Regulation of Rice Growth by Root-secreted Phytohormones
Received date: 2020-07-26
Accepted date: 2020-12-07
Online published: 2020-12-29
The phytohormones are important small molecules synthesized in plants, and their contents change as the external and internal conditions vary. Small volume of growth media used in the hydroculture will restrict the growth of plants, which is generally thought to be caused by the shortage of nutrients. In this study, we found that rice seedlings grew faster in the large volume of water culture system than that in the small volume of water culture system. We measured the contents of different plant hormones in culture medium and rice seedlings using liquid chromatography-mass spectrum (LC-MS). It was found that there were more stress-response related phytohormones such as ABA, SA and JA-Ile accumulated in the plants growing in the small volume water system than that in the large volume water system, and finally resulted in a low growth rate and a biomass decline. Therefore, we speculate that plants can sense the water resource through actively sensing the concentration of root-secreted phytohormones, and adjust growth and development to better adapt to the environment. The study will help to understand the physiological functions of root-secreted phytohormones and optimize the hydroculture conditions in the area of plant factory.
Key words: culture volume; phytohormones; root exudate; growth and development; rice
Qilu Yu, Jiangzhe Zhao, Xiaoxian Zhu, Kewei Zhang . Regulation of Rice Growth by Root-secreted Phytohormones[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2021 , 56(2) : 175 -182 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB20133
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