植物学报 ›› 2002, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (04): 477-483.

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


龚颂福 李止正   

  1. (中国科学院上海植物生理研究所 上海 200032)
  • 收稿日期:2001-07-02 修回日期:2001-09-10 出版日期:2002-07-20 发布日期:2002-07-20
  • 通讯作者: 龚颂福

The Columnar Soilless Cultures (CSC) of Flower Plants

GONG Song-Fu LI Zhi-Zheng   

  1. (Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology, The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200032)
  • Received:2001-07-02 Revised:2001-09-10 Online:2002-07-20 Published:2002-07-20
  • Contact: GONG Song-Fu

摘要: 于玻璃温室内的160 m2面积上,以干湿交替型盆钵组装起高200 cm, 直径15 cm的立柱77根,然后组成立柱“树林”并种花,25个科的共53种草花用同一营养系统管理,生长都良好,立柱“树林”象是花的“森林”,显示了良好的生态关系。在此基础上挑选不同种盆花组成不同情趣的家庭阳台花柱。阳台花柱具若干优点:新型盆钵具良好的水、气、肥协调关系,适合多种花卉生长;柱高任选,便手提携带;柱体能环绕中轴旋转使植物受光均匀;花柱底部是具中岛结构式底盆,起蓄水和稳定作用,还便于多根立柱串联扩大栽培量;有人工和自动浇灌两种系统,省工省时且干净卫生。

Abstract: A columnar cultural system, which contained 77 columns (200 cm in height, 15 cm in diameter) in 160 m2 area in a glass house, carried flower plants of 53 species in 25 families and looked as if a “flower forest". The cultural result showed a harmonious ecological relation among the different flower plants while all of them had been irrigating with a same nutrient system and offered a theoretical base for the mixed flower column used on the balcony culture. The different flower columns with different interests could be composed with different flower chose arbitrarily from the columnar cultural system for the cultures on the balcony. Besides this, these flower columns possessed also other several advantages. The columns were of different heights from 50 cm~200 cm and portable to carry. The column could be turned round the spindle, so the plants grown on the column could get sun light uniformly. The basin used as the bottom of column was the reservoir with the island, which made the column a solid foundation, but also could contact the other column to enlarge the cultures. There were both irrigating systems manually and automatically, so labor and time were saved and cleaing was kept.