植物学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (5): 596-605.DOI: 10.11983/CBB18261
Yi Yang1,Na Wang1,Kuiling Wang1,Qinghua Liu1,Wei Li1,Xiao Guo1,Yingjie Ma2,Qingchao Liu1,*()
Qingchao Liu
摘要: 铁线莲属植物在花部形态和结构方面存在较大差异, 遗传背景相对复杂。因此, 在杂交育种前对其进行胚胎学研究具有重要意义。利用石蜡切片技术对大叶铁线莲(Clematis heracleifolia)大小孢子发生及雌雄配子体发育过程进行研究, 结果显示, 大叶铁线莲具雄株和两性花植株。雄花中, 雄配子体发育偶见败育现象; 而两性花中多数花粉发育异常, 形成功能性雌花。正常发育的两性花中, 雄蕊较雌蕊先发育完全。花药4室, 具腺质绒毡层, 偶见变形绒毡层。胞质分裂为同时型, 以四面体型四分体为主, 偶见左右对称型。成熟花药中, 花药壁由纤维状加厚的表皮及药室内壁构成, 花粉粒为2-细胞型, 近球状, 散沟型。子房1室, 内含少量退化胚珠及1个发育正常的胚珠, 倒生, 单珠被, 薄珠心, 蓼型胚囊, 具线形大孢子四分体及双核反足细胞。大叶铁线莲可能处于相对进化的过渡地位。在杂交育种中, 建议以雄花植株作为父本, 两性花植株仅用作母本; 在两性花花芽大小为0.5-0.8 cm时进行去雄处理。
杨艺,王娜,王奎玲,刘庆华,李伟,郭霄,马颖杰,刘庆超. 大叶铁线莲大小孢子发生及雌雄配子体发育. 植物学报, 2019, 54(5): 596-605.
Yi Yang,Na Wang,Kuiling Wang,Qinghua Liu,Wei Li,Xiao Guo,Yingjie Ma,Qingchao Liu. Megasporogenesis, Microsporogenesis and Development of Male and Female Gametophytes of Clematis heracleifolia. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2019, 54(5): 596-605.
图2 大叶铁线莲雄花小孢子发育 (A) 孢原细胞(箭头所示, 上)及其平周分裂形成初生壁细胞(箭头所示, 上)和初生造孢细胞(箭头所示, 下); (B) 花药壁; (C1) 次生造孢细胞; (C2) 有丝分裂前期(箭头所示); (C3) 有丝分裂中期(箭头所示, 右)和后期(箭头所示, 左); (C4) 有丝分裂末期(箭头所示); (D) 小孢子母细胞; (E1) 减数第1次分裂前期; (E2) 减数第1次分裂中期(箭头所示); (E3) 减数第1次分裂后期(箭头所示, 右)和末期(箭头所示, 左); (F1) 减数第2次分裂后期(箭头所示, 左), 偶见变形绒毡层(箭头所示, 右); (F2) 减数第2次分裂末期, 偶见左右对称型四分体(箭头所示); (G) 四分体解体; (H) 花药发育异步现象(箭头所示); (I1)-(I4) 小孢子败育。Bars=50 μm
Figure 2 Microspore development in staminat e flower of Clematis heracleifolia (A) Archesporial cell (arrow, up), primary parietal cell (arrow, up) and primary sporogenous cell (arrow, down); (B) Anther wall; (C1) A row of secondary sporogenous cells; (C2) Prophase (arrow); (C3) Metaphase (arrow, right) and anaphase (arrow, left); (C4) Telophase (arrow); (D) Microspore mother cells; (E1) Microspore mother cells at prophase of prophase I of meiosis; (E2) Microspore mother cells at metaphase of meiosis I (arrow); (E3) Microspore mother cells at anaphase (arrow, right) and telophase (arrow, left) of meiosis I; (F1) Microspore mother cells at anaphase of meiosis II (arrow, left) and amoeboid tapetum (arrow, right); (F2) Microspore mother cells at telophase of meiosis II (arrow) and symmetrical microspore tetrads; (G) Degrading tetrahedral tetrad; (H) The asynchronous phases; (I1)-(I4) Aborted microspores. Bars=50 μm
图3 大叶铁线莲雄花雄配子体发育 (A) 单核居中期; (B) 单核靠边期; (C1) 有丝分裂前期(箭头所示); (C2) 有丝分裂中期(箭头所示, 下)和后期(箭头所示, 上); (C3) 有丝分裂后期(箭头所示); (C4) 有丝分裂末期, 形成营养细胞和生殖细胞(箭头所示); (D) 花药开裂, 散粉, 2-细胞花粉粒。(A), (B), (C1), (D) Bars=50 μm; (C2)-(C4) Bars=20 μm
Figure 3 Microgametophyte development in staminate flower of Clematis heracleifolia (A) Microspore at monokaryotic stage; (B) Microspore at monokaryotic side stage; (C1) Microspore at prophase (arrow); (C2) Microspore at metaphase (arrow, down) and anaphase (arrow, up); (C3) Microspore at anaphase (arrow); (C4) Microspore at telophase, vegetative cell and germ cell are formed (arrow); (D) The dehiscent anther, and the 2-celled mature pollen grains. (A), (B), (C1), (D) Bars=50 μm; (C2)-(C4) Bars=20 μm
图4 大叶铁线莲两性花小孢子发生及花粉发育 (A)-(D) 小孢子母细胞败育; (E), (F) 部分小孢子母细胞败育; (G), (H) 花粉正常发育。an: 花药; ov: 子房。(A), (C), (G) Bars=500 μm; (B), (F) Bars=50 μm; (D), (E), (H) Bars=200 μm
Figure 4 Microspore and pollen grain development in bisexual flower of Clematis heracleifolia (A)-(D) Aborted microspore mother cells; (E), (F) Some aborted microspore mother cells; (G), (H) Normal pollen grains. an: Anther; ov: Ovary. (A), (C), (G) Bars=500 μm; (B), (F) Bars=50 μm; (D), (E), (H) Bars=200 μm
Characters | State |
Shape | Spheroidal |
Type of aperture | Pantocolpate |
Diameter (μm) | 16.09±0.88 |
Spinule height (μm) | 0.46±0.09 |
Number of spinules (3×3 μm2) | 3.80±1.08 |
表1 大叶铁线莲花粉特性
Table 1 Pollen characteristics of Clematis heracleifolia
Characters | State |
Shape | Spheroidal |
Type of aperture | Pantocolpate |
Diameter (μm) | 16.09±0.88 |
Spinule height (μm) | 0.46±0.09 |
Number of spinules (3×3 μm2) | 3.80±1.08 |
图5 大叶铁线莲花粉扫描电镜观察 (A) Bar=10 μm; (B)-(D) Bars=1 μm
Figure 5 Scanning electron microscopy views of pollen grains of Clematis heracleifolia (A) Bar=10 μm; (B)-(D) Bars=1 μm
图6 大叶铁线莲两性花大孢子及雌配子体发育 (A), (B) 子房和胚珠; (C) 孢原细胞(箭头所示); (D) 大孢子母细胞(箭头所示); (E) 线形大孢子四分体(箭头所示); (F) 珠孔端3个大孢子退化, 合点端发育形成功能大孢子(箭头所示); (G) 二核胚囊; (H) 四核胚囊; (I) 八核胚囊; (J)-(L) 成熟胚囊7细胞8核。ac: 反足细胞; cc: 中央极核; ec: 卵细胞; sy: 助细胞。(A), (B) Bars=200 μm; (C)-(L) Bars=50 μm
Figure 6 Megaspore and megagametophyte development in bisexual flower of Clematis heracleifolia (A), (B) The ovary and ovule; (C) Archesporial cells (arrow); (D) Megaspore mother cells (arrow); (E) A linear tetrad of megaspores (arrows); (F) The three endostome megaspores were degenerated and the chalazal one was a functional megaspore (arrows); (G) Binucleate embryo sac; (H) Tetranucleate embryo sac; (I) Embryo sac with 8 nuclei; (J)-(L) Mature embryo sac of seven-cell with eight nuclei. ac: Antipodal cell; cc: Central nucleus; ec: Egg cell; sy: Synergids. (A), (B) Bars=200 μm; (C)-(L) Bars=50 μm
Bud length (cm) | Stamen length (cm) | Male gametophyte |
0.22-0.40 | 0.15-0.31 | Microsporocyte, meiosis |
0.40-0.85 | 0.31-0.51 | Meiosis, microspore |
0.85-1.09 | 0.51-0.86 | Microspore, monokaryotic side stage, mitosis |
1.09-1.39 | 0.86-1.12 | Mitosis, 2-celled pollen |
1.39-2.14 | 1.12-1.32 | 2-celled pollen |
表2 大叶铁线莲雄花中配子体发育与花芽形态的关系
Table 2 Relationship between gametophytes development and flower bud morphology in staminate flower of Clematis heracleifolia
Bud length (cm) | Stamen length (cm) | Male gametophyte |
0.22-0.40 | 0.15-0.31 | Microsporocyte, meiosis |
0.40-0.85 | 0.31-0.51 | Meiosis, microspore |
0.85-1.09 | 0.51-0.86 | Microspore, monokaryotic side stage, mitosis |
1.09-1.39 | 0.86-1.12 | Mitosis, 2-celled pollen |
1.39-2.14 | 1.12-1.32 | 2-celled pollen |
Bud length (cm) | Stamen length (cm) | Pistil length (cm) | Male gametophyte | Female gametophyte |
0.16-0.36 | 0.10-0.14 | 0.05-0.11 | Microsporocyte, meiosis, microspore | - |
0.36-0.50 | 0.14-0.34 | 0.10-0.18 | Microspore monokaryotic side stage, mitosis | Archesporium, megasporocyte |
0.50-0.88 | 0.34-0.48 | 0.18-0.21 | Mitosis, 2-celled pollen | Megasporocyte, uninucleate embryo sac |
0.88-0.95 | 0.48-0.52 | 0.21-0.30 | 2-celled pollen | Uninucleate embryo sac, 2-nucleate or 4-nucleate embryo sac |
0.95-1.42 | 0.52-0.60 | 0.30-0.42 | 2-celled pollen | 4-nucleate or 8-nucleate embryo sac, mature embryo sac |
表3 大叶铁线莲两性花中配子体发育与花芽形态的关系
Table 3 Relationship between gametophytes development and flower bud morphology in bisexual flower of Clematis heracleifolia
Bud length (cm) | Stamen length (cm) | Pistil length (cm) | Male gametophyte | Female gametophyte |
0.16-0.36 | 0.10-0.14 | 0.05-0.11 | Microsporocyte, meiosis, microspore | - |
0.36-0.50 | 0.14-0.34 | 0.10-0.18 | Microspore monokaryotic side stage, mitosis | Archesporium, megasporocyte |
0.50-0.88 | 0.34-0.48 | 0.18-0.21 | Mitosis, 2-celled pollen | Megasporocyte, uninucleate embryo sac |
0.88-0.95 | 0.48-0.52 | 0.21-0.30 | 2-celled pollen | Uninucleate embryo sac, 2-nucleate or 4-nucleate embryo sac |
0.95-1.42 | 0.52-0.60 | 0.30-0.42 | 2-celled pollen | 4-nucleate or 8-nucleate embryo sac, mature embryo sac |
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