收稿日期: 2022-08-03
录用日期: 2022-11-15
网络出版日期: 2022-11-15
An Efficient System for Regenerating Adventitious Buds in Stem Segments of Tea Plants
Received date: 2022-08-03
Accepted date: 2022-11-15
Online published: 2022-11-15
茶树(Camellia sinensis)是重要的经济作物, 杂合度高且变异度大, 其高效离体再生体系鲜见报道。以舒茶早茎段为起始外植体, 进行不定芽高效发生影响因子研究。结果表明, MS+2 mg∙L-1 6-BA为定芽诱导的最适配方, 定芽诱导率为84.44%, 吸收底盘膨大率为80%, 利于后续不定芽诱导; MS+2 mg∙L-1 6-BA+0.2 mg∙L-1 NAA+0.1 mg∙L-1 KT+1 mg∙L-1脯氨酸为不定芽增殖诱导的适宜配方, 不定芽诱导率为88.89%, 平均芽数为7.8。不定根诱导的适宜配方为1/2MS+3 mg∙L-1 IBA, 生根率为85.56%。采用RAPD和ISSR技术对再生植株进行分子检测, 在连续2代离体再生植株中未发现明显变异。
任露露, 张有泽, 黄克林, 宛晓春, 张照亮, 朱木兰, 韦朝领 . 茶树茎段不定芽高效发生体系的建立[J]. 植物学报, 2023 , 58(2) : 308 -315 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB22184
Tea plant is an important economic crop with high heterozygosity and variation. There are few reports on the in vitro regeneration system with high efficiency. In this study, the stem segment of a tea cultivar Shuchazao was used as the initial explants to identify the factors which could efficiently influence the regeneration of adventitious buds. The results showed that MS+2 mg∙L-1 6-BA was the best formula for normal buds induction, and the induction rate was 84.44%. The expansion rate of the absorption chassis was 80%, which was beneficial to the subsequent induction of adventitious buds. MS+2 mg∙L-1 6-BA+0.2 mg∙L-1 NAA+0.1 mg∙L-1 KT+1 mg∙L-1 proline was the suitable formula for the induction of adventitious buds, and the induction rate was 88.89%. The average number of shoots was 7.8. 1/2MS+3 mg∙L-1 IBA was the suitable formula for adventitious root induction, and the rooting rate was 85.56%. The regenerated plants were subjected to molecular verification by RAPD and ISSR techniques. The results showed that no significant variation was found in the two consecutive generations of regenerated plants in vitro.
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