植物学报 ›› 1999, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (03): 288-292.
• 研究报告 • 上一篇 下一篇
ZHANG Chang-Shun
摘要: 本文研究了昆明栽培的韭菜的小孢子染色体数目和核型,多数小孢子的染色体数目n=16,少数是非整倍体,核型公式为n=2x=16=14m+2st(SAT)。同时观察了韭菜的育性和小孢子四分体微核情况,育性和四分体微核率分别为48%、23.6%。上述结果说明韭菜的核型与前人曾报道过的韭菜的核型—样是同源四倍体。
Abstract: In this paper, the chromosome numbers and karyotypes of Allum tuberosum were observed. The chromosome numbers of the most microspores are n= 16, a few are aneuploid. According to these facts, karyotype formula n= 2x = 16= 14m + 2st(SAT) was obtained. The fertility and tetrasporic micronucleus of microspore were observed too. They are 48% and 23.6% respectively. These results confirmed that the karyotype of Allium tuberosum is the isotetraplont which had been reported by others.
张长顺. 韭菜的小孢子四分体微核和核型的初步研究. 植物学报, 1999, 16(03): 288-292.
ZHANG Chang-Shun. A Preliminary Study on the Tetrasporic Micronucleus and Karyotype of Microspores in Cultured Allium tuberosum. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 1999, 16(03): 288-292.
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