Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (4): 635-650.DOI: 10.11983/CBB23136 cstr: 32102.14.CBB23136
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Qiguang Xie*(), Xiaodong Xu*(
Qiguang Xie, Xiaodong Xu. Plant Circadian Clock in Agricultural Production in Response to Global Warming[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2024, 59(4): 635-650.
Figure 1 Circadian core oscillators respond to internal and external environmental cues and temporally form transcriptional protein complexes in plants Internal and external environmental signals in the input pathways of plant clock system include well-recognized timing factors, external environmental stressors, and internal hormonal and metabolic components. The core oscillators of the circadian clock exhibit temporal gene expression and dynamic protein turnover mechanisms. The transcripts and protein complexes are sequentially shown according to the circadian phases of a 24 h day. ABA: Abscisic acid; BR: Brassinosteroid; SA: Salicylic acid; CK: Cytokinin
Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the circadian clock that anticipates diel temperature fluctuations, regulates the responses to high-temperature stress and temperature compensation of the circadian period length Solid lines with arrows in signaling pathways indicate direct or indirect activation, solid lines without arrows indicate direct or indirect inhibition, black dotted lines with arrows indicate possible signaling pathways, and brown dotted lines with arrows in Figure 2C indicate protein degradation pathways. PA: Phosphatidic acid; EE: Evening element; CBS: CCA1-binding site; LBS: LUX-binding site
Figure 3 Temperature compensation calculations and circadian rhythm phenotypes (A) Three types of temperature compensation may occur when the circadian rhythm is detected under free-running conditions after a transition from normal to higher temperature; (B) In light/dark cycles, the circadian clock is reset each day with a fixed 24 h period length; under free-running conditions (e.g., constant temperature and continuous light), the period length of endogenous circadian rhythm is not equal to 24 h. Key parameters of the circadian rhythmicity include period length, phase, amplitude, and mesor. ZT: Zeitgeber time
Figure 4 The circadian clock respond to environmental factors related to high temperature stress and regulate physiological processes Light, temperature and humidity in the environment show daily oscillations, with a strong positive correlation between light and temperature and a strong negative correlation between temperature and humidity. When physiological thresholds are exceeded at specific times of a day, light, temperature and humidity can lead to time-specific stresses in plants. Heat shock, if it occurs at different times of the day or at different growth periods, will eventually affect yield and quality to some extent in crops.
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