植物学报 ›› 2022, Vol. 57 ›› Issue (4): 468-478.DOI: 10.11983/CBB21181
* E-mail: ghwangaq@ibcas.ac.cn基金资助:
Yuan Rongzhen1,2, Wang Guohong1,*(), Tang Zhiyao3, Wang Qinggui4
Wang Guohong
摘要: 红皮云杉林(Picea koraiensis Forest Alliance)是以红皮云杉为群落共优势种的森林植被类型, 具有结构复杂及物种多样性高等特点。在遵从《中国植被志》研编规范的基础上, 提出了红皮云杉林新的分类系统, 包括5个群丛组8个群丛, 分别归属于常绿针叶林、落叶与常绿针叶混交林和针叶与阔叶混交林3个植被型。群丛组分类主要基于群落层片分化, 以及乔木层的共优势种和特征种的差异, 并以常绿针叶树层片重要值的66%为阈值划分常绿针叶林和针叶与阔叶混交林。在群丛分类中, 通过双向指示种分析筛选特征种, 综合考虑群落生境和群落演替阶段等因素确定分类方案。该分类方案是《中国植被志》研编规范的一个应用示例, 对植被分类工作的借鉴意义表现在4个方面。(1) 作为植被分类的重要凭证, 样方数据质量控制是植被分类工作的重要环节; 其中, 物种的准确鉴定对确保植被分类方案的合理性至关重要。(2) 对于乔木层物种组成丰富、优势种不明显的群落, 群落层片分化和特征种是植被类型划分的重要依据。(3) 以特定物种组合为共建种所组成的多个植被类型可归属为不同的植被型。(4) 森林采伐等人类活动可能对植被与环境的关系形成干扰。因此, 在植被分类中应考虑群落的干扰历史和演替阶段等因素。
袁荣珍, 王国宏, 唐志尧, 王庆贵. 红皮云杉林的植被分类及其环境解释. 植物学报, 2022, 57(4): 468-478.
Yuan Rongzhen, Wang Guohong, Tang Zhiyao, Wang Qinggui. The Vegetation Classification on Picea koraiensis Forest Alliance and Its Environmental Interpretation. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2022, 57(4): 468-478.
Plot | Place | Latitude (º) | Longitude (º) | Altitude (m) |
20105 | Amuer, Heilongjiang province | 52.6236 | 123.1739 | 561 |
20063 | Daqing mountain, Dailing district, Heilongjiang province | 46.9669 | 129.0389 | 361 |
03LS3-1 | Liangshui national nature reserve, Heilongjiang province | 47.1833 | 128.8981 | 430 |
03LS4-1 | Liangshui national nature reserve, Heilongjiang province | 47.1933 | 128.8877 | 344 |
XXAL09070710 | Dailing district, Heilongjiang province | 47.1900 | 128.8800 | 319 |
XXAL09070711 | Dailing district, Heilongjiang province | 47.0917 | 129.1469 | 283 |
XXAL09070204 | Hongxing district, Heilongjiang province | 48.2700 | 129.3300 | 326 |
XXAL09070305 | Hongxing district, Heilongjiang province | 48.1100 | 129.1900 | 303 |
XXAL09070508 | Meixi district, Heilongjiang province | 47.7600 | 129.4600 | 322 |
20076 | Dawusu, Mohe town, Heilongjiang province | 51.8019 | 124.4992 | 491 |
20078 | Dawusu, Mohe town, Heilongjiang province | 51.8014 | 124.5042 | 491 |
20079 | Dawusu, Mohe town, Heilongjiang province | 51.8033 | 124.5053 | 491 |
20080 | Dawusu, Mohe town, Heilongjiang province | 51.8119 | 124.4975 | 511 |
XXAL09070812 | Shuangfeng district, Heilongjiang province | 46.6800 | 128.0500 | 247 |
XXAL09082701 | Mengke mountain, Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.6300 | 124.2300 | 775 |
20070 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3364 | 124.6583 | 421 |
20071 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3367 | 124.6581 | 421 |
20072 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3378 | 124.6592 | 421 |
Plot | Place | Latitude (º) | Longitude (º) | Altitude (m) |
20073 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3381 | 124.6581 | 421 |
20074 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3386 | 124.6569 | 431 |
20075 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3389 | 124.6556 | 420 |
XXAL09083011 | Talin forest, Heilongjiang province | 52.3200 | 124.5200 | 382 |
20052 | Tangwanghe district, Heilongjiang province | 48.5047 | 129.4814 | 411 |
20053 | Tangwanghe district, Heilongjiang province | 48.5028 | 129.4825 | 401 |
20054 | Tangwanghe district, Heilongjiang province | 48.5006 | 129.4847 | 401 |
XXAL09070103 | Tangwanghe district, Heilongjiang province | 48.5000 | 129.7000 | 387 |
XXAL09070609 | Wumahe district, Heilongjiang province | 47.6300 | 128.7700 | 309 |
XXAL09062901 | Wuyiling district, Heilongjiang province | 48.7400 | 129.4100 | 319 |
20036 | Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.5075 | 128.4831 | 381 |
20037 | Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.5056 | 128.4858 | 391 |
20038 | Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.6211 | 128.5831 | 343 |
20039 | Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.6208 | 128.5842 | 346 |
20040 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7028 | 128.9108 | 311 |
20041 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7019 | 128.8956 | 341 |
20042 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7022 | 128.8981 | 371 |
20043 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7028 | 128.8953 | 321 |
20047 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7014 | 128.8878 | 351 |
20048 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7028 | 128.8875 | 331 |
20049 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.6947 | 128.8972 | 497 |
XXAL09070407 | Youhao district, Heilongjiang province | 48.1200 | 128.6600 | 322 |
XXAL09070406 | Sanhe forest, Youhao district, Heilongjiang province | 48.0200 | 128.5400 | 289 |
20022 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.3278 | 128.1228 | 861 |
20023 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.3303 | 128.1214 | 861 |
20024 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.3306 | 128.1217 | 851 |
00CB-19 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.1871 | 128.1700 | 1140 |
00CB-20 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.2203 | 128.1714 | 1075 |
20010 | Fusong, Jilin province | 42.0644 | 127.6583 | 881 |
20011 | Fusong, Jilin province | 42.0628 | 127.6600 | 861 |
20012 | Fusong, Jilin province | 42.0625 | 127.6592 | 851 |
表1 红皮云杉林49个样方地理信息
Table 1 Locations of 49 plots of Picea koraiensis Forest Alliance
Plot | Place | Latitude (º) | Longitude (º) | Altitude (m) |
20105 | Amuer, Heilongjiang province | 52.6236 | 123.1739 | 561 |
20063 | Daqing mountain, Dailing district, Heilongjiang province | 46.9669 | 129.0389 | 361 |
03LS3-1 | Liangshui national nature reserve, Heilongjiang province | 47.1833 | 128.8981 | 430 |
03LS4-1 | Liangshui national nature reserve, Heilongjiang province | 47.1933 | 128.8877 | 344 |
XXAL09070710 | Dailing district, Heilongjiang province | 47.1900 | 128.8800 | 319 |
XXAL09070711 | Dailing district, Heilongjiang province | 47.0917 | 129.1469 | 283 |
XXAL09070204 | Hongxing district, Heilongjiang province | 48.2700 | 129.3300 | 326 |
XXAL09070305 | Hongxing district, Heilongjiang province | 48.1100 | 129.1900 | 303 |
XXAL09070508 | Meixi district, Heilongjiang province | 47.7600 | 129.4600 | 322 |
20076 | Dawusu, Mohe town, Heilongjiang province | 51.8019 | 124.4992 | 491 |
20078 | Dawusu, Mohe town, Heilongjiang province | 51.8014 | 124.5042 | 491 |
20079 | Dawusu, Mohe town, Heilongjiang province | 51.8033 | 124.5053 | 491 |
20080 | Dawusu, Mohe town, Heilongjiang province | 51.8119 | 124.4975 | 511 |
XXAL09070812 | Shuangfeng district, Heilongjiang province | 46.6800 | 128.0500 | 247 |
XXAL09082701 | Mengke mountain, Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.6300 | 124.2300 | 775 |
20070 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3364 | 124.6583 | 421 |
20071 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3367 | 124.6581 | 421 |
20072 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3378 | 124.6592 | 421 |
Plot | Place | Latitude (º) | Longitude (º) | Altitude (m) |
20073 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3381 | 124.6581 | 421 |
20074 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3386 | 124.6569 | 431 |
20075 | Tahe, Heilongjiang province | 52.3389 | 124.6556 | 420 |
XXAL09083011 | Talin forest, Heilongjiang province | 52.3200 | 124.5200 | 382 |
20052 | Tangwanghe district, Heilongjiang province | 48.5047 | 129.4814 | 411 |
20053 | Tangwanghe district, Heilongjiang province | 48.5028 | 129.4825 | 401 |
20054 | Tangwanghe district, Heilongjiang province | 48.5006 | 129.4847 | 401 |
XXAL09070103 | Tangwanghe district, Heilongjiang province | 48.5000 | 129.7000 | 387 |
XXAL09070609 | Wumahe district, Heilongjiang province | 47.6300 | 128.7700 | 309 |
XXAL09062901 | Wuyiling district, Heilongjiang province | 48.7400 | 129.4100 | 319 |
20036 | Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.5075 | 128.4831 | 381 |
20037 | Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.5056 | 128.4858 | 391 |
20038 | Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.6211 | 128.5831 | 343 |
20039 | Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.6208 | 128.5842 | 346 |
20040 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7028 | 128.9108 | 311 |
20041 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7019 | 128.8956 | 341 |
20042 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7022 | 128.8981 | 371 |
20043 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7028 | 128.8953 | 321 |
20047 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7014 | 128.8878 | 351 |
20048 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.7028 | 128.8875 | 331 |
20049 | Xing’an park, Yichun, Heilongjiang province | 47.6947 | 128.8972 | 497 |
XXAL09070407 | Youhao district, Heilongjiang province | 48.1200 | 128.6600 | 322 |
XXAL09070406 | Sanhe forest, Youhao district, Heilongjiang province | 48.0200 | 128.5400 | 289 |
20022 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.3278 | 128.1228 | 861 |
20023 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.3303 | 128.1214 | 861 |
20024 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.3306 | 128.1217 | 851 |
00CB-19 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.1871 | 128.1700 | 1140 |
00CB-20 | Changbai mountain, Jilin province | 42.2203 | 128.1714 | 1075 |
20010 | Fusong, Jilin province | 42.0644 | 127.6583 | 881 |
20011 | Fusong, Jilin province | 42.0628 | 127.6600 | 861 |
20012 | Fusong, Jilin province | 42.0625 | 127.6592 | 851 |
图1 红皮云杉林乔木层针叶树和落叶阔叶树层片的重要值 PK-1-PK-8代表8个群丛; PK-I-PK-V代表5个群丛组。
Figure 1 Importance values of needleleaf trees and the layer of broadleaf trees of tree stratum in Picea koraiensis Forest Alliance PK-1-PK-8 represent the 8 associations; PK-I-PK-V represent the 5 association groups.
Association groups | Associations | Number of plots |
PK-I: Picea koraiensis + Abies nephrolepis + Pinus koraiensis - Shrub - Herb Evergreen Need- leleaf Forest | PK-1: Picea koraiensis + Abies nephrolepis + Pinus koraiensis - Lonicera chrysantha - Trigonotis radicans Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 6 |
PK-II: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii - Shurb - Herb Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | PK-2: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii - Rosa acicularis - Vaccinium vitis-idaea - Deyeuxia purpurea Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 8 |
PK-3: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii + Abies nephrolepis - Corylus mandshurica - Polygonatum humile Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 6 | |
PK-4: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii + Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica - Rosa acicularis - Vaccinium vitis-idaea - Carex lanceolata Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 5 | |
PK-III: Picea koraiensis + Pinus koraiensis - Broadleaf Tree - Shrub - Herb Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | PK-5: Picea koraiensis + Pinus koraiensis - Tilia amurensis - Eleutherococcus senticosus - Carex siderosticta Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 7 |
PK-6: Picea koraiensis + Pinus koraiensis + Abies nephrolepis - Fraxinus mandshurica - Eleutherococcus senticosus - Dryopteris crassirhizoma Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 8 | |
PK-IV: Picea koraiensis + Larix olgensis - Broadleaf Tree - Shrub - Herb Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | PK-7: Picea koraiensis + Larix olgensis - Acer ukurunduense - Rubus sachalinensis - Athyrium brevifrons Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 6 |
PK-V: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii - Betula platyphylla - Herb Mixed Needleleaf and Broad- leaf Forest | PK-8: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii - Betula platyphylla - Ostericum maximowiczii Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 3 |
表2 红皮云杉林群丛组和群丛分类方案
Table 2 A vegetation classification scheme of association groups and associations in Picea koraiensis Forest Alliance
Association groups | Associations | Number of plots |
PK-I: Picea koraiensis + Abies nephrolepis + Pinus koraiensis - Shrub - Herb Evergreen Need- leleaf Forest | PK-1: Picea koraiensis + Abies nephrolepis + Pinus koraiensis - Lonicera chrysantha - Trigonotis radicans Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 6 |
PK-II: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii - Shurb - Herb Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | PK-2: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii - Rosa acicularis - Vaccinium vitis-idaea - Deyeuxia purpurea Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 8 |
PK-3: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii + Abies nephrolepis - Corylus mandshurica - Polygonatum humile Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 6 | |
PK-4: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii + Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica - Rosa acicularis - Vaccinium vitis-idaea - Carex lanceolata Mixed Deciduous and Evergreen Needleleaf Forest | 5 | |
PK-III: Picea koraiensis + Pinus koraiensis - Broadleaf Tree - Shrub - Herb Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | PK-5: Picea koraiensis + Pinus koraiensis - Tilia amurensis - Eleutherococcus senticosus - Carex siderosticta Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 7 |
PK-6: Picea koraiensis + Pinus koraiensis + Abies nephrolepis - Fraxinus mandshurica - Eleutherococcus senticosus - Dryopteris crassirhizoma Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 8 | |
PK-IV: Picea koraiensis + Larix olgensis - Broadleaf Tree - Shrub - Herb Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | PK-7: Picea koraiensis + Larix olgensis - Acer ukurunduense - Rubus sachalinensis - Athyrium brevifrons Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 6 |
PK-V: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii - Betula platyphylla - Herb Mixed Needleleaf and Broad- leaf Forest | PK-8: Picea koraiensis + Larix gmelinii - Betula platyphylla - Ostericum maximowiczii Mixed Needleleaf and Broadleaf Forest | 3 |
图2 红皮云杉林样地与环境因子关系的冗余分析(RDA)二维排序图 PK-1-PK-8代表8个群丛。AET: 实际蒸散; MAP: 年平均降水量; MAT: 年平均温度; TCM: 最冷月平均温度
Figure 2 A redundancy analysis (RDA) biplot defined by the first two axes showing the relationship between the plots of Picea koraiensis Forest Alliance and environmental variables PK-1-PK-8 represent the 8 associations. AET: Actual evapotranspiration; MAP: Mean annual precipitation; MAT: Mean annual temperature; TCM: Mean temperature of the coldest month
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