Establishment of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated Genetic Transformation System of Marigold (Tagetes erecta)
Received date: 2022-07-02
Accepted date: 2022-12-02
Online published: 2022-12-23
Key words: Agrobacterium tumefaciens; genetic transformation; leaflet; marigold
Yu Xiaomin, Wang Yaqin, Liu Yuhan, Yi Qingping, Cheng Wenhan, Zhu Yu, Duan Feng, Zhang Lixue, He Yanhong . Establishment of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated Genetic Transformation System of Marigold (Tagetes erecta)[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2023 , 58(5) : 760 -769 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB22141
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