Community Structure Characteristics of Phytoplankton in Tongjiang of the Sanjiang Plain Wetland
Hui Li, Yan Liu, Yawen Fan, Chaoxuan Guo
Chinese Bulletin of Botany. 2014, 49(4):
751 )
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We examined the phytoplankton community structure in the Tongjiang area in the Sanjiang Plain Wetland in summer (June) of 2012 with 13 sampling sites consisting of large open-water bodies, small closed-water bodies, wetland water bodies, and river water bodies. We identified 312 taxa (including 276 species, 33 varieties and 3 forms) belonging to 8 divisions, 10 classes, 21 orders, 36 families, and 92 genera. The phytoplankton abundance varied from 2.68×104 to 2.53×106 cells·L–1. The abundant species and highest cell densities occurred in large open-water bodies, and Chlorophyta was the dominant group. In small closed-water bodies, algae adaptability was strong, and algal community structures were the most complex in all habitats. The water bodies were influenced by human activities, and we found several indicator species of organic pollution, such as Trachelomonas oblonga and T. hisoida. Some taxa that were characteristic of low-temperature habitats, such as Cryptomonas erosa, were identified in river water bodies and were dominant species. Meanwhile, we found a large increase in the number of β-mesosaprobic-zone indicators. Cluster and non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis divided the phytoplankton community composition into 4 groups. The Margalef index ranged from 0.41 to 5.47, the Shannon-Wiener index from 1.22 to 3.58, and the Simpson and Pielou indexes were higher. Diversity indexes showed that the phytoplankton community structure was relatively abundant and stability varied in the Tongjiang area of the Sanjiang Plain Wetland.