植物学报 ›› 1999, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (02): 122-126.
• 专论与综述 • 上一篇 下一篇
QIU Quan-Sheng
摘要: 植物细胞质膜H+-ATPase属于P型质子泵。由该酶产生的跨膜电化学梯度是物质跨膜运输的原初动力。研究表明,质膜H+-ATPase与植物的生长发育密切相关,被称为植物细胞的“主宰酶”。近年,关于该酶的生化特性,基因表达与调控以及结构与功能等方面的研究取得重要进展。对质膜H+-ATPase的生化特性,分子结构,调节机制和生理功能等进行了综述。
Abstract: Plant plasma membrane H+ -ATPase was a P-type proton pump. The transmembrane electrochemical gradients generated by the enzyme was the primary force for the transmembrane transports. Researches indicated that the plasma membrane H+ -ATPase plays important roles in the growth and development in plants. It was called the "master enzyme" in plant cells; Great progress had been made about the biochemical character, gene expression and regulation, structure and function of the H+ -ATPase in recent years. In this article the biochemical character, molecular structure, regulatory mechanism and physiological roles of the plasma membrane H+ -ATPase were reviewed.
邱全胜. 植物细胞质膜H+-ATPase的结构与功能. 植物学报, 1999, 16(02): 122-126.
QIU Quan-Sheng. Structure and Function of Plant Plasma Membrane H+-ATPase. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 1999, 16(02): 122-126.
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