收稿日期: 2023-03-13
录用日期: 2023-11-14
网络出版日期: 2023-12-04
Research Advances on Nuclear Genomes of Economically Important Trees of Lauraceae
Received date: 2023-03-13
Accepted date: 2023-11-14
Online published: 2023-12-04
近年来, 随着测序技术的革新、测序成本的降低和生物信息学软件的开发, 植物全基因组研究蓬勃发展。樟科(Lauraceae)隶属被子植物木兰类, 泛热带分布, 物种多样性高, 其中很多物种具有重要的经济和生态价值, 目前已发表包括8个物种的13个基因组。该文从樟科全基因组研究现状、基因组特征、起源和进化以及功能基因和基因家族4个方面进行综述, 着重介绍基于组学数据的木兰类及樟科的系统发生、樟科经历的多倍化事件以及与樟科花器官进化和代谢产物相关的基因鉴定。结合研究现状展望了樟科基因组研究的发展方向, 建议通过增加测序基因组分支的代表性并关注具有特殊价值的物种, 及研究物种特异性功能基因以加深对该家族基因功能和进化的理解。
杨智 , 杨永 . 重要林木樟科植物全基因组测序研究进展[J]. 植物学报, 2024 , 59(2) : 302 -318 . DOI: 10.11983/CBB23035
With the rapid development of sequencing technology and bioinformatic analysis tools, the studies of plant genomes has been growing in an unprecedent speed. The family Lauraceae belongs to Magnoliids and is mainly found in pantropics with high species diversity. Species of this family are mostly woody and economically and ecologically important. Up to now, 13 genomes belonging to 8 species in the family Lauraceae have been published. Here, we review the recent advances on the published nuclear genomes of Lauraceae by focusing on their characteristics, evolution and phylogeny, and the functional genes and gene families. We highlight the recent achievements in the whole genome duplication events, and the genes/gene families related to the floral organ determination and metabolites in Lauraceae. Finally, we suggest further studies should be performed to improve our understanding of the function and evolution of this family by sequencing more species as well as more representative samples in all major clades, especially by tackling species with special value, and studying the species-specific functional genes.
Key words: Lauraceae; evolution; nuclear genome; function gene; phylogeny
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