Response Mechanism of Rice Mutant pe-1 to Low Light Stress

  • Jiahui Huang ,
  • Huimin Yang ,
  • Xinyu Chen ,
  • Chaoyu Zhu ,
  • Yanan Jiang ,
  • Chengxiang Hu ,
  • Jinjin Lian ,
  • Tao Lu ,
  • Mei Lu ,
  • Weilin Zhang ,
  • Yuchun Rao
  • College of Life Sciences, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua 321004, China

Received date: 2024-03-11

  Accepted date: 2024-05-07

  Online published: 2024-05-07


This study utilized the γ-ray-induced early-maturation, fresh-green mutant line pe-1 from indica rice as an experimental material. At the trilobal stage and the tillering stage, we observed differences in morphological characteristics between pe-1 and wild type. In addition, we measured the activity of antioxidant-related enzymes and their regulatory genes expression, chlorophyll content and chloroplast synthesis and degradation-related gene expression, and photomorphogenesis-related gene expression to detect the differences in the low light response between the pe-1 and wild type. The results showed that pe-1 exhibited less leaf yellowing, taller stature, and larger leaf area compared to wild type post-stress. The changes in chlorophyll content differed between leaves at the trilobal stage and the tillering stage. Additionally, pe-1 resulted in increased chlorophyll content and elevated levels of the stress-responsive enzymes catalase and peroxidase, as well as increased expression of related genes. This indicates enhanced reactive oxygen species sca- venging and stronger adaptability to adverse conditions under low light conditions. Moreover, pe-1 exhibited increased expression levels of genes associated with photomorphogenesis, indicating superior light perception ability under low light intensities. In summary, the pe-1 mutant shows immense potential for survival under low light stress, contributing to the breeding rice with low light tolerance.

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Jiahui Huang , Huimin Yang , Xinyu Chen , Chaoyu Zhu , Yanan Jiang , Chengxiang Hu , Jinjin Lian , Tao Lu , Mei Lu , Weilin Zhang , Yuchun Rao . Response Mechanism of Rice Mutant pe-1 to Low Light Stress[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2024 , 59(4) : 574 -584 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB24039


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