Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2018, Vol. 53 ›› Issue (2): 227-237.DOI: 10.11983/CBB17136
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Zhao Xuehui1, Xiao Wei1,2, Guo Jianmin1, Gao Dongsheng1,2, Fu Xiling1,2,*(), Li Dongmei1,2,3,*(
Fu Xiling,Li Dongmei
Zhao Xuehui, Xiao Wei, Guo Jianmin, Gao Dongsheng, Fu Xiling, Li Dongmei. Effect of Blue Light on Photosynthetic Performance and Accumulation of Sugar and Organic Acids in Greenhouse Nectarine[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2018, 53(2): 227-237.
Figure 1 Effects of supplementary blue light on photosynthetic parameters in leaves during peach fruit development(A) Stomatal conductance (Gs); (B) Net photosynthetic rate (Pn); (C) Intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci). Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at 0.05 level among treatments.
Treatment | Chlorophyll a (mg·g-1 FW) | Chlorophyll b (mg·g-1 FW) | Chlorophyll (a+b) (mg·g-1 FW) | Chlorophyll a/b | Carotenoids (mg·g-1 FW) | Leaf area (cm2) |
Blue light | 2.630* | 0.868* | 3.498* | 3.030 | 0.491 | 75.100* |
CK | 2.305 | 0.706 | 3.011 | 3.265* | 0.522 | 46.458 |
Table 1 Effects of supplementary blue light on pigment content and leaf area
Treatment | Chlorophyll a (mg·g-1 FW) | Chlorophyll b (mg·g-1 FW) | Chlorophyll (a+b) (mg·g-1 FW) | Chlorophyll a/b | Carotenoids (mg·g-1 FW) | Leaf area (cm2) |
Blue light | 2.630* | 0.868* | 3.498* | 3.030 | 0.491 | 75.100* |
CK | 2.305 | 0.706 | 3.011 | 3.265* | 0.522 | 46.458 |
Figure 2 The statistical analysis of diurnal variation of stomatal opening rate (A) and stomatal opening area (B) of peach leavesDifferent lowercase letters indicate significant differences at 0.05 level among treatments.
Figure 3 Observation of stomatal morphology of peach leaves at some critical moments in a day(A), (C) and (E) The stomatal morphology in the control of peach leaves at 8:00, 14:00 and 18:00, respectively; (B), (D) and (F) The stomatal morphology in the supplemental blue light of peach leaves at 8:00, 14:00 and 18:00, respectively.
Figure 4 Effects of supplementary blue light on photo-assi- milate in leaves and fruit during peach fruit development(A) The contents of fructose in leaves; (B) The contents of glucose in leaves; (C) The contents of sorbitol in leaves; (D) The contents of total sugar in leaves; (E) The contents of fructose in fruit; (F) The contents of glucose in fruit; (G) The contents of sorbitol in fruit; (H) The contents of sucrose in fruit; (I) The contents of total sugar in fruit. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at 0.05 level among treatments.
Figure 5 Effects of supplementary blue light on organic acid in leaves and fruit and the sugar and acid ratio of fruit during peach fruit development(A) The contents of oxalic acid in leaves; (B) The contents of succinic acid in leaves; (C) The contents of citric acid in leaves; (D) The contents of total acid in leaves; (E) The contents of oxalic acid in fruit; (F) The contents of succinic acid in fruit; (G) The contents of citric acid in fruit; (H) The contents of tartaric acid in fruit; (I) The contents of total acid in fruit; (J) Sugar and acid ratio of fruit. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences at 0.05 level among treatments.
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