Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2023, Vol. 58 ›› Issue (3): 461-474.DOI: 10.11983/CBB22092
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Jia Zhang1,2†, Qidong Li2,3†, Cui Li2, Qinghai Wang2, Xincun Hou2, Chunqiao Zhao2, Shuhe Li1(), Qiang Guo2(
About author:
†These authors contributed equally to this paper
Jia Zhang, Qidong Li, Cui Li, Qinghai Wang, Xincun Hou, Chunqiao Zhao, Shuhe Li, Qiang Guo. Research Progress on MATE Transporters in Plants[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2023, 58(3): 461-474.
Figure 1 Phylogenetic tree of MATE/DTXs proteins The sources of MATE/DTXs are as follows: Arabidopsis thaliana (At), Camelina sativa (Cs), Eutrema salsugineum (Es), Thellungiella halophila (Th), Brassica rapa (Br), B. napus (Bn), Raphanus sativus (Rs), Rehmannia glutinosa (Rg), Tarenaya hassleriana (Tah), Secale cereale (Sc), Prunus mume (Pm), Jatropha curcas (Jc), Populus euphratica (Pe), P. trichocarpa (Pt), Prunus dulcis (Pd), P. persica (Pp), Theobroma cacao (Tc), P. alba (Pa), Brachypodium distachyon (Bd), Pistacia vera (Pv), Chenopodium quinoa (Cq), Hibiscus syriacus (Hs), Triticum aestivum (Ta), Hordeum vulgare (Hv), Aegilops tauschii (Aet), Panicum virgatum (Pav), Setaria italica (Si), Hevea brasiliensis (Hb), Mangifera indica (Mi), Pyrus bretschneideri (Pb), Camellia sinensis (Cas), Manihot esculenta (Me), Ricinus communis (Rc), Gossypium hirsutum (Gh), G. arboreum (Ga), Durio zibethinus (Dz), Citrus sinensis (Cis), C. clementina (Cc), Nicotiana tabacum (Nt), Solanum tuberosum (St), Oryza sativa (Os), Glycine max (Gm), Arachis hypogaea (Ah), Zea mays (Zm), Vitis vinifera (Vv), Medicago truncatula (Mt), Malus domestica (Md), M. sativa (Ms), Vigna umbellata (Vu), Fragaria x ananassa (Fa), Synechocystis sp. (Syn), Haemophilus ducreyi (Hdu), Bacillus cereus (Bce), Vibrio cholerae (Vch), Escherichia coli (Eco), Salmonella typhimurium (Sty), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sce), Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Spo), Shigella flexneri (Sfl), Citrobacter koseri (Cko), Streptococcus pneumoniae (Spn), and Bacillus subtilis (Bsu). Multiple alignment was performed by the Clustal W. A phylogenetic tree of MATE/DTXs was constructed by the neighbor-joining algorithm using MEGA 6.0 software.
基因名称 | 物种 | 功能 | 参考文献 | |
AtDTX43 | 拟南芥 | 调节铁稳态 | Durrett et al., | |
OsFRDL1 | 水稻 | 调节铁稳态 | Yokosho et al., | |
ScFRDL1 | 黑麦 | 调节铁稳态 | Yokosho et al., | |
AtDTX25 | 拟南芥 | 调节铁稳态 | Hoang et al., | |
AhFRDL1 | 花生 | 调节铁稳态 | Qiu et al., | |
MsMATE1 | 苜蓿 | 调节铁稳态 | 高铭等, | |
OsPEZ2 | 水稻 | 调节铁稳态 | Bashir et al., | |
HvAACT1 | 大麦 | 铝解毒 | Furukawa et al., | |
SbMATE | 高粱 | 铝解毒 | Magalhaes et al., | |
AtDTX42 | 拟南芥 | 铝解毒 | Liu et al., | |
PvMATEa/b | 豇豆 | 铝解毒 | Rangel et al., | |
VuMATE2 | 赤小豆 | 铝解毒 | Liu, | |
ZmMATE1 | 玉米 | 铝解毒 | Maron et al., | |
ScFRDL2 | 黑麦 | 铝解毒 | Yokosho et al., | |
OsFRDL4 | 水稻 | 铝解毒 | Yokosho et al., | |
BoMATE | 甘蓝 | 铝解毒 | 吴新新, | |
MsMATE | 苜蓿 | 铝解毒 | 张宝云, | |
GmMATE2 | 丹波黑大豆 | 铝解毒 | 胡俊等, | |
CsMATE9 | 茶树 | 铝解毒 | 陈益, | |
GmMATE13 | 大豆 | 铝解毒 | 龚莉, | |
AtDTX1 | 拟南芥 | 响应镉胁迫 | Li et al., | |
AtDTX19 | 拟南芥 | 外排四甲基铵 | Diener et al., | |
AtDTX6 | 拟南芥 | 外排百草枯 | Xia et al., | |
AtDTX41 | 拟南芥 | 转运花青素前体 | Marinova, | |
MtMATE1 | 蒺藜苜蓿 | 转运E3′G | Zhao and Dixon, | |
MtMATE2 | 蒺藜苜蓿 | 转运类黄酮 | Zhao et al., | |
FaTT12-1 | 草莓 | 转运原花青素 | Chen et al., | |
NtMATE3 | 烟草 | 转运尼古丁 | Shitan et al., | |
NtMATE1 | 烟草 | 转运生物碱 | Shoji et al., | |
AtDTX18 | 拟南芥 | 参与抗病 | Dobritzsch et al., | |
OsMATE1 | 水稻 | 参与抗病 | Tiwari et al., | |
OsMATE2 | 水稻 | 参与抗病 | Tiwari et al., | |
AtDTX51 | 拟南芥 | 参与生长素合成 | Li et al., | |
AtDTX50 | 拟南芥 | 转运脱落酸 | Zhang et al., | |
OsDTX54 | 水稻 | 转运脱落酸 | Qin et al., | |
AtDTX47 | 拟南芥 | 转运水杨酸 | Nawrath et al., | |
AtDTX33 | 拟南芥 | 转运Cl- | Zhang et al., | |
AtDTX35 | 拟南芥 | 转运Cl- | Zhang et al., | |
OsBIG1 | 水稻 | 转运Cl- | Ren et al., |
Table 1 MATE/DTXs genes in higher plants
基因名称 | 物种 | 功能 | 参考文献 | |
AtDTX43 | 拟南芥 | 调节铁稳态 | Durrett et al., | |
OsFRDL1 | 水稻 | 调节铁稳态 | Yokosho et al., | |
ScFRDL1 | 黑麦 | 调节铁稳态 | Yokosho et al., | |
AtDTX25 | 拟南芥 | 调节铁稳态 | Hoang et al., | |
AhFRDL1 | 花生 | 调节铁稳态 | Qiu et al., | |
MsMATE1 | 苜蓿 | 调节铁稳态 | 高铭等, | |
OsPEZ2 | 水稻 | 调节铁稳态 | Bashir et al., | |
HvAACT1 | 大麦 | 铝解毒 | Furukawa et al., | |
SbMATE | 高粱 | 铝解毒 | Magalhaes et al., | |
AtDTX42 | 拟南芥 | 铝解毒 | Liu et al., | |
PvMATEa/b | 豇豆 | 铝解毒 | Rangel et al., | |
VuMATE2 | 赤小豆 | 铝解毒 | Liu, | |
ZmMATE1 | 玉米 | 铝解毒 | Maron et al., | |
ScFRDL2 | 黑麦 | 铝解毒 | Yokosho et al., | |
OsFRDL4 | 水稻 | 铝解毒 | Yokosho et al., | |
BoMATE | 甘蓝 | 铝解毒 | 吴新新, | |
MsMATE | 苜蓿 | 铝解毒 | 张宝云, | |
GmMATE2 | 丹波黑大豆 | 铝解毒 | 胡俊等, | |
CsMATE9 | 茶树 | 铝解毒 | 陈益, | |
GmMATE13 | 大豆 | 铝解毒 | 龚莉, | |
AtDTX1 | 拟南芥 | 响应镉胁迫 | Li et al., | |
AtDTX19 | 拟南芥 | 外排四甲基铵 | Diener et al., | |
AtDTX6 | 拟南芥 | 外排百草枯 | Xia et al., | |
AtDTX41 | 拟南芥 | 转运花青素前体 | Marinova, | |
MtMATE1 | 蒺藜苜蓿 | 转运E3′G | Zhao and Dixon, | |
MtMATE2 | 蒺藜苜蓿 | 转运类黄酮 | Zhao et al., | |
FaTT12-1 | 草莓 | 转运原花青素 | Chen et al., | |
NtMATE3 | 烟草 | 转运尼古丁 | Shitan et al., | |
NtMATE1 | 烟草 | 转运生物碱 | Shoji et al., | |
AtDTX18 | 拟南芥 | 参与抗病 | Dobritzsch et al., | |
OsMATE1 | 水稻 | 参与抗病 | Tiwari et al., | |
OsMATE2 | 水稻 | 参与抗病 | Tiwari et al., | |
AtDTX51 | 拟南芥 | 参与生长素合成 | Li et al., | |
AtDTX50 | 拟南芥 | 转运脱落酸 | Zhang et al., | |
OsDTX54 | 水稻 | 转运脱落酸 | Qin et al., | |
AtDTX47 | 拟南芥 | 转运水杨酸 | Nawrath et al., | |
AtDTX33 | 拟南芥 | 转运Cl- | Zhang et al., | |
AtDTX35 | 拟南芥 | 转运Cl- | Zhang et al., | |
OsBIG1 | 水稻 | 转运Cl- | Ren et al., |
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