Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2019, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (2): 245-154.DOI: 10.11983/CBB18115
Special Issue: 逆境生物学专辑 (2019年54卷2期)
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Yajing Wang,Xinying Zhang,Guirong Huang,Xiaoying Liu,Rui Guo,Fengxue Gu,Xiuli Zhong(),Xurong Mei(
Xiuli Zhong,Xurong Mei
Yajing Wang,Xinying Zhang,Guirong Huang,Xiaoying Liu,Rui Guo,Fengxue Gu,Xiuli Zhong,Xurong Mei. Characteristics of Phosphatidic Acid and the Underlying Mechanisms of ABA-induced Stomatal Movement in Plants[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2019, 54(2): 245-154.
Figure 1 Proposed model for interaction between phosphatidic acid (PA) and proteins The electrostatic and hydrogen bonding switch facilitates PA interaction with basic amino acid residues on PA-binding pro- teins.
Figure 2 Roles of SPHK/phyto-S1P and PLDɑ1/PA in ABA-induced stomatal closure signaling pathway (Guo et al., 2011)Arrows represent activation, bars mean inhibition, and dotted lines represent unknown mechanisms.
Figure 3 Proposed model of involvements of phosphatidic acid (PA) in regulating stomatal movements The model includes PA involvements in signal transduction pathways as discussed in the review. Arrows represent activation, bold arrows represent that PA production by phospholipids hydrolyzing by PLDs, bars mean inhibition, and dotted lines represent unknown mechanisms. The yellow block is the feedback effect of PA on SPHK in ABA-induced stomatal closure; The purple block represents PA, Rboh and ROS are involved in stomatal closure; The green block shows that PA and [Ca2+] form a feedback loop, which stimulates the depolymerization of microtubules and ultimately promotes stomatal closure.
蛋白 | 16:0-16:0 | 16:0-18:1 | 16:0-18:2 | 18:0-18:0 | 18:0-18:1 | 18:0-18:2 | 18:1-18:1 | 18:2-18:2 | 参考文献 |
RbohD/F | - | + | + | - | + | + | + | ||
ABI1 | (弱) | - (弱) | + (强) | - (弱) | |||||
MAP65-1 | (弱) | + | + | - | + | + | + | + | |
MPK6 | (弱) | + | + (强) | - (弱) | + | + | + | ||
SPHK | - (弱) | + | + | - (弱) | + | - | |||
ZmCPK11 | + | + |
Table 1 Various interactive proteins bind on specific phosphatidic acid (PA) molecular species
蛋白 | 16:0-16:0 | 16:0-18:1 | 16:0-18:2 | 18:0-18:0 | 18:0-18:1 | 18:0-18:2 | 18:1-18:1 | 18:2-18:2 | 参考文献 |
RbohD/F | - | + | + | - | + | + | + | ||
ABI1 | (弱) | - (弱) | + (强) | - (弱) | |||||
MAP65-1 | (弱) | + | + | - | + | + | + | + | |
MPK6 | (弱) | + | + (强) | - (弱) | + | + | + | ||
SPHK | - (弱) | + | + | - (弱) | + | - | |||
ZmCPK11 | + | + |
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