic Physiological Parameters of Salix babylonica

Hui Li1, Guangcan Zhang1, Huicheng Xie1*, Jingwei Xu2, Chuanrong Li1, Juwen Sun1   

  1. 1Key Laboratory of Soil Erosion and Ecological Restoration of Shandong Province, Taishan Forest Eco-station of State Forestry Administration, Forestry College of Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018, China
    2Shandong Academy of Forestry, Jinan 250014, China
  • Received:2015-02-03 Accepted:2015-07-06 Online:2016-01-01 Published:2016-02-01
  • Contact: Xie Huicheng
  • About author:These authors contributed equally to this paper

Abstract: To explore the phenol tolerance of Salix babylonica and the feasibility of its remediation of phenol pollution, we determined the effect of phenol stress on photosynthetic physiology of S. babylonica and its limit mechanism, photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of cut seedlings of S. babylonica in five phenol concentrations (50, 100, 200, 400 and 800 mg·L-1) using hydroponics. Phenol inhibited the photosynthesis of S. babylonica significantly, which presented as significantly decreased net photosynthesis rate (Pn), maximum net photosynthesis rate (Pnmax), photosynthetic quantum efficiency, maximum quantum yield of PS II (Fv/Fm) and actual photochemical efficiency (ФPSII). The higher the concentration of phenol, the greater the photosynthetic inhibition. Non-stomatal limitation was responsible for reduced net photosynthesis rate (Pn). When S. babylonica was used to phytoremediate the water environment, the concentration of phenol should be < 200 mg·L-1. Otherwise the efficiency of photosynthesis of S. babylonica was markedly decreased. The limit of phenol concentration that photosynthetic physiological activity of S. babylonica can tolerate needs further experimental study.

Key words: photosynthesis, phenol stress, environmental remediation, Salix babylonica, rectangular hyperbola model