植物学报 ›› 1999, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (02): 163-170.
• 专论与综述 • 上一篇 下一篇
陈敏 李爱芬 周百成
CHEN Min, LI Ai-Fen and ZHOU Bai-Cheng
摘要: 综述了藻类光合作用PSI色素蛋白复合物结构及长波荧光特性的研究进展,并同高等植物进行了比较。藻类PSI结构和长波荧光的多样性同高等植物PSI的同一性形成鲜明对比。认为藻类PSI的这种多样性可能具有门类特征。对藻类和高等植物的PSI进行比较研究,将有助于了解PSI的结构、功能和进化。
Abstract: Studies on the structure of chlorophyll-protein complexes of algal PSI and the characteristics of their long-wavelength fluorescence are reviewed, and comparied with those of higher plants. The diversity of algal PSI forms a sharp contrast with the identity of PSI of higher plants, and has the characteristics of phylumla. Comparitive studies between the. PSI of algae and higher plants will contribute a better under standing to the structure, function and evolution of PSI.
陈敏 李爱芬 周百成. 藻类光合作用PSI色素蛋白复合物结构及长波荧光特性. 植物学报, 1999, 16(02): 163-170.
CHEN Min;LI Ai-Fen and ZHOU Bai-Cheng. The Structure of Chlorophyll-Protein Complexes of Algal PSI and the Characteristics of Their Long-Wavel ength Fluorescence. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 1999, 16(02): 163-170.
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