Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2015, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (1): 72-82.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1259.2015.00072
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Qiao Cheng1, 2, Jie Le2, *, Jianguo Zeng1, *
Le Jie,Zeng Jianguo
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? These authors contributed equally to this paper
Qiao Cheng, Jie Le, Jianguo Zeng. Morphology and Developmental Anatomy of Medicinal Plant Macleaya cordata[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2015, 50(1): 72-82.
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Figure 1 External morphology and leaf epidermis observation of Macleaya cordata (A)-(D) The overall view of one (A), eight (B), twelve (C)- and sixteen (D)-week old plants; (E) Illustration of inflorescence; (F) Part of young inflorescence; (G) Part of mature inflorescence; (H) Flower; (I) Stamens; (J) Pistil; (K) Mature capsule; (L) External morphology of capsule; (M) Internal morphology of capsule; (N) External morphology of seeds; (O) Internal morphology of seeds; (P) Upper surface of leaf one to seven from eight-week-old seedlings; (Q) Lower surface of leaf from one to seven eight-week-old seedlings; (R) Upper epidermis; (S) Lower epidermis. (R), (S) Bar=100 μm
Figure 2 Developmental anatomy of Macleaya cordata roots (A) Seedlings of Macleaya cordata, an arrow points to the position of section; (B) The cross section shows the primary structure of a 4-week-old root, shows the epidermis, cortex and stele; (C) The cross section of a 6-week-old root shows the primary structure to secondary structure; (D) The secondary structure of a 8-week-old root shows the mature metaxylem vessels; (E) The secondary structure of a 10-week-old root shows vascular ray; (F) The secondary structure of a 12-week-old root shows vascular cambium; (G) The secondary structure of a 13-week-old root, showing xylon fiber; (H) The secondary structure of 14-week-old root shows secondary xylem and secondary phloem; (I) The secondary structure of a 16-week-old root shows pericycle; (J) The secondary structure of a 20-week-old root, arrows indicate the crevices in periderm (arrows); Oranges dots in sections are putative accumulation of alkaloids (red arrows). e: Epidermis; c: Cortex; st: Stele; pxy: Primary xylem; pph: Primary phloem; mv: Metaxylem vessels; vr: Vascular ray; vca: Vascular cambium; xf: Xylon fiber; sxy: Secondary xylem; sph: Secondary phloem; pe: Pericycle. (B)-(H) Bar=100 μm; (I) Bar=250 μm; (J) Bar=300 μm
Figure 3 Developmental anatomy of Macleaya cordata stem (A) Part of Macleaya cordata seedlings, an arrow points to the position of section; (B) The cross section of a 6-week-old primary meristem in the stem shows the cortex, epidermis, pith and vascular bundle; (C) Epidermis of stem; (D) Enlarged image shows the epidermis and cortex; (E) The cross section of a 8-week-old primary meristem in the stem shows the differentiation of protoxylem vesseIs and protophloem sieve tubes; (F) The cross section of a 12-week-old stem shows primary xylem, primary phloem and vascular cambium of stem; (G) Secondary structure of a 16-week-old stem shows phloem fiber; (H) The structure of a 20-week-old stem shows vascular ray. Oranges dots in sections are putative accumulation of alkaloids (red arrows). Pi: Pith; pr: Pith ray; e: Epidermis; c: Cortex; vab: Vascular bundle; v: VesseIs; st: Sieve tubes; vca: Vascular cambium; pxy: Primary xylem; pph: Primary phloem; pf: Phloem fiber. (B)-(D) Bar=100 μm; (E)-(H) Bar=200 μm
Figure 4 The structure of Macleaya cordata leaf and petiole (A) Image of a leaf; Arrows from bottom to the top point to the positions of section at petioles near blade (panel D, G, J), middle (panel E, H, K), near stem (panel F, I, L) and leaf blade (panel B and C); (B) Palisade and spongy cells in leaves; (C) Vascular bundles include vascular cambium, xylogen, phloem and phloem fiber; (D)-(F) The cross sections of different location on the first petioles; (G)-(I) The cross section of different location on the fifth petioles; (J)-(L) The cross section of different location on the tenth petioles; Orange coloured cells in sections are putative accumulation of alkaloids (red arrows). e: Epidermis; c: Cortex; vab: Vascular bundle; vca: Vascular cambium; pf: Phloem fiber; xy: Xylogen; ph: Phloem; eh: Epidermal hair; pa: Palisade; s: Spongy. (B)-(I) Bar=200 μm; (J) Bar=50 μm; (K) Bar=100 μm; (L) Bar=1 mm
Figure 5 Histochemical localization of alkaloids in Macleaya cordata roots, stems and petioles (A)-(C) Cross sections from 6-, 12-, and 20-week-old roots, respectively; (D)-(F) Images of above root samples stained with Dragendorff reagents; (G)-(I) Cross sections from the 6-, 12-, and 20-week-old stems, respectively; (J)-(L) Images of above stem samples stained with Dragendorff reagents; (M)-(O) The stained sections of a petiole at the position near blade, middle, and near stem; (P)-(R) Alkaloide histochemical localization confirmed by UV-fluorescence; A bright-field image of a root section (P), Fluorescent image after UV stimulation (Q); UV-stimulated fluorescence were not observed after Dragendorff reagent staining (R); (S)-(U) Solvent treatment abolished the UV-stimulated fluorescence; A bright-field image of a root section (S), Image of UV-stimulated fluorescence (T). Fluorescence from alkaloid accumulations were abolished by a treatment with a mixed solvent of 1% hydrochloric acid: methyl alcohol (U). Blue arrows point to the alkaloid accumulations. (A) Bar=100 μm; (B), (C) Bar=200 μm; (D) Bar=100 μm; (E), (F) Bar=200 μm; (G)-(L) Bar=100 μm; (M)-(O) Bar=200 μm; (P)-(U) Bar=100 μm
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