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1. A Study on Miocene Shanwang Formation, Linqu, Shandong, China--with a Brief Review of Research History in This Locality
LI Feng-Lin ZHANG Jian-Ping LI Ming-Lu
植物学报    2000, 17 (专辑): 237-246.  
摘要1333)      PDF (526KB)(483)    收藏
At first, this paper gives a brief review of early research history in the study area, especially on the details of first discovery of this locality by C. C. Young. Secondly, the geological setting of the Xiejiahe basin is briefly discussed, and the Miocene stratigraphic sequences are described in detail, Thirdly, the sedimentary environments are analyzed and the status of paleoecological study is estimated, based on the analysis of different fossil assemblages, it is proved that the Xiejiahe basin was in a humid and warm climate during the Miocene period, associated with some volcanic activities. At last, a comparison among the Clarkia basin, Idaho, USA, Steinheim crater, Germany and study area (Shanwang) is made, the similarities and differences of three areas above are discussed in this paper.
2. 山东省临朐县山旺组硅藻土层的划分
李承森 王宇飞 孙启高 李凤麟 张建平 王宪曾 李俊德 陈平富
植物学报    2000, 17 (专辑): 247-251.  
摘要1334)      PDF (257KB)(563)    收藏
3. 山东山旺中新世植物类群的部分修订与新发现
王宇飞 李承森 宋书银 李俊德 王琴
植物学报    2000, 17 (专辑): 252-255.  
摘要1549)      PDF (256KB)(861)    收藏
山东省临朐县中新世山旺植物群的研究工作过去主要侧重植物外部形态描述。近年来我们运用国际古植物学研究的新技术、新方法,将外部形态学与内部细胞结构研究结合,开展了对山旺植物群类群的研究与修订工作,取得初步的重要进展,建立了化石新属钱耐属、新种山旺榉,新近发现的Eucommia cf.ulmoides是目前我国唯一保存有精美的胶丝细胞结构的、可靠的化石杜仲。全面、系统地对山旺植物群进行类群的修订尚有待完成,这些工作的开展将有助于在时间与空间上,阐明不同类群的演化历史,反映欧亚植物区系、东亚北美植物区系的联系与分化的过程及其规律。
4. 山东山旺中新世植物气孔的观察及其意义
孙启高 陈立群
植物学报    2000, 17 (专辑): 256-258.  
摘要1341)      PDF (198KB)(510)    收藏
The Middle Miocene-aged Shanwang flora, eastern China is diverse and abundant. In 1940 Hu & Chaney first reported the flora. Unfortunately, there was not any article documenting the existence of cuticle from the flora from 1940 to 1999 although there was a long list of references about Shanwang research. Actually, it seems very difficult to prepare the cuticle of the flora. It is showed that compression fossils of the flora suffer from drying and cracking and that the cracks and stomata were observed by SEM. It is this year that Wang and Manchester extracted small fragments of cuticle of Chaneya so as to have revised an important element, formerly named as Astronium in Shanwang flora. Recently, the stomatal and epidermal cells of other compression fossils from Shanwang flora were directly observed using epifluoresence microscope, which enables us to make the counts of stomatal characters. It is evident that stomatal observation is of great importance to further study the superficial identification of Shanwang flora and track the changing atmospheric CO2 concentrations during the Miocene.
5. 应用共存因子分析法定量分析山旺中新世古气候的进展
植物学报    2000, 17 (专辑): 259-260.  
摘要1304)      PDF (76KB)(458)    收藏
6. 山东山旺中新世的水生植物
李俊德 杨健 王宇飞
植物学报    2000, 17 (专辑): 261-261.  
摘要1284)      PDF (49KB)(429)    收藏
7. 山东山旺中新世新近发现松科球果
王琴 杨健 王宇飞
植物学报    2000, 17 (专辑): 262-263.  
摘要1224)      PDF (81KB)(539)    收藏
8. 山东山旺中新世鱼化石埋藏学及古湖泊环境
陈平富 阎际兴 王琴
植物学报    2000, 17 (专辑): 264-271.  
摘要1537)      PDF (510KB)(561)    收藏
9. 中国山东山旺中新世地层及古生物研究文献目录(1936-2000)
孙启高 李凤麟 梁明媚 陈平富 李俊德
植物学报    2000, 17 (专辑): 272-288.  
摘要1623)      PDF (1038KB)(653)    收藏