Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2024, Vol. 59 ›› Issue (1): 89-98.DOI: 10.11983/CBB23021

• TECHNIQUES AND METHODS • Previous Articles     Next Articles

A Highly Efficient Method to Generate Chimeric Soybean Plant with Transgenic Hairy Roots

Jiaxin Chen, Hao Mei, Caixiang Huang, Zongyuan Liang, Yitong Quan, Dongpeng Li, Buweimaieryemu·Saimaiti , Xinxin Li*(), Hong Liao   

  1. Root Biology Center, College of Resources and Environment, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
  • Received:2023-02-20 Accepted:2023-05-31 Online:2024-01-01 Published:2023-05-31
  • Contact: *E-mail:

Abstract: Chimeric soybean plants with transgenic hairy roots is very important for soybean functional genomics. In this study, we used three soybean genotypes to compare their hairy root induction rate and plant survival rate under different co-cultivation conditions. Our results showed that co-culturing the explants infected by Agrobacterium rhizogenes for 1 d under dark conditions was an effective strategy to induce hairy roots. We also found that removing the adventitious roots (AR) at hypocotyl significantly increased number of hairy roots, enhanced their growth and subsequently improved the positive rate of transgenic hairy roots. Furthermore, we found that the inoculation with rhizobium at 14 d of induction was able to enhance the contact between the bacteria and the transgenic hairy roots at early growth stages, and thus improved the soybean’s nodulation efficiency. Taken together, we successfully established a simple and efficient method to generate chimeric soybean plants with transgenic hairy roots. This method can be widely used in soybean gene functional studies.

Key words: soybean, hairy root, chimeric plant, nodulation, optimization