植物学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (4): 457-467.DOI: 10.11983/CBB22040
石水琴1, 秦华光1, 张静静1, 韩钰1, 余淏1, 彭怡宁2, 杨邵1, 汪嘉怡1, 何光宇1, 岂泽华1, 吴文杰2, 朱星雨1, 饶玉春2,*(), 穆丹1,*(
Shi Shuiqin1, Qin Huaguang1, Zhang Jingjing1, Han Yu1, Yu Hao1, Peng Yining2, Yang Shao1, Wang Jiayi1, He Guangyu1, Qi Zehua1, Wu Wenjie2, Zhu Xingyu1, Rao Yuchun2,*(), Mu Dan1,*(
Rao Yuchun,Mu Dan
About author:
First author contact: These authors contributed equally to this paper
摘要: 植物根际微生物群落对植物健康生长有重要影响, 每种植物根际都有其特定的微生物群落。大别山五针松(Pinus dabeshanensis)被国际自然保护联盟列为濒危物种, 具有重要研究价值。该研究采用16S rRNA高通量测序技术与生物信息学方法, 对濒危植物大别山五针松根际细菌群落特征与功能进行分析。结果表明, 大别山五针松根际微生物的主要种类为变形菌门、放线菌门、酸杆菌门和疣微菌门。网络分析表明, 大别山五针松根际细菌类群存在显著相关性, 其中Bryobacter属、Bradyrhizobium属和未定义的TK10属是互作网络中的重要节点。PICRUSt1功能预测表明其微生物组功能主要为氨基酸运输和代谢、细胞壁/膜/膜生物发生以及能量产生和转换。FAPROTAX功能预测表明, 大别山五针松根际富含的优势菌群具有丰富的化学异养、纤维素水解、需氧化学异养和固氮功能, 其对植物生长发育具有重要作用。研究结果可为培育健康的大别山五针松根际微生物菌群及微生物资源的开发利用提供重要依据。
石水琴, 秦华光, 张静静, 韩钰, 余淏, 彭怡宁, 杨邵, 汪嘉怡, 何光宇, 岂泽华, 吴文杰, 朱星雨, 饶玉春, 穆丹. 濒危植物大别山五针松根际细菌群落特征与功能分析. 植物学报, 2022, 57(4): 457-467.
Shi Shuiqin, Qin Huaguang, Zhang Jingjing, Han Yu, Yu Hao, Peng Yining, Yang Shao, Wang Jiayi, He Guangyu, Qi Zehua, Wu Wenjie, Zhu Xingyu, Rao Yuchun, Mu Dan. Characteristics and Function Analysis of Rhizosphere Bacterial Community of Endangered Plant Pinus dabeshanensis. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2022, 57(4): 457-467.
图1 大别山五针松根际微生物在门级水平上的物种组成 横坐标为样本编号, 纵坐标为该样本不同物种在门级水平上所占的比例。不同颜色的柱子代表样本中不同物种, 柱子的长短代表该物种所占比例的大小。
Figure 1 Species composition of rhizosphere microorganisms of Pinus dabeshanensis at phylum level The abscissa is the sample number, and the ordinate is the proportion of different species in the sample at phylum level. Columns in different colors represent different species in the sample, and the height of columns represents the proportion of the species.
图2 大别山五针松根际微生物在属级水平上的物种组成 横坐标为样本编号, 纵坐标为该样本不同物种在属级水平上所占比例, 不同颜色柱子代表样本中不同的物种, 柱子长短代表该物种所占比例的大小。
Figure 2 Species composition of rhizosphere microorganisms of Pinus dabeshanensis at generic level The abscissa is the sample number, and the ordinate is the proportion of different species in the sample at generic level. Columns in different colors represent different species in the sample, and the height of columns represents the proportion of the species.
图3 大别山五针松根际微生物网络分析 节点的大小与注释到的物种丰度比例呈正相关。红色线表示正相关, 绿色线表示负相关。连接线越粗, 表示物种间相关性越高。物种间连接线越多, 表示物种间关系越密切。
Figure 3 Network analysis of rhizosphere microorganisms of Pinus dabeshanensis The size of nodes correlated with the proportion of species abundance annotated. The red line indicates positive correlations and the green line indicates negative correlations. The thicker the connecting line, the higher the correlation between species. The more connecting lines between species, the closer the relationship between species.
图4 大别山五针松根际微生物进化分析 系统发生进化树中每条分支代表一类物种, 根据物种所属的高级分类学水平对分支进行着色, 分支长度为2个物种间的进化距离, 即物种的差异程度。柱状图展示物种在不同分组中的reads占比。
Figure 4 Phylogenetic analysis of rhizosphere microorganisms of Pinus dabeshanensis Each branch of phylogenetic evolutionary tree represents a species. The branches are colored according to the high taxonomic level of the species. The branch length is the phylogenetic distance between the two species, that is, the degree of species difference. The bar chart shows the proportion of reads of species in different groups.
图5 大别山五针松根际微生物组蛋白相邻类的聚簇(COG)功能分类及统计分析 横坐标代表COG二级功能编号, 纵坐标代表功能丰度。
Figure 5 Classification and statistical analysis of cluster of orthologous groups of proteins (COG) function of rhizosphere microbiome of Pinus dabeshanensis The abscissa represents COG secondary function number, and the ordinate represents function abundance.
图6 大别山五针松根际微生物组物种-表型贡献度 (A) 革兰氏阳性表型; (B) 革兰氏阴性表型; (C) 生物膜形成表型; (D) 厌氧表型; (E) 需氧表型; (F) 兼性厌氧表型; (G) 致病性表型; (H) 耐压力表型; (I) 移动元件表型。物种-表型贡献度表示特定表型的主要物种组成, 即反映物种与表型的对应关系。横坐标为所有样品, 不同颜色图例代表不同的物种, 纵坐标为该样本中不同物种对此表型的贡献度。
Figure 6 Species-phenotype contribution of rhizosphere microbiome of Pinus dabeshanensis (A) Gram positive phenotype; (B) Gram negative phenotype; (C) Biofilm forming phenotype; (D) Anaerobic phenotype; (E) Aerobic phenotype; (F) Facultatively anaerobic phenotype; (G) Pathogenic phenotype; (H) Stress tolerant phenotype; (I) Mobile element containing phenotype. The species-phenotype contribution shows the main species composition of a specific phenotype, it reflects the corresponding relationship between species and phenotype. The abscissa represents all samples, different color represents different species, and the ordinate is the contribution of different species in the sample to this phenotype.
图7 大别山五针松根际微生物主要物种功能热图 横坐标为样本编号, 纵坐标为功能名称, 色块颜色梯度展示样本中不同功能的丰度变化情况。右侧为颜色梯度代表的数值。
Figure 7 Functional heatmap of main species of rhizosphere microorganisms of Pinus dabeshanensis The abscissa is the sample number, the ordinate is the function name, and the color block gradient shows the abundance changes of different functions in the sample. The right side is the value represented by the color gradient.
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