Chinese Bulletin of Botany ›› 2020, Vol. 55 ›› Issue (1): 9-20.DOI: 10.11983/CBB19133
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Xianjun Lai1,Yizheng Zhang2,Yinghong Gu2,Lang Yan1,*()
Lang Yan
Xianjun Lai,Yizheng Zhang,Yinghong Gu,Lang Yan. Transformation of Insect Derived Antifreeze Gene into Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas) and Enhanced Its Freeze-tolerance[J]. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 2020, 55(1): 9-20.
Figure 1 Transformation system of sweet potato (A), (B) Sweet potato embryogenic suspension cells at 18 and 22 weeks cultivated in MS+0.2 mg·L-1 2,4-D liquid medium, respectively; (C) Sweet potato embryogenic suspension cells at 8 weeks cultivated in MS+0.2 mg·L-1 2,4-D solid medium; (D) Sweet potato seedlings regenerated from somatic embryo. (A), (B), (D) Bars=1 cm; (C) Bar=4 cm
Treatment | Components (mg·L-1) | Number of seedlings in average | * | ** |
1 | MS | 44.8±5.22 | a | A |
2 | MS+ABA1.0 | 33.6±5.18 | b | AB |
3 | MS+GA31.0 | 30.2±4.73 | bc | B |
4 | MS+ABA1.0+GA31.0 | 23.2±6.29 | c | B |
5 | MS+ABA4.0+GA31.0 | 21.8±6.58 | c | B |
Table 1 Effect of different somatic embryo maturation medium on the regenerated seedlings
Treatment | Components (mg·L-1) | Number of seedlings in average | * | ** |
1 | MS | 44.8±5.22 | a | A |
2 | MS+ABA1.0 | 33.6±5.18 | b | AB |
3 | MS+GA31.0 | 30.2±4.73 | bc | B |
4 | MS+ABA1.0+GA31.0 | 23.2±6.29 | c | B |
5 | MS+ABA4.0+GA31.0 | 21.8±6.58 | c | B |
Figure 2 Effects of herbicide and antibiotic in different concentrations on embryogenic callus and regenerated seedlings of sweet potato (A) Sweet potato embryogenic suspension cells at 8 weeks cultivated in selective medium. The medium from left to right was MS+0.2 mg·L-1 2,4-D with 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 mg·L-1 GAP, respectively; (B) Embryogenic suspension cells at 6 weeks (the first and second from left to right) and 8 weeks (the third and fourth). The medium were MS+0.2 mg·L-1 2,4-D (the first and third) MS+0.2 mg·L-1 2,4-D+100 mg·L-1 Carb (the second and fourth); (C) Embryogenic suspension cells at 8 weeks, the medium are MS+0.2 mg·L-1 2,4-D+100 mg·L-1 Carb with 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 mg·L-1 GAP, respectively; (D) Huachano stem tips cultivated 0 day and 3 weeks on medium of MS+0.2 mg·L-1 2,4-D+0.8 mg·L-1 GAP+100 mg·L-1 Carb, respectively. (A), (B), (C) Bars=1 cm; (D) Bar=2 cm
Figure 3 Sweet potato resistant somatic embryo and the regeneration of transgenic plants (A) Sweet potato embryogenic suspension cells cultivated in MS+0.2 mg·L-1 2,4-D liquid medium at 28°C for 32 weeks; (B) Embryogenic callus cultivated in selective and non-selective medium for 4 weeks, a-c: Embryogenic callus cultivated in selective medium (MS+0.2 mg·L-1 2,4-D+100 mg·L-1 Carb+0.8 mg·L-1 GAP), resistant callus was marked by arrows; d: Embryogenic callus cultivated in control medium without herbicide; (C) The processes of transgenic plant regeneration, a: Reproductive tissue; b: Bud; c: Leaf; d: Seedling; e: Reproductive plant. Bars=1 cm
Figure 4 Detection of TmAFP in the transgenic sweet potato plants (A) Screening with 1.0 mg·L-1 GAP (Line 4-12, 4-11, 4-10, 4-9: Resistant seedlings; Line 47-1, 47-2: Non-resistant seedlings; CK: Non-transgenic control); (B) Amplified 353-bp fragment of AFP gene (M: D2000 molecular weight marker; +CK: pSUIBEV3-AFP vector as positive control; -CK: Non-transgenic seedlings as negative control; Line 4-9, 4-10, 4-12: GAP resistant seedlings; Line 47-2: Non-resistant seedlings); (C) PCR detection of transgenic seedlings (+CK: Amplifying AFP gene using pSUIBEV3-AFP as template; -CK: Amplifying AFP gene using non-transgenic seedling; 4-9-AFP: Amplifying AFP gene in transgenic seedling; 4-9-RPB2: Amplifying RPB2 gene in transgenic seedling; -CK-RPB2: Amplifying RPB2 gene in non-transgenic seedling); (D) Southern blotting analysis (+CK: pCAMBIA-AFP vector as positive control; -CK: Non-transgenic seedlings as negative control; The others represent different transgenic seedling lines); (E) RT-PCR detection of transgenic seedlings (RP1, RP2: Transgenic seedlings with empty pCAMBIA vector; Line 4-12, 4-11, 44-1, 54-5: Transgenic seedlings with pCAMBIA-AFP vector).
Figure 5 Detection of freezing-tolerance ability of TmAFP transgenic sweet potato plants (A) Conductivity assay under different freeze-treatments (CK1: Non-transgenic control; CK2-4: Transgenic plants with empty vector; 4-9, 4-10, 4-11, 4-12, 44-1, 54-5: TmAFP transgenic lines; ** indicate extremely significant differences (P<0.01)); (B) Phenotypic changes of transgenic sweet potato plants and controls after 15 h treatment at -1°C (Overall: CK1, 4-9, 4-10, 4-11, 4-12 planted in the same pot; Non-transgenic: Zoomed in CK1; Transgenic: Zoomed in transgenic line 4-9). Bars=5 cm
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