收稿日期: 2022-10-25
录用日期: 2023-02-28
网络出版日期: 2023-03-24
The Application of Click Chemistry Reactions in Plant Cell Labeling
Received date: 2022-10-25
Accepted date: 2023-02-28
Online published: 2023-03-24
点击化学又称“链接化学”或“速配结合式组合化学”。其可通过碳-杂原子键(C-X-C)连接产生出诸多功能强大、高度可靠且具较强特异性的反应, 是一种快速合成大量化合物的新方法。近几年, 点击化学在药物开发、新材料合成、材料表面功能化修饰和生物大分子标记等方面取得了较大进展。2022年, 点击化学的开拓者获得了诺贝尔化学奖。该文简要介绍点击化学的原理和反应类型, 重点总结其在标记生物大分子上的研究进展, 特别是在植物细胞壁聚糖标记方面的应用, 以期为解析植物细胞壁结构、合成和动态转运机制提供新思路。
关键词: 点击化学反应; 叠氮-炔烃环加成反应; 细胞壁; 聚糖
张御格, 袁笑妍, 张贵芳, 李雨健, 殷金环, 林金星, 李晓娟 . 点击化学反应在植物细胞标记中的应用[J]. 植物学报, 2023 , 58(6) : 956 -965 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB22252
Click chemistry, also known as "link chemistry" or "speed-matching combinatorial chemistry", is the development of a powerful, highly reliable, and highly specific set of reactions for the rapid synthesis of new compounds through the connection of carbon-heteroatomic bonds (C-X-C). Click chemistry has been progressing greatly in drug development, new material synthesis, material surface functionalization modification and biological macromolecular labeling. Pioneers of click chemistry was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2022. This review briefly introduces the principles, reaction types and applications of click chemistry, summarizes the research progress of click chemistry in labeling biological macromolecules, especially in its application to plant cell wall polysaccharide labeling, and provides new ideas for the study of plant cell wall synthesis, structure and dynamic transport.
Key words: click chemistry reaction; azide-alkyne cycloaddition; cell wall; glycan
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