植物学报 ›› 1999, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (03): 284-287.

• 研究报告 • 上一篇    下一篇


陈建三 赵世绪   

  1. 1(中国农业科学院作物所 北京 100081) 2(中国农业大学生物学院 北京 100094)
  • 出版日期:1999-05-20 发布日期:1999-05-20
  • 通讯作者: 陈建三

A Study Cell Embryology of Rice 84-15

CHEN Jian-San and ZHAO Shi-Xu   

  1. (Institute of Crops Breeding and Cultivation, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081) 2(Biological College, Chinese Agricultural University, Beijing 100094)
  • Online:1999-05-20 Published:1999-05-20
  • Contact: CHEN Jian-San

摘要: 粳稻品种84-15是非洲长花药野生稻(O.longistaminata)和栽培稻80-6195杂交,在杂种第三代出现的不分离粳稻品系。它们的杂种F10代农艺性状保持整齐—致(赵世绪,1990;陈建三,1995)。它比水稻品种郑粳107增产 22.2%。用粳稻84-15与水稻喜峰杂交,在杂种第二代选育出中新一号比秋光增产11%,已种植F10代农艺性状保持—致。为了证实粳稻84-15固定杂种优势的原因,我们进行了细胞胚胎学的研究。通过研究发现了粳稻84-15珠心胚生殖现象(陈建三,1988;1990;1991)。本文旨在进一步研究此种现象。

Abstract: Rice 84-15 was hybrid from wild Africa O. longstaminata with cultivar 80-6195, its hybrids F3 were unsegregation strains. Their hybrids Fl0 were uniform as to plants of agronomic characteristics. Rice ZhongXue No. 1 was hybrid from rice 84-15 with rice XuFeng, its hybrids F2 were unsegregation strains, Its hybrids F10 were uniform as to plants of agronomic characteristics. The cytoembrylogy of rice 84-15 was studied and nucellar embryong and plolyembryong were found by using parfffin sections. Observations on intact transparent ovaries under inverted differential interference microscope showed that the antipodal cells in the embryo sac disappeared at 4 days after pollination. Therefore, the embryoids at the chalazal end were nucellar embryoes, and furthermore the embryes developed from fertilized ove at the micropyle end died pramaturely and were replaccd by nucellar embryoes.Their frequency approached 100% in rice 84-15. Further studies were needed for zygote embryo's death and fertilization process as soon as possible.